Will You Take The Vaccine?

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By that rational, we don't owe any president any thanks for anything.

That rationale only applies to trump. Every other President understood the job, what it entailed, and had their own policies. trump knew nothing and had no policies unless you call building a wall and demonizing Hispanics a policy. He just signed what McConnell put in front of him. It's not as if he had any ideas of his own like Obama, Bush, Biden, etc... trump didn't have a clue when he took office. He was so stupid that he thought he could fire federal judges and replace them with his own people. A child in grade school knows more about how our government functions than trump.
Yeah the Russian trolls on here might have gotten the Sputnik v. Wonder what the side effects are?
Hard to say, since they never did the clinical trials on it before they released it. Subsequent reports by independent western scientists claim it about the same as the J&J and AZ adenovirus vaccines. Russia doesn't have the capacity to produce very much of it and are licensing it out for production, but the AZ vaccine is non profit and as easy to produce. However, here is a recent story from VOA.

Doubts Mount About Efficacy of Russia's Sputnik Vaccine | Voice of America - English (voanews.com)

Doubts Mount About Efficacy of Russia's Sputnik Vaccine

Doubts are mounting about the efficacy of Russia’s Sputnik vaccine. Drug regulators in the Czech Republic and Brazil have withheld approval and counterparts in Slovakia have also expressed doubts.

European Union regulators are still assessing Sputnik for its effectiveness and safety but a former executive director of the European Medicines Agency, EMA, told the Politico.eu news site that objections raised about Sputnik by Brazil’s regulatory authority, Anvisa, would likely be taken seriously by their counterparts in Brussels.

“It's a very mature authority,” said Rasi, who added that its flagging of quality and safety issues are worrisome. Anvisa announced on April 28 that it was withholding approval because of “flaws in product development” which deviate from the quality standards recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The authority also noted “an absence or insufficiency of quality control, safety and efficacy data.” It raised concerns also with the vaccine’s efficacy for people “with low immunity and respiratory problems, among other health problems.” The Slovak medicines authority has also expressed worries about quality control and insufficient data. Irena Storová, head of SÚKL, told Slovakia’s Radiožurnál recently that the regulator received “only a fraction of the documentation that is submitted by default for the registration or assessment of a drug or medicine.”

Sputnik was the first coronavirus vaccine to be registered, albeit only by the Russians and not by an authoritative international regulator. Funded by the state and developed by the Gamaleya Research Institute in Moscow, the rapid Russian approval last year in August of the vaccine, which was named for the satellite from half a century ago, was met with skepticism in the broader international scientific community.

Experts expressed their disapproval of Russian authorities for approving distribution before the completion of trials, suggesting the rapidity of authorization was done so as to be able to tout Russian scientific prowess.

Doubts about the vaccine's efficacy dissipated somewhat last year within the Western scientific community due to a study by Russian scientists published by the authoritative British medical journal The Lancet, which suggested the vaccine has a 91.6% efficacy rate against COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus.

Geopolitical motives

Nonetheless, some Central European and Baltic governments have been trading barbs with the Kremlin for what they see as a “Sputnik diplomatic offensive” designed to foment political splits in the Western alliance.

Officials in Kyiv and Warsaw identify geopolitical motives behind Russia’s touting of the vaccine, especially in light of what they say has been a Russian disinformation campaign casting doubt on Western-developed vaccines. Russian officials say politics is behind Western skepticism of Sputnik.

Lithuania's prime minister has labeled the vaccine “another hybrid weapon” for the Kremlin to wield to try to "divide and rule" Europe. Ingrida Šimonytė says altruism isn’t what motivates the aggressive marketing by Russia of Sputnik. “Sputnik comes packed with many layers of propaganda and even not-hidden ambition to divide the EU countries and their partners in the South and in the East,” she said earlier this year.

Facing shortfalls for Western vaccines amid the EU’s contentious rollout, other European states, though, started to buy Sputnik with Hungary first up followed by Serbia. Austria struck a deal and officials in Berlin and in several German regions expressed enthusiasm for the Russian vaccine. But with a boost in supplies of Western vaccines, appetite for Sputnik has dissipated and last week Germany’s Bild newspaper reported that the deal to sell the Sputnik V vaccine to Germany is dead.

Meanwhile, outside Europe, the Russian vaccine has been bought by more than 50 countries including Argentina, Mexico, and Turkey. India, where the pandemic has spiraled out of control, has signed a deal for nearly 400 million doses.

