Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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I know a guy with a Masters that works at Home Depot.

His degree is in electrical engineering. He knocks down 6 figures.

I know a lady with an associates that works at Wendy's. She makes just short of 80 grand a year as a regional media coordinator.

It's not where you work. It's the job you have.
The AZ is knocking the crap out of me. I feel like I was hit by a bus. Chills, soreness and fatigue along with a headache and a temperature.

I guess it’s working.

Always nice if you're the lucky one with just a sore arm, but yeah those symptoms are about what I'm expecting too, being down for a few days. Just don't push it in those moments when you're feeling a little better.
soreness and fatigue
If you had covid, those would be signs you would be in for a rough ride, perhaps the final one, especially the muscular soreness. Stay safe until it kicks in and then exercise abundant caution, it is believed your immune response will grow more broad spectrum over time and handle variants better. It's not just a case of I'm safe after two weeks or my second shot, it just means you probably won't end up in the hospital and die.
The AZ is knocking the crap out of me. I feel like I was hit by a bus. Chills, soreness and fatigue along with a headache and a temperature.

I guess it’s working.
Hows your BP CC? Mine has been going haywire for 3 days now. Seems like my BP meds are not kicking in right and it's out of control. Overall it's hanging around 130/85 @70 bps. That's high for me as an average. I'm usually @ 120/78 @ 55 bps. My high was 198/104 Monday and I had a few 175/101 last night.

Not sure wtf is going on but I'm not happy about it. At least no chest pains during those episodes.
Got a buddy working in the hospital and he has not gone for the shot. He says every time he got the Flu shot it knocked him on his ass. So he is thinking he will get the same reaction (given his makeup that might not be a wrong assumption) and he is in some financial difficulty. He is one of these people that losing one day of income will hurt (he got mixed up with a woman that cost him a lot, he was doing ok before her). So given his financial state you would think betting on the shot would make more sense than betting on not getting the virus, especially working in a place where people go when they are sick. But then again he always has thought of today over tomorrow.

Fourteen days to my shot,
Hows your BP CC? Mine has been going haywire for 3 days now. Seems like my BP meds are not kicking in right and it's out of control. Overall it's hanging around 130/85 @70 bps. That's high for me as an average. I'm usually @ 120/78 @ 55 bps. My high was 198/104 Monday and I had a few 175/101 last night.

Not sure wtf is going on but I'm not happy about it. At least no chest pains during those episodes.

Erratic heartbeat is also really common with dehydration. I'd try to stay up on fluids to see if you notice a difference.
Hows your BP CC? Mine has been going haywire for 3 days now. Seems like my BP meds are not kicking in right and it's out of control. Overall it's hanging around 130/85 @70 bps. That's high for me as an average. I'm usually @ 120/78 @ 55 bps. My high was 198/104 Monday and I had a few 175/101 last night.

Not sure wtf is going on but I'm not happy about it. At least no chest pains during those episodes.
Anxiety will do that too, have you googled hypertension meds + covid vaccines?
Hows your BP CC? Mine has been going haywire for 3 days now. Seems like my BP meds are not kicking in right and it's out of control. Overall it's hanging around 130/85 @70 bps. That's high for me as an average. I'm usually @ 120/78 @ 55 bps. My high was 198/104 Monday and I had a few 175/101 last night.

Not sure wtf is going on but I'm not happy about it. At least no chest pains during those episodes.
Also make sure yer potassium levels are high enough, eat a banana or drink some milk.
I do have anxiety and that "could" be a possibility but I've been dealing with anxiety for 30 years and I'm not 100% on that diagnosis atm.
Why not try mindfulness meditation? You can smoke pot and do it too, provided pot does not fuck you up too much, studies have shown it can act as another tier of BP meds. Try a free online MBSR course or spend some bucks and attend a local one if you can, makes ya happy and drops yer baggage too. If your condition is labile to stress, it can help, but some folks are wired for hypertension. Diet and exercise along with medication and meditation might be a useful approach.

I'm currently improving my diet and fitness, age is catching up too fast and I want some energy back, better endurance and health.
Online MBSR/Mindfulness (Free) (palousemindfulness.com)
Been eating a banana or 2 a day plus a gallon of water. I have noticed an increase of BP with smaller doses of salt since the vaccine. I turned down the salt since then. Watching my BP like a hawk and trying to take it easy.
Cortisol is a stress hormone and chronic levels can inflame the inside of blood vessels and make cholesterol stick like glue. Meditation and evoking the relaxation response is the only way known to drop cortisol levels like a rock. Part of the "feel good" in meditation practice is resetting the hormones and stress chemical soup that predisposes our mood. Cortisol levels remain lowered for hours after too, unless ya get pissed or frightened.

It takes about 8 weeks to experience the full spectrum of perceptual and psychological changes, but the physical benefits start right away, so does the reduced anxiety and increased happiness. It's exercise and works the same way and it takes as long to get into "shape".
A friends wife was sick as a dog for 3 days after the moderna shot, she wouldn't go back for the second shot.
Personally I don't give a shit about feeling sick, I've been sick before, I do care about getting sick with covid. She should be 80% covered and she has lot's of time to change her mind.
You guys are a riot!

It's not quite as funny here with Harold being sent to the corner by the completely unbiased admin here. Well hopefully his suspension is just a 24-hour one like mine was. Don't worry, he'll be back.

It is pretty sad to see so much one-sided censoring around these parts. Funny how some users are allowed to Troll-it-up relentlessly, while others get sent to the corner for more minor offenses. Well, I guess that's the sad state of the world these days. Humans are humans, so I shouldn't be surprised to see anything different here.

I see why some of you are so hyper-focused on Trump. He really did fuck our society up with his divide and conquer mentality, which is living on now, well past his term. This herd mentality has got to stop. Do I really have to be a Democrat OR Republican? Can't I just keep my 'no party affiliation", and focus on specific issues? Do I really have to be "for" OR "against" something? Can't it be safe to be cautious and ask questions? I think that sometimes people forget that the world is round, and that if you go to far one direction, you may find yourself having just taking one giant step backwards via the long route.

Well I have a video shoot tonight. I'm teaching this young guy who has a lot of potential and motivation, how to run a multi-camera streaming switcher. Who knows @rollitup , if he's nice I might even let him plug in a speaker.