Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Me too. I feel like I have a new lease on life. Like a Boulder has been lifted off my shoulders and now I can live again !

Glad a major stressor has been removed from your life and work, it often feels like a weight lifting from the shoulders when accumulated stress is suddenly relieved.

I get the Pfizer jab tomorrow and I've adapted my behaviors over the past year to avoid infection, I'll continue to do so, but I'll feel a lot better about going out and mixing a bit socially. My concerns are shifting from myself to concern for others and I'm waiting to see how this pans out in a couple of months with vaccines, variants, recalcitrant morons and vulnerable kids. I've got my fingers crossed though, but feel it depends on how many fools we can cajole, convince and pressure to take the jab. With new more contagious variants we'll need 80% inoculated for sure
Glad a major stressor has been removed from your life and work, it often feels like a weight lifting from the shoulders when accumulated stress is suddenly relieved.

I get the Pfizer jab tomorrow and I've adapted my behaviors over the past year to avoid infection, I'll continue to do so, but I'll feel a lot better about going out and mixing a bit socially. My concerns are shifting from myself to concern for others and I'm waiting to see how this pans out in a couple of months with vaccines, variants, recalcitrant morons and vulnerable kids. I've got my fingers crossed though, but feel it depends on how many fools we can cajole, convince and pressure to take the jab. With new more contagious variants we'll need 80% inoculated for sure
That’s awesome your finally getting the Shot! It’s been a terrible time. Are you starting to make arrangements to teach some meditation classes again ?
That’s awesome your finally getting the Shot! It’s been a terrible time. Are you starting to make arrangements to teach some meditation classes again ?
Nope, not for awhile until I see how this pans out and then I'm gonna be teaching more directly instead of just holding meetings, lecturing and encouraging people to take the free MBSR course, though that will still happen. It is a highly structured and intensive course, more suited to those with health challenges. My target is those who want a taste, with a more simple and less demanding course. I'll need to write a brief explanatory manual and training outline. Tell them what it's really all about, where they are going and how to get there more effectively and efficiently. My approach is more exercise orientated and grounded in science than others, but it has compassion at it's core, for a reason.

The advantage of the online course is people can show up overtime and start independently, I will motivate and facilitate as well as teach.
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That’s awesome your finally getting the Shot! It’s been a terrible time. Are you starting to make arrangements to teach some meditation classes again ?
Here is a website I created for the meditation group last year. I just got around to taking out the contact info and will put new info back in and make other additions when I'm ready to start back up. The course manual will most likely end up here.
North Side Mindfulness
A compassionate authoritarian. Hilarious!
Long long ago in a place far far away a young student was bitching to his gentle master about having trouble concentrating on his breath. The old man smiled gently with a bit of a twinkle in his eye and told the student to come with down with him to the river and look at his own reflection in the water (pre-mirror days). As the student gazed lovingly at his own reflection, the gentle master grabbed the arrogant sonofabitch by the scruff of the neck and plunged his head into the water and held him there until he fuck'n near stopped thrashing. When he pulled the young man out panicked and sputtering he looked him in the eye and said, "was your breath important to you then"!
Yep, life is funny, I'm like yer mommy she loves you ( but maybe not), and will spank yer ass if you fuck up.
My mother never abused me. My dad did hit me a few times. The only thing he taught me was to never hit my own kids.
Long long ago in a place far far away a young student was bitching to his gentle master about having trouble concentrating on his breath. The old man smiled gently with a bit of a twinkle in his eye and told the student to come with down with him to the river and look at his own reflection in the water (pre-mirror days). As the student gazed lovingly at his own reflection, the gentle master grabbed the arrogant sonofabitch by the scruff of the neck and plunged his head into the water and held him there until he fuck'n near stopped thrashing. When he pulled the young man out panicked and sputtering he looked him in the eye and said, "was your breath important to you then"!

LOL, OK Lao Tzu.
A compassionate authoritarian. Hilarious!
I could be much more harsh and cruel if I wished to be and have a low tolerance for those who seek to hurt and kill others. Here the weapons of harm are antivaccer disinformation and I tried to be nice and explain things to you and others, until I determined you had another agenda, besides being a chicken shit who is afraid of the vaccine and unable to think straight or asses risks. If you don't want to take the vaccine because you are afraid, then don't just don't constantly try to undercut peoples confidence in something that might save their lives. if you were merely afraid, you would have stated as much and that would be it, but you have a political agenda that is tantamount to murder.