Growing doubts

But scientific doubts about Sputnik remerged last week when The Lancet published a paper by a team of scientists drawn from Europe, the U.S. and Russia questioning the 2020 study of the vaccine the medical journal published and flagging significant discrepancies in the data from the phase two and three trials conducted by the Gamaleya Research Institute, the vaccine’s developer.

“Restricted access to data hampers trust in research,” the scientists said in last week’s study. “Access to data underpinning study findings is imperative to check and confirm the findings claimed. It is even more serious if there are apparent errors and numerical inconsistencies in the statistics and results presented,” they said. The team included Enrico Bucci of Temple University in the U.S., Gowri Gopalakrishna from Amsterdam University and Raffaele Calogero from the University of Turin.

Liberal can be traced back to the Latin word liber (meaning “free”), which is also the root of liberty ("the quality or state of being free") and libertine ("one leading a dissolute life").

The word, liberal, lost its original meaning in 1880, along with the words justice, freedom, liberty, and so forth.

Now, it's a politically charged term that the authoritarian right is completely confused over.

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What a bizzare contradiction in the title. Goldberg conflated a word rooted in the latin word for "free" with fascism, rooted with the Italian word for bundle, fasci, which was a term for political associations and "a group of men organized for political purposes". The two words could not be more different.

But facts are irrelevant to Trumpers, they make up words, make up what they want and gaslight people who know better.

So, liberal has nothing to do with freedom to Trumpers. To them, liberal and fascist means "People we don't like". (I guess, I don't think they can be consistent enough for them know what they mean by it)

Oh and if one uses the word Conservative to describe Trumpers or the Republican Part's base then that word has lost it's meaning too. Those people are better described as the authoritarian right. Much closer to fascist in its original meaning than how Goldberg used the word.

I think I'll stick with the original meaning for a liberal person -- one who is free and respects the freedom of others.
the problem is that you can mean what ever you want to mean, but the fools reading what you write use their own definitions, no matter what you mean...they have their own agendas, their own goals, their own prejudices and preconceptions, so in reality, only about 10% of the point you are trying to make even has a possibility of getting through to them, because they don't hear the same thing you hear when the words are leaving your mouth....you say " Liberal and Fascist are two words that cannot be applied to the same person or organization at the same time, as they are directly contradictory." but what they hear is " Liberals name for scary people who want us to change and Fascist other name for other bad people who want us to change ARE interchangeable, because they both mean people besides those who think like myself, so there is no contradiction whatsoever."
You have to know what your enemy is thinking to understand them. their viewpoint of self preservation and fear of the unknown is so fucking foreign to common sense, empathy, understanding, or compassion that those words might as well not even exist for them, outside of their own narrow fellowship, and it must be narrow, because even though they believe most of the same stupid shit, some of them will interpret it slightly differently, and that leaves them open to becoming pariahs who don't toe the official line...i would say ignore them and let them eat themselves from the inside out like the cancer they are, but for the collateral damage their death throws will cause
A child in grade school knows more about how our government functions than trump.

Depends on the kid :) One of the funniest things I have seen in a long time is my kid talking current events with the neighbor kids, who are homeschooled and their parents are Qcumbers. "...that isn't how it works, presidents are in office for 4 years, Donald Trump won't be president again in two weeks."
Depends on the kid :) One of the funniest things I have seen in a long time is my kid talking current events with the neighbor kids, who are homeschooled and their parents are Qcumbers. "...that isn't how it works, presidents are in office for 4 years, Donald Trump won't be president again in two weeks."
the education system isn't failing our children, their own parents are... the best teachers in the world would have problems educating a child that's been indoctrinated into insanity for it's entire life. the first thing you would have to teach them is that their own parents are fucking fools that are highly likely to be wrong about...everything...and that just ain't gonna happen, honey
no matter that it's true
the education system isn't failing our children, their own parents are... the best teachers in the world would have problems educating a child that's been indoctrinated into insanity for it's entire life. the first thing you would have to teach them is that their own parents are fucking fools that are highly likely to be wrong about...everything...and that just ain't gonna happen, honey
no matter that it's true

This being home all the time stuff has made them a way bigger part of my life and I know way to much about them. Ultimately it's just sad, I hate those kids but not really as they are just a product of their upbringing. The poor homeschooled education is really crappy, not sure how they are going to eventually integrate. Most days they just sit in the yard, the mom comes out and yells the Bible for 30-60 minutes, then back to just playing with some sticks.

