Will they live?? Please help!!


Well-Known Member
I think the wilting is from the cold temps freezing the leaves, rupturing cells. Those frozen leaves will not come back but in time the plant may be able to recover. Just have to wait a little and see. Big time bummer.
I'm getting a lot of mixed opinions here on if its the cold or bug stuff lol.
what probably didn't help is for one it was cold but I also sprayed them out there so it may have almost frozen on them or something..not sure just guessing.
Thanks again for the replies guys.
as long as they recover eventually I will have to be thankful...I really don't want to lose my critical mass plant (front left).


Active Member
A few look OK. A few look like they are toast. Could go either way on a couple others.


Well-Known Member
just let them adjust, more changes now will stress them out just leave them in there normal growing conditions
Kk thanks John. I will just tend to them like normal and hope for the best.
I noticed one small piece at the very base is still looking fine. Does this mean it was the mite stuff rather then the cold?
I'm debating about taking a clipping from the base to try and keep the strain alive.


Well-Known Member
WTF did you spray them with?
I don't think just 20 mins would do THAT much damage.
Just put them back in your regular room, and let them recover on their own if they will.
Not much you can do to help at this point.


Active Member
Are you sure Doug?!
should I put a space heater in temporarily?!
im always cautious of temps in my room but stupidly left them in -20 c to mite bomb them (about 20mins). Was trying to protect my animals should have thought more about the girls :(
Pets>weed plants any day. I agree with Doug, I'm sure they'll bounce back if the cold snap is over.
They all lived!!! Quite the slow recovery but none of them didn't make it !! Will take a while till there happy again but at least they lived! Lol