Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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There is no bottom with these fools.

i did that once when the Nazis where i lived wouldn't give me a parking permit sticker for my car..they wanted me to pay for it (when i shouldn't have to). so i made up a Board of Directors yellow star parking permit nazis flyer and taped it to my rear view window.
  • Haha
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Not taking the jab, not wearing the mask - never have, and never will. Hillarious thread though, great place for anyone to come in for a laugh.
Part of the problem, I imagine with that attitude ya also supported Trump. You wore a mask though, or they wouldn't have let you in most grocery stores. When yer not smart enough to understand science or have a firm grasp on reality shit like that happens though, you become susceptible to bullshit and spread it and the virus around. Despite your best efforts America will recover and "they" have already taken over, so you can pull yer thumb out of Uncle Sam's eye.
Sounds to me like you’re just another shit stain on society.
That is how cannabis user are typically looked upon, from reefer madness even up to today. Not that I ever cared and I certainly do not care what a guinea pig in a medical experiment thinks about me for not being one of them.
That is how cannabis user are typically looked upon, from reefer madness even up to today. Not that I ever cared and I certainly do not care what I have been tricked (by right wing propaganda) into believing is a guinea pig in a medical experiment thinks about me for not being one of them.
Part of the problem, I imagine with that attitude ya also supported Trump. You wore a mask though, or they wouldn't have let you in most grocery stores. When yer not smart enough to understand science or have a firm grasp on reality shit like that happens though, you become susceptible to bullshit and spread it and the virus around. Despite your best efforts America will recover and "they" have already taken over, so you can pull yer thumb out of Uncle Sam's eye.
Lmao keep imagining, I am not american and we never had your stupid lockdowns and mask mandates. You imagining and assuming just goes to show what a lemming you are.
Lmao keep imagining, I am not american and we never had your stupid lockdowns and mask mandates. You imagining and assuming just goes to show what a lemming you are.
Yet here you are posting on a random website's political forum in a thread about taking the vaccine and feel the need to shit post about how we are the stupid ones?

This virus is very real and very dangerous. I hope that your nation is doing well and that you and your family stay safe and healthy.

Not everyone is that lucky.

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Welcome to the forum totally not another sock puppet troll account.
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Lmao keep imagining, I am not american and we never had your stupid lockdowns and mask mandates. You imagining and assuming just goes to show what a lemming you are.
Yer either as Aussie or from NZ, or your country was over run with covid. If you are from either place, it's no thanks to you that your government avoided it, having an island nation helps too. However you will still need to be vaccinated and I wouldn't be surprised if both governments mandated it, since they don't fuck around with morons.
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