Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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It doesn't make me dumb to believe in my capabilities as a human being I'm string a warrior in fact unlike you Whose clearly a keyboard warrior that's shit scared of Feb virus. I don't want a vaccine that's my right so stop being abusive it's a sign of stupidity and that your lacking in actual debate. Having lost a child and my partner of 11 years you would think I was entitled to my personal choice. As I said I'm made of strong stuff I'm fit and healthy and I will use ivermectin and zinc as and vitamin d as opposed to some rushed through vaccine accepted by the masses as they need their lives back and NORMALITY. You my friend are a scared little sheep.
Man I don't know you enough to say if you are a troll of not, but you just gave trolls all kinds of ways to come at you.

If you are a real person it is so incredibly likely that you have been under attack online for years and don't realize it (unless you do).
Man I don't know you enough to say if you are a troll of not, but you just gave trolls all kinds of ways to come at you.

If you are a real person it is so incredibly likely that you have been under attack online for years and don't realize it (unless you do).
I just don’t care a less for another’s opinion I do know a select few got real rich out of Covid I don’t trust the vaccine or my government and that’s my choice. No need to call me names or be hostile u can’t catch the virus online ffs!
I just don’t care a less for another’s opinion I do know a select few got real rich out of Covid I don’t trust the vaccine or my government and that’s my choice. No need to call me names or be hostile u can’t catch the virus online ffs!

I don't care about your feelings either. As an uninformed ignoramus, what you think is even less interesting.




don't quit reading when you find the first story that tells you what you want to hear....
I do know a select few got real rich out of Covid

Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet, Larry Ellison, Larry Paige...they all got 20% richer and more.

Had nothing to do with a vaccine though.

And just FYI: how do you think the vaccine is free? Because it was engineered with the emergency production act and prices were limited by Medicare who actually pays for it.

If you bothered reading real news sources you'd know that. Nobody got stinking rich off the vaccines. They make about 1000 times more on insulin than they do any of the covid vaccines.
I just don’t care a less for another’s opinion I do know a select few got real rich out of Covid I don’t trust the vaccine or my government and that’s my choice. No need to call me names or be hostile u can’t catch the virus online ffs!
No shit 'a select few got rich' from the virus hammering our society.

People with enough money to have ready for all the times the last 50 years when the Republicans melted our economy are of course a 'very select few'. They make a killing off all the hard work of the masses and live off the interest. Recessions are like a farmers harvest for them. And every Republican POTUS since at least Reagan has given us at least one.

But to pretend like all the scientists worked their asses off getting all their degrees and working on this vaccine for decades all had shitty reasons.

If you are a real person, you are in information overload here confusing me with people who you are complaining about (which is why I mentioned you should ignore people who you are really worked up over, because this is the internet and if you think you are talking to someone trolling you, chances are extremely good that you are and you should ignore them because you can't win with a troll) if you are confusing anything I said with being hostile towards you or calling you names.

Best of luck getting out of your online narratives.
It doesn't make me dumb to believe in my capabilities as a human being I'm string a warrior in fact unlike you Whose clearly a keyboard warrior that's shit scared of Feb virus. I don't want a vaccine that's my right so stop being abusive it's a sign of stupidity and that your lacking in actual debate. Having lost a child and my partner of 11 years you would think I was entitled to my personal choice. As I said I'm made of strong stuff I'm fit and healthy and I will use ivermectin and zinc as and vitamin d as opposed to some rushed through vaccine accepted by the masses as they need their lives back and NORMALITY. You my friend are a scared little sheep.
how does losing someone entitle you to anything?
rights are granted by society, and can be revoked at the whim of that same society. rights come with responsibilities. if you exercise the right to not protect yourself, you have the responsibility to keep yourself isolated so you don't make anyone else sick with the disease you refuse to get vaccinated for. if you don't, then you are abusing your right to self determination that other people deserve as much as you do
Oh...you mean....you're willing to criminally assault someone for exercising their constitutional rights in a manner that like...hurts your feelings and stuff? That's weird. We've never see that from the gestapo rednecks before.
Lmao I’m no red neck I’m from fucking London you imbecile. Lefty weiners acting hard behind their screens when in actual fact your just fools with little impetus. You yanks are crazy well the democrat ones at least!Joe Biden
OK, dumbass. Let's assume you're right on the 563. Do you have any idea what that makes the odds?

With 1,629,403,048 vaccinated, that gives you a .00000034561% chance of dying from the vaccine.

You have better odds of being struck by lighting, winning the lottery and marrying Ivanka Trump all in the same day.

Know what your chances are of dying if you get covid? About 2%. That means you have a 5,786,869 to 1 better chance of dying from covid than you do dying from the vaccine.
Actually it is .000034561%
Lmao I’m no red neck I’m from fucking London you imbecile. Lefty weiners acting hard behind their screens when in actual fact your just fools with little impetus. You yanks are crazy well the democrat ones at least!Joe Biden

See there you go again being abusive I hope we meet cos you won’t be so brazen but your a big man behind a laptop

Lmao I’m no red neck I’m from fucking London you imbecile. Lefty weiners acting hard behind their screens when in actual fact your just fools with little impetus. You yanks are crazy well the democrat ones at least!Joe Biden
rednecks often inhabit urban areas, when driven from their natural (under bridges, usually, sometimes behind dumpsters in particularly dirty alleys) habitats.
https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=urban red neck