Why won't they grow? :(


Active Member
This is my 5th attempt. Every time I've tried to grow, the plants have gotten about this big, then die. And I have NO idea why. I've tried every suggestion and STILL no luck. I wish there was just some way to pinpoint this problem and solve it once and for all.. It's just one problem, and as soon as I fix it, my babies to grow. But I need help to find out what the problem is so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me someone knows what my flaws are. Please. Thank you!



Active Member
The soil got a fresh watering before the picture was taken! Using jiffy potting soil in a 2.8 liter pot. Distiller water, and a pair of T8 Daylight fluorescent lights. I have a fox farm nutes for my plant, but dont need them until later on!


Well-Known Member
There could be a multitude of issues. Lighting, soil, watering, etc. We have no idea what you have or what you've tried.


Active Member
I also have miracle grow seedling soil! Is that better than the jiffy? I've heard otherwise


Active Member
Gotcha. My first attempt, I had way too much light and cut it back ALOT for the seedlings, so it must be the water or temp?


Active Member
It's always around 85-95 upstairs because the AC is currently broken, but I am growing kaya gold and they can withstand pretty harsh conditions


Active Member
is your pH ok, perhaps that could be a possible cause, best of luck bud! im not experienced enough to help you, about in same boat but I did kill mine off pretty early on as well with too high pH, I see your using distilled water though unlike my problematic seedlings water source, so just thought id still throw it out there.


Well-Known Member
as soon as they sprout you see green put a plastic dome over them.I use those cheap glad freezer containers from the supper market.I would get some miracle grow organic if you cant find better soil.they will damp off and die if too dry and drown if there too wet.just water a small amount around the seedling and check it every day.If you see some moisture on top of your plastic dome on the inside you usually have enough water.


Global Moderator
Staff member
For any meaningfull help you'll have to outline your grow specifically.
Lighting, temp, germ method, ph, etc . . .
Everything, not just the big things, the devil is in the details and there is something major going on if you cannot get past the seedling stage.

Pour your details out here & we'll collectively get this figured out.


Active Member
Location: TEXAS, US
Space: closet grow
Grow Type: CFL
Light source: two 16 watt CFL's(3200 lumens)
space between plant and light: 7-8 inches.
Water: distilled
humidity: 40% I'd assume
soil: miracle grow seedling soil
pot size: 2.8 liters
germ method: glass of water, then straight into the soil.(avoiding paper towel method)
light cycle: 18/6


Well-Known Member
^^ Nothing there that would lead to issues. Dig deeper, need more info.

Once you place seed into soil, how often do you water?