Will You Take The Vaccine?

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He's just some MAGA moron looking to trigger the libs, not many are really that stupid and still can spell or use grammar correctly. Just another racist traitor with his head shoved up his own asshole, one of the ones who are being "replaced" by better people.
Just a random general thought here. I always equated the word liberal with not being an asshole and general belief in a live and let live philosophy. I always associated the word conservative with being an uptight rigid asshole that believes imposing their narrow minded views on others is a birth right if not an act of pure divinity. Conservative beliefs are the reason most of us browsing this site were criminals for most of our lives due to our cannabis use, some of which have faced prosecution and spent time in jail for said use. Liberal efforts are the reason why most of us are no longer made enemies of the State due to our peaceful cannabis use. If you had to join a club in high school which would you join?
Just a random general thought here. I always equated the word liberal with not being an asshole and general belief in a live and let live philosophy. I always associated the word conservative with being an uptight rigid asshole that believes imposing their narrow minded views on others is a birth right if not an act of pure divinity. Conservative beliefs are the reason most of us browsing this site were criminals for most of our lives due to our cannabis use, some of which have faced prosecution and spent time in jail for said use. Liberal efforts are the reason why most of us are no longer made enemies of the State due to our peaceful cannabis use. If you had to join a club in high school which would you join?
I think of the current state of affairs as liberals believe in a shared responsibility to society while conservatives would rather not concern themselves with their fellow man. Of course this is just a generalization.
Just got my 2nd shot a couple hours ago. So far so good.

Marxists actually think they won the election, that is comical

How brainwashed are you to think marxists are even on the ballot? Or is this some right wing troll of you 'owning the libs'?

Liberal can be traced back to the Latin word liber (meaning “free”), which is also the root of liberty ("the quality or state of being free") and libertine ("one leading a dissolute life").

The word, liberal, lost its original meaning in 1880, along with the words justice, freedom, liberty, and so forth.

Now, it's a politically charged term that the authoritarian right is completely confused over.


What a bizzare contradiction in the title. Goldberg conflated a word rooted in the latin word for "free" with fascism, rooted with the Italian word for bundle, fasci, which was a term for political associations and "a group of men organized for political purposes". The two words could not be more different.

But facts are irrelevant to Trumpers, they make up words, make up what they want and gaslight people who know better.

So, liberal has nothing to do with freedom to Trumpers. To them, liberal and fascist means "People we don't like". (I guess, I don't think they can be consistent enough for them know what they mean by it)

Oh and if one uses the word Conservative to describe Trumpers or the Republican Part's base then that word has lost it's meaning too. Those people are better described as the authoritarian right. Much closer to fascist in its original meaning than how Goldberg used the word.

I think I'll stick with the original meaning for a liberal person -- one who is free and respects the freedom of others.
Just a random general thought here. I always equated the word liberal with not being an asshole and general belief in a live and let live philosophy. I always associated the word conservative with being an uptight rigid asshole that believes imposing their narrow minded views on others is a birth right if not an act of pure divinity. Conservative beliefs are the reason most of us browsing this site were criminals for most of our lives due to our cannabis use, some of which have faced prosecution and spent time in jail for said use. Liberal efforts are the reason why most of us are no longer made enemies of the State due to our peaceful cannabis use. If you had to join a club in high school which would you join?
First I don't agree with your premise, those are things you personally associate with these political philosophies. Conservative is just that, one who wishes to conserve things, keep them the way they are and impede or block social and political progress, they are the party of the status quo. Liberalism is freedom under the constitution and the rule of laws made by democratically elected legislators and enforced by independent courts. Liberalism is also progressivism and increases the participation of more members of society over time, this is a demonstrable historic trend. Both liberalism and conservativism are international phenomena that arise in democratic countries and the above are the only things that can be ascribed to them.

I already joined a club a long time ago called the Liberal party of Canada, I'm a big L and a small l liberal. Liberals like me agitated and advocated to get cannabis legalized in Canada, until it finally happened with a liberal party government.

What is happening in the USA is the death of the conservative party, the republicans, they are now an authoritarian fascist party under the control of a sociopathic moron named Donald Trump. The republican party has been poisoned by hatred, bigotry and racism and stands for nothing other than the whims of Donald Trump. They are not just a real and present danger, but an existential threat, not just to America, but to Canada too.

PS Don't make the mistake of thinking liberals are pussies, we will do what is required to maintain liberty and sometimes that is not pretty. If it comes down to a fight between liberty and fascism I know what side I'm on and I also know there is no middle ground, no fence to sit on other than the barbed wire in no man's land.

Trumpers are traitors to the country, constitution and founding ethos of America, they support treason and formed an alliance with a hostile foreign power that has thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at you. They ended 240 years of the peaceful transfer of power with an insurrection against the congress of the USA. I believe they should be dealt with in the harshest possible way, insurrection and sedition are serious crimes.

