Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Ahhhhh, this again. The 0.001% risk aversion to vaccines while also riding mountain bikes and swimming in rivers and driving and walking and hiking and taking unregulated drugs and all the other things we do with much greater risk. My favorite is when people quadruple down and actually claim to do none of those other "risky" things. Either be a liar, or a pussy, not really great choices.

It's based on the Anti-Vaxxer site NVIC you moron! Oh jeez. You deserve to die if you're stupid enough to subscribe that that crap.

About the NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) that your "story" is based on:

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), founded under the name Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT) in 1982, is an American 501(c)(3)[1] organization that has been widely criticized as a leading source of fearmongering and misinformation about vaccines.[2][3][4] While NVIC describes itself as the "oldest and largest consumer led organization advocating for the institution of vaccine safety and informed consent protections",[5] it promotes false and misleading information including the discredited claim that vaccines cause autism,[6][7][8] and its campaigns portray vaccination as risky, encouraging people to consider "alternatives."[9]

It's based on the Anti-Vaxxer site NVIC you moron! Oh jeez. You deserve to die if you're stupid enough to subscribe that that crap.

About the NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) that your "story" is based on:

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), founded under the name Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT) in 1982, is an American 501(c)(3)[1] organization that has been widely criticized as a leading source of fearmongering and misinformation about vaccines.[2][3][4] While NVIC describes itself as the "oldest and largest consumer led organization advocating for the institution of vaccine safety and informed consent protections",[5] it promotes false and misleading information including the discredited claim that vaccines cause autism,[6][7][8] and its campaigns portray vaccination as risky, encouraging people to consider "alternatives."[9]
Well 563 does in the UK that’s in the ons website data
All the time mate all the way through lockdown 2 holidays to Tenerife in lockdown smoked weed daily not ever been ill never worn a mask either. If you isolate your immune system weakens and you’re more susceptible to being unable to fight it.
Thanks for the advice.

I'll tell that to my aged mother and mother in-law. I'm sure my wife will be OK with it when I bring the disease home and it kills her mother. We gotta be tougher than the virus.

What a dope.
Well 563 does in the UK that’s in the ons website data
New Member · 40
Joined Today at 10:40 AM

6 posts, 5 in politics and one in the grow sections trying to get likes for permissions.

Your very first post was in the politics section spewing antivaccer disinformation and whining about being a vaccine chickenshit. Oh I'll wait and see how many die before I risk my precious pink little arse, Jesus how fucking pathetic and gutless can you get. How fucking stupid and arrogant are you, to not be able to figure out the relative risks, or to listen to the experts who are better informed and smarter than you. No cure for stupid except the grave and with any luck covid will cure you.
Well 563 does in the UK that’s in the ons website data
OK, dumbass. Let's assume you're right on the 563. Do you have any idea what that makes the odds?

With 1,629,403,048 vaccinated, that gives you a .00000034561% chance of dying from the vaccine.

You have better odds of being struck by lighting, winning the lottery and marrying Ivanka Trump all in the same day.

Know what your chances are of dying if you get covid? About 2%. That means you have a 5,786,869 to 1 better chance of dying from covid than you do dying from the vaccine.

Critical thinking isn't your strong point. You should be more focused on obtaining herd immunity than herd mentality. Did you even read the link you posted?

The link you posted even states there is no link to the vaccine. How do you use that to insinuate people have died from taking the vaccine? After millions and millions of doses given out there are going to be people that died with or without taking the vaccine from causes that have nothing to do with the vaccine.

"While there are thousands of patients passing away after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, a clear link between the death of the patient and the vaccine is yet to be established."
OK, dumbass. Let's assume you're right on the 563. Do you have any idea what that makes the odds?

With 1,629,403,048 vaccinated, that gives you a .00000034561% chance of dying from the vaccine.

You have better odds of being struck by lighting, winning the lottery and marrying Ivanka Trump all in the same day.

Know what your chances are of dying if you get covid? About 2%. That means you have a 5,786,869 to 1 better chance of dying from covid than you do dying from the vaccine.
It doesn't make me dumb to believe in my capabilities as a human being I'm string a warrior in fact unlike you Whose clearly a keyboard warrior that's shit scared of Feb virus. I don't want a vaccine that's my right so stop being abusive it's a sign of stupidity and that your lacking in actual debate. Having lost a child and my partner of 11 years you would think I was entitled to my personal choice. As I said I'm made of strong stuff I'm fit and healthy and I will use ivermectin and zinc as and vitamin d as opposed to some rushed through vaccine accepted by the masses as they need their lives back and NORMALITY. You my friend are a scared little sheep.
It doesn't make me dumb to believe in my capabilities as a human being I'm string a warrior in fact unlike you Whose clearly a keyboard warrior that's shit scared of Feb virus. I don't want a vaccine that's my right so stop being abusive it's a sign of stupidity and that your lacking in actual debate. Having lost a child and my partner of 11 years you would think I was entitled to my personal choice. As I said I'm made of strong stuff I'm fit and healthy and I will use ivermectin and zinc as and vitamin d as opposed to some rushed through vaccine accepted by the masses as they need their lives back and NORMALITY. You my friend are a scared little sheep.
You are totally welcome to make your own choices and I am perfectly allowed to not agree or condone your decision
Deal with it
This is the second time this week I saw someone trying to guilt people for doing whats best for the largest group
Strength won't help in an ICU like you are drowning
Oh well
I do feel sorry for the health care workers you put in jeopardy
Actually 1200 have died so far and this is about personal choice also why should It bother those vaccinating if the vaccine works that is?! It’s personal choice and that’s anybody’s right.
We have laws against people being subjected to second hand smoke. We now have a pretty good indication that people can die from other people's virus laded breath. You do not want to take the vaccine? Then maybe the rest of us want you to be enclosed like a Bubble Boy.
It doesn't make me dumb to believe in my capabilities as a human being I'm string a warrior in fact unlike you Whose clearly a keyboard warrior that's shit scared of Feb virus. I don't want a vaccine that's my right so stop being abusive it's a sign of stupidity and that your lacking in actual debate. Having lost a child and my partner of 11 years you would think I was entitled to my personal choice. As I said I'm made of strong stuff I'm fit and healthy and I will use ivermectin and zinc as and vitamin d as opposed to some rushed through vaccine accepted by the masses as they need their lives back and NORMALITY. You my friend are a scared little sheep.

