Will I be ok?


Well-Known Member
OK..... so I'm in the middle of a hurricane right now, and my strategy for potted outdoor plants has paid off... well kinda. See I was anticipating some bad weather this year, so I made sure my girls were transportable. The thing is I have had them with no light (overcast daylight, and were talking hurricane overcast through a frosted window), high humidity and in a 12x12' room since 9 this morn (18 hours ago) and I highly doubt they will be getting back outside under the sun until about sat morn. Will they be ok?? Do I need to do anything else? Personally I think they will be ok until Sat morn... but I'm not sure, never had this prob b4.

Please, Feedback would be greatly appreciated...



Active Member
you will lose those days growth but other than that no biggie. i am assuming your plants r in flowering, if not u could experience stress related problems i.e hermies, and other problems. just make sure to keep your eyes on the temperature. good luck.


Well-Known Member
Yes they are about a month in flower...

The 100% humidity shouldn't give me mold in 2-3 days would it? I think I'm OK on the temps.

Thanks guys