Anywho..."you know how you said boys can marry boys and girls can marry girls, well my mom said you cant." "Your mom is wrong, I was in a wedding for two uncles" "oh...well can I marry my sister?"
the education system isn't failing our children, their own parents are... the best teachers in the world would have problems educating a child that's been indoctrinated into insanity for it's entire life. the first thing you would have to teach them is that their own parents are fucking fools that are highly likely to be wrong about...everything...and that just ain't gonna happen, honey
no matter that it's true

Yes it's the parents. But people are quick to blame the teachers. Many of whom are using their own money for supplies.

We spend trillions on a failed Joint Strike Fighter program but can't pay for books in schools. When I went to school they had everything. If you wanted to be in the Band there was an instrument available. If you wanted to play sports the uniforms were provided free of charge. These days there is no money for that stuff so unless the family can afford the equipment the kids can't participate. It's just sick how we've left the education as some secondary priority when it should be the number 1 priority.
Yes it's the parents. But people are quick to blame the teachers. Many of whom are using their own money for supplies.

We spend trillions on a failed Joint Strike Fighter program but can't pay for books in schools. When I went to school they had everything. If you wanted to be in the Band there was an instrument available. If you wanted to play sports the uniforms were provided free of charge. These days there is no money for that stuff so unless the family can afford the equipment the kids can't participate. It's just sick how we've left the education as some secondary priority when it should be the number 1 priority.

When I went to school we built a gym that rivaled the major state colleges. We had to share textbooks. Education really isn't a priority in much of the country. I am only now realizing how bad mine was as I see how much better my sons is. I was lucky and had parents that valued education above all else so got plenty of supplemental stuff, but that just wasn't available for most. It's also a reason I try and give trumpers a bit of leeway, my take on things will be different because we have different backgrounds and understandings of the world and events.
When I went to school we built a gym that rivaled the major state colleges. We had to share textbooks. Education really isn't a priority in much of the country. I am only now realizing how bad mine was as I see how much better my sons is. I was lucky and had parents that valued education above all else so got plenty of supplemental stuff, but that just wasn't available for most. It's also a reason I try and give trumpers a bit of leeway, my take on things will be different because we have different backgrounds and understandings of the world and events.
i don't give them any leeway at all...i just try to understand them so i have a better chance of anticipating their next bit of fuckery
the problem is that you can mean what ever you want to mean, but the fools reading what you write use their own definitions, no matter what you mean...they have their own agendas, their own goals, their own prejudices and preconceptions, so in reality, only about 10% of the point you are trying to make even has a possibility of getting through to them, because they don't hear the same thing you hear when the words are leaving your mouth....you say " Liberal and Fascist are two words that cannot be applied to the same person or organization at the same time, as they are directly contradictory." but what they hear is " Liberals name for scary people who want us to change and Fascist other name for other bad people who want us to change ARE interchangeable, because they both mean people besides those who think like myself, so there is no contradiction whatsoever."
You have to know what your enemy is thinking to understand them. their viewpoint of self preservation and fear of the unknown is so fucking foreign to common sense, empathy, understanding, or compassion that those words might as well not even exist for them, outside of their own narrow fellowship, and it must be narrow, because even though they believe most of the same stupid shit, some of them will interpret it slightly differently, and that leaves them open to becoming pariahs who don't toe the official line...i would say ignore them and let them eat themselves from the inside out like the cancer they are, but for the collateral damage their death throws will cause
The right recontextualized the word liberal for decades, I'm on a bit of a crusade to correct that, liberal comes from the same Latin root as Liberty and that means freedom. Liberals advocate and support liberty, freedom under the constitution and the rule of law.

As for the constant shitstorm these ignorant fucks are bombarded with, that will require changes in the law, scope and powers of the FCC, to regulate cable and social media. Joe could eliminate hate radio overnight by reassigning the AM radio band to digital use, it's well part time. He won't lose any votes over it and the serpents voice will be silenced in tens of millions of rural half tons. If the democrats can keep the house and win a few in the senate in 2022, they will deliver the kill shot to the rouge elephant.
the education system isn't failing our children, their own parents are... the best teachers in the world would have problems educating a child that's been indoctrinated into insanity for it's entire life. the first thing you would have to teach them is that their own parents are fucking fools that are highly likely to be wrong about...everything...and that just ain't gonna happen, honey
no matter that it's true
The media is doing a pretty good job of that and it has more and more influence on kids, that their own parents and local communities. Many kids today are like our generation, they realize their parents are fucking idiots! :lol:

Good to see ya back Roger, I thought covid got ya.
No. She came to the U S. for college. While in college she got an internship that led to a full time job. After graduation she stayed here. I met her about a year later.

I dated a Russian girl years ago. She was nice but her family hated me because the color of my skin was darker than they liked. I still got into her pants and I know her father hated it.