You do realize that you can't actually speak for your body, right? Your consciousness can't just say you'll never get cancer and somehow have your body listen. That's either ignorance, or narcissism.

Yeah yeah, people fall back to rights when they lose their former point of argument. We all know it's your right. We've had thirty of you come through here already.

Only an asshole conflates a consideration for others as being a scared little sheep, especially when you just cried about some infinitesimal percentage of having something bad happen.
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You do realize that you can't actually speak for your body, right? Your consciousness can't just say you'll never get cancer and somehow have your body listen. That's either ignorance, or narcissism.

Yeah yeah, people fall back to rights when they lose their former point of argument. We all know it's your right.

Only an asshole conflates a consideration for others as being a scared little sheep, especially when you just cried about some infinitesimal percentage of having something bad happen.

Ironic how people who blindly follow lies and believe unproven rumors all huddle up and call others sheep. (ANTI vaxxers, maga cultists, etc)
It doesn't make me dumb to believe in my capabilities as a human being I'm string a warrior in fact unlike you Whose clearly a keyboard warrior that's shit scared of Feb virus. I don't want a vaccine that's my right so stop being abusive it's a sign of stupidity and that your lacking in actual debate. Having lost a child and my partner of 11 years you would think I was entitled to my personal choice. As I said I'm made of strong stuff I'm fit and healthy and I will use ivermectin and zinc as and vitamin d as opposed to some rushed through vaccine accepted by the masses as they need their lives back and NORMALITY. You my friend are a scared little sheep.
Judging from your post I'd have to say you are a moron and from the speed you showed up in politics, a lying sock. You said quite plainly you don't give a fuck about anybody but yourself. The fact that hundreds of millions have been vaccinated with very few ill effects proves you don't know what to do with facts when you have them. You don't have two clues to rub together, even though there are many are laying all around you.
I think I'm just doing what everybody else is doing. Flash from big picture to little one. The epidemic, the vaccine and how our society responds to it is big picture (disappointing because about 30% or less will accept it). How me and mine chose to live through the epidemic, how we deal with life as the end game approaches is little picture. I can't really affect the big picture but watching what happens there informs my actions within my little sphere of influence.

And fuuuuuck Trump, his family, his toadies and the people who support all of that. But it wasn't Trump who led us into this mess, it is something else and I can't completely accept that it was outside influences like Putin's psy ops behind all of it. We've always had a sizeable contingent in this society that follows cranks and their lies. John Birch society, for example. They have been pushing the story about a false conspiracy between the left and communists to take over the world for half a century. The McCarthy hearings and House on Unamerican Activities was another Republican right wing authoritarian attempt at taking over the government by lies and force. I can't say why we have those people but they have always been with us. Probably because there is more than one reason.

It was a close thing with Trump. We will have to stay on guard. The authoritarian right are a minority but enough to tip this country into dictatorship if the majority sleeps on them.

Meanwhile, I have my little life to manage. My kids are going back to public school. They are vaccinated and free to restart their own lives. My oldest is graduating from HS in a few weeks, do we go to the public ceremony or not? We signed up for the public ceremony. It's time to start trusting the vaccine.
You've got the right mindset and have common sense, I can't believe the last 4 yrs. happened,perfect storm I guess, the right Dem candidate (unpopular w/some centrist dems,self entitled a little, and a bit lazy to campaign in some states, combined w/ the Rah Rah Rah Jerry Springer infused BS that Cheeto used so well to capture all the dimwit rednecks who tuned in for years to see him say "YOU'RE FIRED"UNFKNBELIEVABLEccguns
It doesn't make me dumb to believe in my capabilities as a human being I'm string a warrior in fact unlike you Whose clearly a keyboard warrior that's shit scared of Feb virus. I don't want a vaccine that's my right so stop being abusive it's a sign of stupidity and that your lacking in actual debate. Having lost a child and my partner of 11 years you would think I was entitled to my personal choice. As I said I'm made of strong stuff I'm fit and healthy and I will use ivermectin and zinc as and vitamin d as opposed to some rushed through vaccine accepted by the masses as they need their lives back and NORMALITY. You my friend are a scared little sheep.
Yeah, my elderly mom will be so comforted knowing that she caught the virus because somebody else wasn't careful. But he was a
"strong warrior".

You do have personal choice. What you do with it makes you who you are. You can be a self absorbed turd who doesn't care about anybody but themselves or you can be a good person. People who ignored the safety precautions, ignored mask and other rational protocols and are filthy and unclean. A shower can remove the outside filth but the inside crud you've accumulated requires changes in attitude before that can be cleansed.

And yes, your replies make you out to be dumb. lulz at "I'm string a warrior". Dumbass.