Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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Vietnam defied the experts and sealed its border to keep Covid-19 out. It worked.
How the country has kept coronavirus deaths to just 35, and grew its economy in 2020

A handful of countries managed to isolate themselves in time.
They have other methods of dealing with anti maskers and those who protest lockdowns and such. Quarantine is not an option at your discretion and there are not nearly as many as there, who were overseas and came home all at once into crowded airports where they waited for hours in close contact. They should have been outside on the airport grounds in tents set up in parking lots or in trailers surrounded by razor wire and not let out until tested. Nobody should have been let near the airports. If you want to be serious about stopping covid this is the kind of stuff you must do, curtail or stop international travel and actually isolate them, not tell them to go home with their families and spread it for a couple of weeks in (maybe) isolation.
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Well there is Yoga and mindfulness practiced at the gym during a work out. However if that doesn't cut it... ;)

Follow-up study finds a single dose of one drug can ease anxiety and depression for five years | TheHill

Follow-up study finds a single dose of one drug can ease anxiety and depression for five years
Participants “rated it among the most personally meaningful and spiritually significant experiences of their lives,” according to the study.

Story at a glance
  • A 2016 study found that a one-time, single dose of psilocybin offered rapid improvements in the levels of anxiety, depression and dread of death in cancer patients when combined with psychotherapy.
  • A follow-up four and half years later indicated substantial, long-lasting effects from the treatment.
  • Psilocybin, a compound found in psychedelic mushrooms, can affect mood and perception to “regulate arousal and panic responses.”
The Journal of Psychopharmacology published a study in 2016 in which researchers found that a one-time, single-dose of psilocybin offered rapid improvements in the levels of anxiety, depression and dread of death in cancer patients. A recent update found that the single dose, combined with psychotherapy, led to long-lasting improvements in these patients approximately five years later.

Psilocybin, a compound found in psychedelic mushrooms, was given to patients in the study in 2016 and resulted in immediate, substantial relief of symptoms that was sustained and documented at their follow-ups more than six months later.

Almost five years later, researchers found enduring effects in the subset of participating patients when combined with psychotherapy.

At the four-and-a-half year follow-up, 71 to 100 percent of participants credited improvements in levels of anxiety and depression to the single-dose psilocybin and therapy combination of the study. The participants further “rated it among the most personally meaningful and spiritually significant experiences of their lives.”

or watch the funny version

Take a Tripitor (Psilocybin)
How often do you shroom?
How often do you shroom?
Not since I was much younger and the effects would probably be different today, back then prying open the doorway to perception induced anxiety, today not so much. When I did mushrooms back then it wasn't to reduce anxiety, but to see shit that I never saw until decades later when computers could hallucinate for me! :lol: Five grams of psilocybin is enough to elicit the full spectrum of hallucinogenic effects (trust me on this ;)) but you can do them at noon be fucked up all afternoon and be ok by supper. To get that way on acid involves a trip of several days and psilocybin is 200 times less toxic and fucks you up much less.

Many people use them in micro or low doses for anxiety and depression and there is information on this stuff online like pot. They are easy to grow too and there is information and spore prints available online.

A beginner’s guide to microdosing | Georgia Straight Vancouver's News & Entertainment Weekly
Not since I was much younger and the effects would probably be different today, back then prying open the doorway to perception induced anxiety, today not so much. When I did mushrooms back then it wasn't to reduce anxiety, but to see shit that I never saw until decades later when computers could hallucinate for me! :lol: Five grams of psilocybin is enough to elicit the full spectrum of hallucinogenic effects (trust me on this ;)) but you can do them at noon be fucked up all afternoon and be ok by supper. To get that way on acid involves a trip of several days and psilocybin is 200 times less toxic and fucks you up much less.

Many people use them in micro or low doses for anxiety and depression and there is information on this stuff online like pot. They are easy to grow too and there is information and spore prints available online.

A beginner’s guide to microdosing | Georgia Straight Vancouver's News & Entertainment Weekly
I have shroomed at least 50 times. Not
For a while. I should grow them . I like the patterns I see when hallucinating on them.
I have shroomed at least 50 times. Not
For a while. I should grow them . I like the patterns I see when hallucinating on them.
If they work for you then you shouldn't feel as anxious or depressed, I'm neither these days so there is not much incentive for me to grow them again. I had to order a book on how to grow them back in the stone age (pre internet) and the first one got confiscated by Canada customs. I used sterilize rye grain in mason jars, pressure cookers are easy to get too.

I can pick plenty of Psilocybe semilanceata around here in season if I want a pound or two.

Most people including myself (grew) grow psilocybe cubensis
Got my second shot yesterday and my shoulder has ached like hell all morning- it's subsided mostly, but I'm also experiencing some fatigue and joint stiffness
Had a sore shoulder the day after the first shot. I golfed after the second shot and shoulder wasn't as bad, heard it's not good to rest it too much?
I felt rough the next day, but it may have had something to due with cheap booze. :lol:
Got my husbands Shirt made.
It was kinda tricky but turned out pretty good.
View attachment 4887348View attachment 4887349

Lot's of shirts out there both good and bad, I think it best said with pictures and humor.

I posted this video last week and Bill needs an update on the risks to children with the UK variant, also the Brazilian variant is more virulent. Here is some up dated information, Bill really needs better writers and to stop trying to be the gadfly of the left. Better information can be had at the NIH, but some of the new new variants are worse than when this data was compiled, also treatment protocols have improved reducing ICU admissions and deaths.

Overview | COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines (nih.gov)
"In an analysis of more than 1.3 million laboratory-confirmed cases that were reported in the United States between January and May 2020, 14% of patients required hospitalization, 2% were admitted to the intensive care unit, and 5% died".

Age and ethnicity are other factors that determine hospitalization and mortality rates.
Risk for COVID-19 Infection, Hospitalization, and Death By Race/Ethnicity | CDC
I made another thread about this awhile ago. A safe and effective vaccine takes 10-15 years to develop. Mostly because the trail periods take so long and you won't know the true side effects sometimes 6 months to a year later.

Complicated question maybe but let's not make it too difficult.

Assume that you trust the science and clinical trials.

The Corona Virus vaccine is here - are you taking it?
still sitting on the fence on that...