Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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We'll I figured his expertise and critique of my piece, writing style,structure,punctuation, in depth analysis syntax, discourse analysis indicated the Engllish language was his wheelhouse........he appeared to be highly educated. Sorry so much, I'll dumb-it down for you and Jacko Mac.
You are so kind.
So, don't join. Their mission is to be ready to fight a war, not soothe the brows of people who are bad at reasoning.

Most companies are going in that direction too. Antivaxxers threaten our economy. If you don't want a vaccine, don't take it but an employer has every right to exclude antivaxxers when they threaten the health of other employees or customers. They don't want a plague ridden anachronism to ruin their business. It's also an indication of low intelligence, so, they will find ways to legally let them go. No loss.
It’s so true! I am so happy for businesses to be able to fire antivaxxers . They can finally get rid of the stupid employees legally! Antivaxxers will have to group together and live like animals in order to survive because no civilized intelligent society will want them around.
i agree however he's not the only leader that didn't take his own advice.

sometimes my friend, it's the devil you know versus the one you don't.

i think the shaming had it's effect although you have to wonder what was up with the Kimberly Guilfoyle choice..he's a politician and that's why people hate them because they possess no moral compass. donor money has a lot to do with it- it's time to end it.

perfect example of all of this is Matt Gaetz.
yah, that he married Guilfoyle is a red flag for me too.

I followed my dick into enemy territory before. But that was when I was in my twenties. To be honest, she rejected ME, so it's all good and I was given the chance to see my mistake. Didn't happen again. Well, not much.
It’s so true! I am so happy for businesses to be able to fire antivaxxers . They can finally get rid of the stupid employees legally! Antivaxxers will have to group together and live like animals in order to survive because no civilized intelligent society will want them around.
It's justice in a way. Those same luddites along with other Trumpers caused this epidemic to reach the level that it has. Health officials who worked under Trump's administration figure that the first hundred thousand dead was unavoidable. The blood of the remaining 500,000 who died this past year is on Trump's and his follower's hands.

So, they can either get vaccinated or become second class citizens.
I'm intolerant towards Nazi's and Trumpers, they don't have different opinions only what Trump tells them to believe, but are merely driven by fear and hate. I'm plenty tolerant and can tolerate many different points of view, however when it comes to bullshit that puts liberal democracy at risk or are a risk to public health as they are, my patience wears a bit thin, the same goes for willful ignorance or spreading disinformation that kills people with stupidity. Racism and bigotry have almost destroyed your country, those who seek to protect it aren't bigots, they are patriots. The culture wars are merely a proxy for tribalism based on racism and bigotry.

Understand this though, if a pandemic is bad enough the government would use deadly force and interment and not tolerate super spreader events or those who break public health laws. America was an outlier in this pandemic (500,000 dead) because of government mismanagement and malicious lying, other countries used a firmer approach. In Canada and Australia as well as many other places people were jailed and fined enormous sums of money for violation public health rules.
You said that you want to burn people who don't want to be vaccinated with flame throwers. That has nothing to do with intolerance towards nazis or Trump lovers. There are plenty of us Trump haters who are hesitant to vaccinate. You don't even understand the realities of this country aside from what you view through your television.
You said that you want to burn people who don't want to be vaccinated with flame throwers. That has nothing to do with intolerance towards nazis or Trump lovers. There are plenty of us Trump haters who are hesitant to vaccinate. You don't even understand the realities of this country aside from what you view through your television.
How do you know he watches TV?
You said that you want to burn people who don't want to be vaccinated with flame throwers. That has nothing to do with intolerance towards nazis or Trump lovers. There are plenty of us Trump haters who are hesitant to vaccinate. You don't even understand the realities of this country aside from what you view through your television.
I figured you'd be back and I figured you'd seize upon it. Like I said a democratic government will use flame throwers in the right circumstances to control a pandemic. A higher mortality rate and killing children in large numbers will do the trick. Personally I'd never us a flamethrower unless it was legal for me to do so and I felt it was required. In America 500,000 deaths was more the result of incompetence and stupidity than the result of a pandemic. One or two hundred thousand older adults dying would be the case with a competent government and would not be enough to evoke such a response.

Ask yourself what the government would do if the case mortality rate exceeded 10%, instead of .4%, it killed kids and younger people like the 1918 pandemic and there was no vaccine in sight. Before the introduction of a smallpox vaccine in 1796, on average 7.6% (1-in-13) of all deaths were caused by smallpox. People took extreme measures then too and Washington was ahead of the game by a decade and had his army inoculated.

