Well-Known Member
Like most of you, I have been watching the polls swing back and forth constantly, with Clinton up this day, and the next day Trump catching up to make it a very close race. To me this say's a lot about this country as a whole, in the sense that how can such a dickwad be neck and neck with Clinton, who with whatever her flaws, still is the candidate with the most experience and aptitude to be POTUS. Why is that? The Clinton Foundation? Emails? Because she's a woman? You know what, in a vengeful way, I hope Trump gets elected, because if Americans are so fucking stupid to elect that charlitain, just like they elected GW Bush to 2 terms, they deserve whatever happens. So,let's just finish the job, elect Trump to lead this nation for the next 4 years (hopefully better than his casinos) and totally destroy this nation. Fuck it all.