Liberal can be traced back to the Latin word liber (meaning “free”), which is also the root of liberty ("the quality or state of being free") and libertine ("one leading a dissolute life").

The word, liberal, lost its original meaning in 1880, along with the words justice, freedom, liberty, and so forth.

Now, it's a politically charged term that the authoritarian right is completely confused over.

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What a bizzare contradiction in the title. Goldberg conflated a word rooted in the latin word for "free" with fascism, rooted with the Italian word for bundle, fasci, which was a term for political associations and "a group of men organized for political purposes". The two words could not be more different.

But facts are irrelevant to Trumpers, they make up words, make up what they want and gaslight people who know better.

So, liberal has nothing to do with freedom to Trumpers. To them, liberal and fascist means "People we don't like". (I guess, I don't think they can be consistent enough for them know what they mean by it)

Oh and if one uses the word Conservative to describe Trumpers or the Republican Part's base then that word has lost it's meaning too. Those people are better described as the authoritarian right. Much closer to fascist in its original meaning than how Goldberg used the word.

I think I'll stick with the original meaning for a liberal person -- one who is free and respects the freedom of others.
The right wing is essentially trying to make ' have successfully made 'Liberal' the new n-word.

I think it was some old white lady that I heard say that first, but it is the reality.

I think it is this lady but not sure atm.
First I don't agree with your premise, those are things you personally associate with these political philosophies.
It's so adorable to watch Canadians talk about American politics. Let me educate you on what it is to be an American sir, because you silly Canucks think too highly of us at times and it causes problems with your ability to understand us as Americans. Please remember this is a country that elected a so called conservative named Donald Trump prior to Joe Biden. Americans like to use a lot of words for which they do not understand the meaning. You pointed this out in your previous post. The words conservative and liberal when used on American soil do not have the same meaning they have when used on Canadian soil. Canada has a well educated population. As a result words like conservative and liberal are used appropriately and have text book definitions. America is an alternate reality of poorly educated gun toting emotional idiots that think facebook is a reliable source of news and nearly half the population thinks Donald Trump was not only a great president, but was defrauded out of his 2nd term in which Joe Biden is now an illegitimate US president. Does my personal perspective really surprise you as an educated Canadian? Just saying...
It's so adorable to watch Canadians talk about American politics. Let me educate you on what it is to be an American sir, because you silly Canucks think too highly of us at times and it causes problems with your ability to understand us as Americans. Please remember this is a country that elected a so called conservative named Donald Trump prior to Joe Biden. Americans like to use a lot of words for which they do not understand the meaning. You pointed this out in your previous post. The words conservative and liberal when used on American soil do not have the same meaning they have when used on Canadian soil. Canada has a well educated population. As a result words like conservative and liberal are used appropriately and have text book definitions. America is an alternate reality of poorly educated gun toting emotional idiots that think facebook is a reliable source of news and nearly half the population thinks Donald Trump was not only a great president, but was defrauded out of his 2nd term in which Joe Biden is now an illegitimate US president. Does my personal perspective really surprise you as an educated Canadian? Just saying...
The term liberal has been recontextualized by American conservatives over the decades, but liberal in a political context still means one who supports liberty, freedom under the constitution and rule of law. That is the only way people can be free in a modern multicultural society. Liberalism has been conflated with socialism and most liberals support a more equal distribution of wealth for purely pragmatic reasons that have little do with ideology or morals, less wealth disparity leads to a stronger democratic country with greater equality among it's citizens.

Americans and Canadians aren't so different, it's just that hate has no political home in Canada, like it does in America. The republicans have been waging a cold civil war against America for quite sometime now, it's a continuation of the first civil war. The cause of conflict is the same really, the rights of African Americans and other minorities. The majority of white people in America have been conditioned to racism and white superiority and don't want to lose their largely imagined social statues. "They are taking over" and "we will not be replaced" are the battle cries of the white "tribe".

America's problems are mostly with it's citizens, tweaking the system will do little good if the intentions of the voters are the promulgation of bigotry and racism. Someone will always arise to fill their "need", in the present case it was Trump, the biggest danger is the next Trump, who will put lipstick on the pig. To address America's problems requires a new improved crop of citizens and there are several ways to accomplish this. Here is one of the easiest and cheapest ways and can improve things dramatically in as little as a decade or two. I teach mindfulness meditation and can attest to the effectiveness of this approach to building empathy and reducing the power of fear and hate. Other things can be done too like regulation media and social media, but political power is required to change law and FCC regulations.