"Two forms of the disease are recognized, variola minor with a mortality rate of approximately 1%, and the more common variola major with a mortality rate of 30%. Between 65–80% of survivors are marked with deep pitted scars (pockmarks), most prominent on the face. "
You said that you want to burn people who don't want to be vaccinated with flame throwers. That has nothing to do with intolerance towards nazis or Trump lovers. There are plenty of us Trump haters who are hesitant to vaccinate. You don't even understand the realities of this country aside from what you view through your television.
Don't get too upset about it, it has everything to do with human nature and not America, they would be using flamethrowers in Canada too if a pandemic was bad enough. You should see what large scale fear and panic will do to a society, in a real serious pandemic with a high mortality rate most of the Trumpers would be dead, so would those lucky enough to survive until a vaccine was developed and refused it. Nothing like dying in large numbers to get folks attention and it would bitch slap most Trumpers to reality before too many died though.

With this pandemic and it's case mortality rate of .4% you have the luxury of your feelings and opinion. I hope you come around to the correct decision, you have all the facts and at this point you are clearly not driven by logic, but by fear, though that is not necessarily a bad thing.

Those who would sneer at public health measures would be treated like traitors if the mortality rate was high enough, with a contagious pandemic at some point flamethrowers would be employed. It's not an American thing, it's a human thing and applies to all societies that would survive. Even nice people can be real pricks if their family's safety is on the line.
Don't get too upset about it, it has everything to do with human nature and not America, they would be using flamethrowers in Canada too if a pandemic was bad enough. You should see what large scale fear and panic will do to a society, in a real serious pandemic with a high mortality rate most of the Trumpers would be dead, so would those lucky enough to survive until a vaccine was developed and refused it. Nothing like dying in large numbers to get folks attention and it would bitch slap most Trumpers to reality before too many died though.

With this pandemic and it's case mortality rate of .4% you have the luxury of your feelings and opinion. I hope you come around to the correct decision, you have all the facts and at this point you are clearly not driven by logic, but by fear, though that is not necessarily a bad thing.

Those who would sneer at public health measures would be treated like traitors if the mortality rate was high enough, with a contagious pandemic at some point flamethrowers would be employed. It's not an American thing, it's a human thing and applies to all societies that would survive. Even nice people can be real pricks if their family's safety is on the line.
I'm pretty clear where you stand. No need to beat it to death, like you would if you met up with someone who wasn't vaccinated. I get it dude.
You said that you want to burn people who don't want to be vaccinated with flame throwers. That has nothing to do with intolerance towards nazis or Trump lovers. There are plenty of us Trump haters who are hesitant to vaccinate. You don't even understand the realities of this country aside from what you view through your television.
yah, DIY gets a bit extreme for me too, at times.

I recognize your right to say no to the vaccine. You are going to have to recognize our right to exclude you from common society if you do say no. It's your choice whether or not to join us.
I recognize your right to say no to the vaccine. You are going to have to recognize our right to exclude you from common society if you do say no. It's your choice whether or not to join us.

yea but it isn't a "vaccine" in the traditional sense of that word

doesn't help you from catching it and spreading it

only person that it "might" help is yourself - so there's really no point in excluding anybody who chooses not to get the shot
I'm pretty clear where you stand. No need to beat it to death, like you would if you met up with someone who wasn't vaccinated. I get it dude.
I'll be immunized soon and will have little fear of the unvaccinated, believe it of not I do care and spent a bit of time working you over because I do, otherwise I would not have bothered. I've spent much of the time explaining how the science works. Sorry for getting under your skin but it was intentional! ;) You are not a Trumper, just someone with different opinions on somethings that don't matter much to me. It's protecting others that is the most important thing and the way you do that is by protecting yourself. I believe the risks are minimal based on the evidence and expert opinion, but your doctor should make the call on this one.
Isn't the J&J a traditional vaccine?

it is not - it's a viral vector

Viral vector-based vaccines differ from most conventional vaccines in that they don’t actually contain antigens, but rather use the body’s own cells to produce them. They do this by using a modified virus (the vector) to deliver genetic code for antigen, in the case of COVID-19 spike proteins found on the surface of the virus, into human cells. By infecting cells and instructing them to make large amounts of antigen, which then trigger an immune response, the vaccine mimics what happens during natural infection with certain pathogens - especially viruses. This has the advantage of triggering a strong cellular immune response by T cells as well the production of antibodies by B cells. An example of a viral vector vaccine is the rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine against Ebola.