Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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You are really resorting to weak insults today, eh Foggy? Are you losing your edge or just feeling under the weather?
No, I accurately described your post.

You keep fretting over the well tracked and chronicled adverse reactions that I agree are horrible. Although the CDC has not detected patterns in cause of death that would indicate a safety problem with COVID-19, perhaps few dozen people, out of 85 million vaccinated, have had a serious problem due to the vaccine. I see that that prospect frightens you.

Just yesterday, there were 65,000 new cases of Covid. About one third of them suffer from long haul syndromes that are every bit as frightening of the stuff you posted. So, 10,000 people, at least are going to be in very bad shape due to a preventable disease. That's in one day.

Yeah, if you refuse the vaccine for safety reasons, you are clueless. That's not an insult, its an accurate description.
Laminate it, you'll need it for awhile: to get or keep a job, leave the country, fly on a plane, go to a concert or school. You'll need it for your healthcare insurance too, to not pay a big covid premium for being stupid. Also to have any contact with children who are unvaccinated and if you do, wear a mask anyway, even if vaccinated. If you lose your card you will have to pay for an antigen test to prove immunity, make sure you keep that one. Taking a picture of the fucking thing with your cellphone might be useful too.
You've been vaccinated. So what should you do with your vaccine record card? - CBS News
You've been vaccinated. So what should you do with your vaccine card?

More than 100 million Americans have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine shot. The proof? A 4-by-3-inch paper "vaccination record card" issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In a post-pandemic world, that humble card for those who are fully vaccinated could become an important document used for travel, attending events, returning to the post-pandemic office and other purposes. At least a dozen colleges and universities have already announced that they'll require students to become immunized before they return to campus in the fall. Companies are currently weighing whether they will require employees and patrons to present proof of vaccination as a condition of employment or engaging in business.

In the meantime, here's what experts say you should know about vaccination cards.
You could also snap a picture with your phone, rather than laminate.

I thought I might get my second jab sooner but they opened up the AZ vaccine to people 40 and up. It’s actually a good thing as now my wife (and many others) can get the first shot. Hopefully Incle Joe will give us some of those AZ vaccines sitting in storage.
there are literally more deaths per week from aspirin than all of the cases combined that have had negative side effects from the vaccine, but i bet this dumb dumb still has at least one bottle of it laying around the house
It's funny when we talk about 40,000 gun deaths in this country they talk about "well, there's 40,000 car deaths too so lets ban cars".

But it comes to 6 cases of blood clots out of 7 million doses and all of a sudden is genocide.
It's funny when we talk about 40,000 gun deaths in this country they talk about "well, there's 40,000 car deaths too so lets ban cars".

But it comes to 6 cases of blood clots out of 7 million doses and all of a sudden is genocide.
The radical right would rather a chinese virus than an american made vaccine. This tells you everything you need to know about their party/cult
You could also snap a picture with your phone, rather than laminate.

I thought I might get my second jab sooner but they opened up the AZ vaccine to people 40 and up. It’s actually a good thing as now my wife (and many others) can get the first shot. Hopefully Incle Joe will give us some of those AZ vaccines sitting in storage.
What gives? It's cold enough up there to keep a case of AZ on the back porch.
No shit. It’s 1C this morning and it feels like -5, FFS.

The problem isn’t storage it’s that we can’t get vaccines that were ordered months ago.
Home grown is best for pot and vaccines, it's a done deal, we're getting back into the vaccine business and so will other countries. We will share research and resources on the front end but, everybody can manufacture more than enough for their own needs. We already have mRNA vaccine manufacturing capacity and the government is looking for more manufactures to setup production facilities here.

This oversight will cost hundreds if not thousands of Canadian lives and no government will stand that does not address it head on. We always prepare for the last war and in 5 years pandemic response will be a whole different game globally. It's basically just respiratory diseases we need to be most concerned about, those are the most contagious, so domestic PPE and mask manufacturing and stock piles rotated out to hospitals to keep shit fresh. Those screaming SOCIALISM can go fuck themselves, if it cuts into private sales of imported PPE.

It looks like the current pandemic will continue until they develop a "kill shot" vaccine that traps the virus evolutionarily. They already have such a vaccine in development and the Captain posted it on this thread.
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What if I was paralyzed from the neck up? lol

Anyway, nothing to report. In the interest of science, I even smoked a big joint the evening of 420 after getting my vaccine to see if the two can be safely combined. Nothing negative, but felt really high though as expected.
Ditto, but I preferred a bowl and it was 4/21.
Here, use this to cut these antivaccer morons, selfish chicken shits and malicious anti social personality assholes, off at the knees. Facts won't matter though, they will dismiss the credible source and believe Trump, there ain't a cure for stupid and evil.
Covid-19 shots not found to have caused deaths that followed vaccinations | Fact Check (afp.com)

Covid-19 shots not found to have caused deaths that followed vaccinations
Social media posts claim there have been 3,005 “Covid vaccine deaths” since December 1, 2020. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says it has received that many reports of deaths among people who took a Covid-19 vaccine, but found no evidence of the immunizations contributing to the fatalities.

“December 1, 2020 - April 13, 2021 4+ months TOTAL COVID VACCINE DEATHS = 3,005,” says an April 18, 2021 Instagram post that claims the figure exceeds “ALL VACCINE DEATHS” from the preceding 13-plus years.

A screenshot of an Instagram post taken on April 20, 2021
Other examples of the claim appear on Facebook here and here and on Instagram here.

The claim is part of a flood of inaccurate information about vaccines that is spreading online as nations seek to immunize people against Covid-19.

The disease -- which has killed more than three million people worldwide -- sparked a major vaccination campaign in the United States, with more than 211 million Covid-19 shots administered so far.

A CDC webpage says that, from December 14, 2020 through April 12, 2021, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) “received 3,005 reports of death... among people who received a Covid-19 vaccine.”

But it adds: “A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths.”

A description of VAERS says it “contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following immunization with US-licensed vaccines,” and accepts reports from health care providers, vaccine manufacturers, and the general public.

The CDC, which runs the VAERS program with the Food and Drug Administration, previously told AFP that the system “accepts all reports of adverse events after vaccination, without regard to whether or not the vaccine caused the event.”

“Because of this and other limitations, data in VAERS generally can’t be used to determine if a vaccine caused the adverse event (including deaths),” it said.

AFP Fact Check has debunked other inaccurate claims related to VAERS here.