Did you check to see of theyre growing upside down? You may need to help them out a bit. Take off a bit off soil and see what theyre up to.
I have seen messages where people claimed they had plants that grew down rather than up but I always have to question that. Plants are genetically coded so the growth that should be above ground will grow upwards and the growth that should grown downwards, root-mass, will grow down and out.
If a plant does not do that it is a Rainman plant, a 'Rainplant', a genetic flaw has to exist if the plant will make no attempt to grow upward. It is possible that an attempt is made and blocked by conditions but normally a healthy vigorous plant will be capable of breaking the surface on its own.
It not highly unusual for a planted germinated seed to not break the surface in only two days. Everyone of course wishes for and enjoys seeing their plants break the surface sooner but you can't rush Mother Nature ...... remember that Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was Syracuse.
A possibility is the beans were not fully viable since they were bagseed and they may lack the needed energy to break the surface. Herb grown to toke is not grown for fully viable beans. They may or may not exist, meaning fully viable beans and not just beans, and that is always a gamble with bagseed.
That is why I always climb on my soapbox and preach the same sermon of purchase professional genetics even if it is someone's first grow. There are more than enough inexpensive beans from professional breeders to pick from that no one should ever need to grow from bagseed. If someone cannot afford inexpensive beans they cannot afford all the rest that would go with a grow that would be needed for real success.
If using nonviable or only partially viable beans there can be any number of problems during a grow and a grower, especially a new one, can go mad dogs and Englishmen chasing their tail trying to figure out what mistake(s) they made growing when their only really mistake, or at least their biggest mistake, was to use bagseed to grow with.
There is more than enough to learn about growing cannabis plants without adding a mystery element to it.
Even if someone gets viable bagseed they still do not have all that much of an idea of what they are actually growing. It can be seen here almost daily, if not more often than just daily, where someone asks people to look at their pictures and tell them what strain it is or at least if it is predominantly sativa or indica or a 50/50 cross and then later they are back asking more questions about their mystery plants, like how many weeks should they flower them, and that continues until we see them asking it the plants are ready to harvest.
That is not always new growers and instead a number of times just people who do not have a clue what their mystery plants are and want and need.
Some people are totally in love with bagseed but over the years I have seen that most times they are people who either cannot afford professional breeder genetics or for some reason, possibly needless paranoia about ordering seeds or just being cheap, and they feel offended when the truth is told, as if they are being personally attacked, and they say all they can to make bagseed seem like the way to go, but other than that rare lightning can strike thing where someone does find a bean that is actually quality, most are mutts and genetic garbage. For one some people just assume if they purchase a bag and there is seeds in it there were male plants in the grow that were not removed, or not removed early enough, but they seem to seldom pause to consider that the beans might likely be due to hermis in the grow and then if they use that bagseed they are growing plants with the hermi trait ... which is one of the various problems that can come down the road using bagseed.
But to each their own.