will any bat guano work?


Active Member
hi everyone i was wondering if where the bat guano comes from really matters i live in arizona and there is huge piles of it underneath a bridge i was wondering if i could use it


Active Member
hmmm thats a very good question lol... never thought about going out to the actualy source before. Tell us how that works out for you. Am a big fan of organics, Especially guano. just go light when you use the stuff i imagine that stuff is alot stronger than the stuff you get from the hydro shop lol. Maybe you should see what kidna bats they are and see what they eat so you could research the contents of their shit a little better to find out what amount of n and p it may have.


Well-Known Member
You should be able to have it tested at county exchange office as a soil sample. I'd just throw it on the compost pile. If the tomatoes like it, try it on the MJ.


Active Member
how would i be able to find out what is actually in it exactly?
they eat bugs and the bugs may eat other crap or suck blood or just eat other plants..
it really depends on the bat. if you can take a pic of the bat you see, run away, and then search online for species of bat. then find the image that looks closes. after that
you can check their eating habbits, ex: Giant Golden-crowned Flying-fox eating habbits.

but since there are a lot of species try searching for bat species in your country, or state, or w/e


Active Member
Listen harvesting bat guano is dangerous for your health if you don't know what you are doing. Just but the shit in a bag, seriously.


Well-Known Member
how would i be able to find out what is actually in it exactly?
Dude, you don't need to have it tested. I would almost guarantee that you are talking about "Mexican Freetail" bats. They eat insects and have a real high Nitrogen level in thier guano, something like 10-3-1.

In Jamaica and Indonesia, the bats eat fruit and have a real high Phosphorous level in thier guano, something like 1-10-0.

Just collect it and process it carefully! For real - do a little homework first!


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt mess with it. Your dealing with poop. Unsanitized and high potential for health issues if you deal with it much. Hell for $10 buy a bag of it. If you have a huge amount available research it for a business but not otherwise for a one person deal imo...
Its not like you intend on doing this for a living. Use a dust filter mask, and gather the shit up. But it wont be that good to use fresh, to hot. You will need to compost it first. If you do it in one big batch just pile it up and cover it with grass clippings or dried leaves, this is essential to cut the smell. Keep the pile moist and let it sit until next spring. It'll take time and investment, but in the end it will definitely be worth it