There are thousands of mindful schools in America already and they are growing, some support from the federal department of education can go along way. Once trained, they need not continue on with meditating after school, the "damage" has been done. ;)

Mindful Schools | Mindfulness for Your School, Teachers, and Students
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It's so adorable to watch Canadians talk about American politics. Let me educate you on what it is to be an American sir, because you silly Canucks think too highly of us at times and it causes problems with your ability to understand us as Americans. Please remember this is a country that elected a so called conservative named Donald Trump prior to Joe Biden. Americans like to use a lot of words for which they do not understand the meaning. You pointed this out in your previous post. The words conservative and liberal when used on American soil do not have the same meaning they have when used on Canadian soil. Canada has a well educated population. As a result words like conservative and liberal are used appropriately and have text book definitions. America is an alternate reality of poorly educated gun toting emotional idiots that think facebook is a reliable source of news and nearly half the population thinks Donald Trump was not only a great president, but was defrauded out of his 2nd term in which Joe Biden is now an illegitimate US president. Does my personal perspective really surprise you as an educated Canadian? Just saying...

Its really only about 25% of the population, it is just they are so damn loud.


Its really only about 25% of the population, it is just they are so damn loud.

Joe is going after the independents, that's where the action is and the nice non threating, competent old white as snow guy will grow on them. He needs very long coattails to keep the house and gain a few in the senate in 2022, the republicans must be kept out of power or the country is screwed. The last election told the tale on the true state of the nation and it was not good after 4 years of Trump, the republicans ran ahead of him in the polls FFS.

The republicans or Trump can do no wrong and make no mistakes as far as their voters (tribe) are concerned. Democrats can be forced to resign over the stupidest things, however Matt Gaetzs will be on the judiciary committee until he is convicted of child rape and even then he probably won't resign his seat. His district has so many hardcore racists he could probably run from federal prison and win his seat back, if Trump endorsed him from his own cell in NY!
Joe is going after the independents, that's where the action is and the nice non threating, competent old white as snow guy will grow on them. He needs very long coattails to keep the house and gain a few in the senate in 2022, the republicans must be kept out of power or the country is screwed. The last election told the tale on the true state of the nation and it was not good after 4 years of Trump, the republicans ran ahead of him in the polls FFS.

The republicans or Trump can do no wrong and make no mistakes as far as their voters (tribe) are concerned. Democrats can be forced to resign over the stupidest things, however Matt Gaetzs will be on the judiciary committee until he is convicted of child rape and even then he probably won't resign his seat. His district has so many hardcore racists he could probably run from federal prison and win his seat back, if Trump endorsed him from his own cell in NY!

Yeah you are right. I guess I really was hoping he could just fix everything in one term and ride off into the sunset.
Yeah you are right. I guess I really was hoping he could just fix everything in one term and ride off into the sunset.
If he wins the house and senate in 2022, that will be enough and can retire in 2022. As much as I'd like to see Kamala as POTUS a white as snow man will have all the advantages and you'll need every advantage you can get in 2024. If Joe ages as well as Fauci, he should still be good to go in 2022 and he looks good enough for me thus far.

Its really only about 25% of the population, it is just they are so damn loud.

God I hope you're right :) Although nearly 50% of the country voted for him. That means while you're grabbing a gallon of milk at the grocery store one out of every 2 shoppers you're in line with at the checkout counter thinks Trump should be president based on the last election numbers. That alone is both sad and terrifying. All of my college educated family members are democrats and voted for Biden. None of my uneducated family members really belong to any party. However when Trump made it clear he was the #1 choice of bigoted racists the party he belonged to didn't really matter. Trump played his fiddle to their favorite tune and they danced for 4 years. Hate on mexicans. Can I get a hallaleiuja? Hate on black people. Can I getta amen? Hate on gays and trans gendered individuals. That's basically all you have to do to be labeled a loved Republican or a conservative these days in Trump's America. Hell, I heard a rumor you can even make it to the white house :)

My home state of Missouri is and always has been run by redneck republicans. Voters passed an initiative to force their piece of shit low life republican controlled legislature to expand medicaid under the affordable care act to provide healthcare to Missouri's most vulnerable citizens. It passed. What did republicans do? They told the voters whom they represent to go fuck themselves. We aren't funding your law. Good luck. Eat shit. They simply refuse to accept loss in any way shape or form. Their behavior and actions is representative of every thing wrong with this world. That's why we gotta vote man. Stop the motherfuckin evil doers.

Source: https://www.google.com/url?q=https:...FjABegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw09_2PeyujfXe1w1QKtlLHq
The reason nobody took any money is because Trump wanted kickbacks. Nobody wanted to get into it with him so they all went it alone.

The only thing Trump actually did was sign the authorization for Operation Warp Speed.

That was actually a good thing. Although it didn't do anything for logistics, testing and vaccination, it did remove a lot of red tape that allowed researchers to move much faster, conducting several steps of vaccine testing concurrently rather than consecutively as usual.

That alone removed months of time from the development of the vaccines.

So we do owe Trump a nod of thanks for that.

We don't owe trump thanks for anything. Any President would have done the same. All trump did was sign a piece of paper that was put in front of him.