Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Did anyone have any idea what newsmax was before four years ago, or even a year ago?
I was on it since before the 2016 election. The people on it were assholes back then but on occasion I did get into somewhat cordial conversations with a few of them. I found that they really did not look into the big picture. A commentary the other day about Trump not having any depth of history and only takes in consideration what helps himself seems to sum them up. The US is not a world unto itself, it relies and effects the rest of the world. And the thought that the US should dominate on top of all others. Little regard for others that are not them (not a surprise) with the same thoughts. The only way I even got to talk to them in that way was I am not a US citizen.

But after Fox gave Biden Arizona the whack jobs from Fox invaded. You can forget finding common ground after that, the old regulars pretty much got drowned out. Mind you there were only a dozen liberal scum holding up the flag before and after the Fox implosion many more followed the others to Newsmax and needled them with facts and figures, you know, science. I hung on for a month or so after the election but there were enough people there now spouting reality that I became redundant. Kind of a good feeling.
Sort of, "You are your bother's keeper."?

Pretty much and considering how many of these boobs call themselves Christians you can tell they don't even know what being Christian entails.

And then there's their confusion about what being a self-proclaimed patriot entails as well.

The blame for this can be equally shared by both parties for allowing the US education system become what it has. Not that our Canadian system is all that much better. :(

Pretty much and considering how many of these boobs call themselves Christians you can tell they don't even know what being Christian entails.

And then there's their confusion about what being a self-proclaimed patriot entails as well.

The blame for this can be equally shared by both parties for allowing the US education system become what it has. Not that our Canadian system is all that much better. :(

That is the difference between the two sides. One thinks we are all in this together and the other thinks the world is a vast space where I should be able to do what the hell I want (and others not).
I finally got vaccinated a month ago at the rehab facility I went to after the hospital & I had to ask for it. I guess they figured that if I had Covid once, I was immune and didn't need it
I said fuck that shit, give the needle
I think I was right, at least I feel better taking it for peace of mind. Time has shown re-infections in people that had Covid & even with the jab, your really not completely safe it seems. ( I'm wearing a mask forever/not kidding :) )
I said fuck that shit, give the needle
Anyway, I bet you those fuckers that are burying their dead now ( 90% unvaccinated :( are getting a jab)
US coronavirus: 'Surprising amount of death' will soon occur in these US regions from increased Covid-19 cases, expert says - CNN
And you know what?
44 out of the 45 hot spots that now exist in the US are all in the South & voted for who?
Fucking Trump & their Republican Representatives, that REPEATEDLY, even to this day, tell their constituents that Covid_19 & Delta viruses are really not that big a deal, it's being overblown by the Communists/Socialists/Democrats & the Elites (they don't want any stinking Elites telling them what to do, they want them to be liars & dumb as fuck, just like them.
Sad reality, isn't it?
I find myself in conundrum.
Should I feel sympathy for those assholes?
After much soul-searching, I came to a conclusion.
For those that didn't vaccinate, I have no sympathy at all, not one little bit
I really don't give a fuck if they die (kinda happy actually/one less Republican :) )
The only sympathy that I feel is for those poor souls that have to coexist with those brain-dead mother-fucking mutants.
Pray for them :)
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not me.
these are the same people that think the election was stolen, the capitol rioters were patriots and that russians are better than democrats.

just evolution at work: getting stupidity out of the gene pool.
It is easy to feel that way. But I don't see that being much different than the nazi's mindset about people they think are 'lesser'. Their kids/grandkids/etc have a shot at being fully functional adults even if their parents are fully dug in on their 'liberal' conspiracy theory nuttery.

If it has not been decades in the making thanks to the Republicans right wing propaganda machine (Fox/Hate Radio/Internet/Churches/etc) they would not have been as fully brainwashed today.
It is easy to feel that way. But I don't see that being much different than the nazi's mindset about people they think are 'lesser'. Their kids/grandkids/etc have a shot at being fully functional adults even if their parents are fully dug in on their 'liberal' conspiracy theory nuttery.

If it has not been decades in the making thanks to the Republicans right wing propaganda machine (Fox/Hate Radio/Internet/Churches/etc) they would not have been as fully brainwashed today.
i appreciate your kindness towards them. i don't have the same warm fuzzies for them.