In my school a teacher protects his community as well as guide it spiritually, I'm not a Buddhist either, but honor his teachings and if a person wants to go all the way to liberation, then follow his path to fruition or death.

Here is a liberated (enlightened) modern master that many Americans can relate to and understand an emergency room physician. Daniel Ingram, note the attitude. Here is a free book, the teaching are always given away.

MCTB.org – The home of the evolving Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha
It is astounding that Trump and his fucked up little brood of assholes have wasted no opportunity to use the pandemic and vaccines to divide people for the last year even though they have almost certainly all been vaccinated - and now those areas with the most Trump support have the lowest protection from the virus. So many dumb people.

And they still think that asshole cares about them.
i more pity you.

imagine going through life, a dumb angry racist, and getting jerked around by other dumb angry racists who tell you what to be mad about.

is that even a life worth living?

maybe you should kill yourself so you dont have to be burdened by things like transgender people playing sports and whatnot. fucktard.
it reminds me of Bugeye.

Never makes a valid point. Always trots out the lies. Rinse, wash, repeat.
Here is a website I created for the meditation group last year. I just got around to taking out the contact info and will put new info back in and make other additions when I'm ready to start back up. The course manual will most likely end up here.
North Side Mindfulness
That’s really awesome ! I really been into getting hypnotized by Michael Steely on YouTube the past 2 months. But I have found lately it does not work as well as in the beginning because I have gone through the same hypnosis too many times. It’s still relaxing but not as far out.
That’s really awesome ! I really been into getting hypnotized by Michael Steely on YouTube the past 2 months. But I have found lately it does not work as well as in the beginning because I have gone through the same hypnosis too many times. It’s still relaxing but not as far out.
Well there is Yoga and mindfulness practiced at the gym during a work out. However if that doesn't cut it... ;)

Follow-up study finds a single dose of one drug can ease anxiety and depression for five years | TheHill

Follow-up study finds a single dose of one drug can ease anxiety and depression for five years
Participants “rated it among the most personally meaningful and spiritually significant experiences of their lives,” according to the study.

Story at a glance
  • A 2016 study found that a one-time, single dose of psilocybin offered rapid improvements in the levels of anxiety, depression and dread of death in cancer patients when combined with psychotherapy.
  • A follow-up four and half years later indicated substantial, long-lasting effects from the treatment.
  • Psilocybin, a compound found in psychedelic mushrooms, can affect mood and perception to “regulate arousal and panic responses.”
The Journal of Psychopharmacology published a study in 2016 in which researchers found that a one-time, single-dose of psilocybin offered rapid improvements in the levels of anxiety, depression and dread of death in cancer patients. A recent update found that the single dose, combined with psychotherapy, led to long-lasting improvements in these patients approximately five years later.

Psilocybin, a compound found in psychedelic mushrooms, was given to patients in the study in 2016 and resulted in immediate, substantial relief of symptoms that was sustained and documented at their follow-ups more than six months later.

Almost five years later, researchers found enduring effects in the subset of participating patients when combined with psychotherapy.

At the four-and-a-half year follow-up, 71 to 100 percent of participants credited improvements in levels of anxiety and depression to the single-dose psilocybin and therapy combination of the study. The participants further “rated it among the most personally meaningful and spiritually significant experiences of their lives.”

or watch the funny version

Take a Tripitor (Psilocybin)
i more pity you.

imagine going through life, a dumb angry racist, and getting jerked around by other dumb angry racists who tell you what to be mad about.

is that even a life worth living?

maybe you should kill yourself so you dont have to be burdened by things like transgender people playing sports and whatnot. fucktard.
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Maybe if you were part of the solution instead of the problem things would go easier for you. That includes supporting republican treason, racism, being anti vaccine and anti mask. Why is it so often a package deal? The sheep don't stray from the shepherd much do they. All the people feeding you the bullshit have been vaccinated, including Tucker and Sean, even old Rupert Murdoch went to the UK so he could get in line there early. These people aren't stupid, but their viewers and fans are.
  • Haha
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