Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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I get it, it's a numbers game for you. I respect that. Just be sure to be clear about what those small numbers could lead too. A lot of vaccine advocates are busy saying that no one is dying or getting paralyzed, except that they are, albeit as you've pointed out, in small percentages. Personally I want to see a bit more time go by before we compare all the numbers. I'm not here to put anyone down because of their positions, like much of the mob mentality in this thread seems to be. Have fun with it kids.
Not what "they" are saying. This is what the CDC says:

"To date, VAERS has not detected patterns in cause of death that would indicate a safety problem with COVID-19 vaccines."

Just yesterday, there were 60,000 new cases of Covid and 580 people died. None of them had been vaccinated. I guess your two year college degree in theater didn't cover competing risk models.

Some union people object to the safety policies their own union negotiated for. Some people have a hard time seeing the big picture.
Just yesterday, there were 60,000 new cases of Covid and 580 people died. None of them had been vaccinated. I guess your two year college degree in theater didn't cover competing risk models.
My degree isn't in theater. Turns out that skills in my profession are more important than the degree I hold. Thanks for playing though.

you still are ignorant. Our education system failed you.
I've been thinking about taking classes again, and getting my business degree. So many online options these days makes it easier. Maybe I'll finally get smart. Two degrees are always better than one.
A few years ago I had a job offer at University of Idaho, and part of their incentive was that you could take classes for $1/unit or something like that. The guy who would have been my boss was just finishing his masters there with that program. I ended up declining the job, because I wanted to stay in Cali. I likely could have done financially better there, but there are too many republicans, guns, and racists in that area for my liking.
A few years ago I had a job offer at University of Idaho, and part of their incentive was that you could take classes for $1/unit or something like that. The guy who would have been my boss was just finishing his masters there with that program. I ended up declining the job, because I wanted to stay in Cali. I likely could have done financially better there, but there are too many republicans, guns, and racists in that area for my liking.
Don't waste your time. You'll just argue with the professors.
Well this lab rat had his shot yesterday evening and I'm happy to report I'm still alive today. Sadly though, my plants outdoors didn't fare quite as well last night. Would cal-mag help it? Here's a photo I took minutes ago:

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I just planted a bunch of strawberries too. Looks like they are going to make it though. I feel for the apple farmers this year though. This might mess them up bad. My trees were just starting their blooms when we got dumped on.

I've been thinking about taking classes again, and getting my business degree. So many online options these days makes it easier. Maybe I'll finally get smart. Two degrees are always better than one.
If you want to get smarter, get a STEM degree.
Laminate it, you'll need it for awhile: to get or keep a job, leave the country, fly on a plane, go to a concert or school. You'll need it for your healthcare insurance too, to not pay a big covid premium for being stupid. Also to have any contact with children who are unvaccinated and if you do, wear a mask anyway, even if vaccinated. If you lose your card you will have to pay for an antigen test to prove immunity, make sure you keep that one. Taking a picture of the fucking thing with your cellphone might be useful too.
You've been vaccinated. So what should you do with your vaccine record card? - CBS News
You've been vaccinated. So what should you do with your vaccine card?

More than 100 million Americans have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine shot. The proof? A 4-by-3-inch paper "vaccination record card" issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In a post-pandemic world, that humble card for those who are fully vaccinated could become an important document used for travel, attending events, returning to the post-pandemic office and other purposes. At least a dozen colleges and universities have already announced that they'll require students to become immunized before they return to campus in the fall. Companies are currently weighing whether they will require employees and patrons to present proof of vaccination as a condition of employment or engaging in business.

In the meantime, here's what experts say you should know about vaccination cards.
Steve Kornacki Breaks Down U.S. Vaccination Rate Compared To Rest Of World

How many Americans have received at least one dose of the Covid vaccine? And how does that compare to other countries? Steve Kornacki crunches the numbers at the big board. Aired on 04/21/2021.
The UK variant (B.1.1.7.) is not the worst or most contagious variant on the loose in North America, there is a more dangerous Brazilian variant and one out of India that might be even worse. Adults need to get vaccinated to protect children, as well as themselves, this could get ugly real fast when kids get sick and die. This is just mostly the UK variant that is more contagious, but not more virulent or lethal, it does infect children at an alarming rate with symptomatic disease though.

The debate on vaccine hesitancy has a new factor, children and new variants, there is now another moral and social responsibility for adults to get vaccinated. It's time for some folks to clean the shit out of their heads and come back to reality, those who refuse to wear masks and get vaccinated will be shunned by parents everywhere. If unvaccinated republican grandpa and grandma wanna visit the grand kids, though luck.
COVID variants are hitting US young hard | Coronavirus pandemic News | Al Jazeera

COVID variants are hitting US young hard
Faster-spreading COVID variants are sending children and young adults to hospital with serious symptoms.

The pediatrician told Melissa Zajacz of Medina, Ohio, that her 13-year-old son, Spencer, would be back to school in two weeks after he was diagnosed with Covid-19. Then came more trips to the doctor, fevers over 104 degrees and two visits to the Cleveland Clinic emergency room.

Spencer’s case, involving the B.1.1.7. variant, has kept him mostly bedridden and suffering headaches and swollen ankles since March 17. “There is no cure, so they offer support care,” said Melissa Zajacz. “He hasn’t been to school in a month. He’s a healthy, athletic kid, and he’s miserable.”

Throughout previous waves of Covid, children and young adults eluded the pandemic’s gravest consequences, exhibiting mild symptoms or none at all. Now faster-spreading variants are sending more to the hospital. Fatalities remain low, but doctors say the virus is now making the young sicker, some gravely.

Cautionary tales are beginning to multiply. University of Alabama students are mourning the death of the basketball team’s unofficial mascot, Luke Ratliff, a 23-year-old plaid-clad campus fixture. The student affectionately known as Fluffopotamus died from Covid-19 complications early this month as the team went on an NCAA tournament run.

In Michigan, where Covid-19 is spreading at one of the planet’s fastest rates — an average of almost 8,000 new cases a day — hospitals are seeing far more youths. The state’s Department of Health and Human Services reported 50 pediatric cases in hospitals Thursday, the most since the post-holiday surge in early January.

“Statewide, the hospitalization rates are higher, therefore they must be sicker,” said Rudolph Valentini, chief medical officer for Children’s Hospital of Michigan in Detroit. “We’re seeing more kids coming to ER across the state. Some are in ICU, and some require mechanical ventilation.”

The new Covid-19 variants are more contagious and hit young people harder than the original virus that emerged more than a year ago, when people under 30 often showed no symptoms.

“We are seeing patients 20, 25, 35 who are quite ill with Covid,” Robert Riney, chief operating officer for Henry Ford Health System, said in an April 8 briefing. “The good news is the mortality rates are lower, but these are not light cases.”

The same trend is showing up across the U.S. as young people, who often aren’t yet vaccinated, spread and contract the virus through school sports and social gatherings. Most states have focused vaccination efforts on residents over 65 because they’re most vulnerable.

‘Very Different’
Illinois’s state-supported mass vaccination sites are opening appointments for college students because younger people are driving its recent surge. The state’s highest case counts in April have been among 20-somethings, after cases in the 18- to 24-year-old age group doubled over the last month, according to the Illinois Department of Public Health.

At a news briefing last week, Allison Arwady, Chicago Public Health Department commissioner, said the city is “seeing more of the increased hospitalizations among people under 50 — very different from what we had seen previously.”
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