Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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While the AZ vaccine may have a slight (practically statistically insignificant) risk, the benefits outweigh the risk, IMO.

Feeling much better today, fever broke last night. What’s the status on your vaccine date DIY?
First shot of Pfizer next Saturday (24th) and the second one in August, I might not be invincible, but my odds of ending up in the hospital or ICU are greatly diminished. By the time I get the booster 105 days later my immune response to covid should be broader through the natural adaptation of B cell response mutation. Apparently the longer you are vaccinated the better you will be able to handle variants.

I'm not concerned about short term side effects, I have opioid pain medication that I seldom use on hand if it becomes an issue of pain. As for feeling like shit, been there done that, I'll bet you've had worse hangovers! :lol:
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That’s probably because your vaccine worked differently than mine. I was actually injected with a mild version of a corona virus.
An adenovirus, a weakened, genetically modified monkey virus. Have you had a craving for bananas? :lol: I prefer the mRNA's, cleaner IMHO, but any port in a storm and ya might hit the rocks trying to make safe harbor.
What's funny is that you can take a million people and give each one a glass of water and one of them is going to die tomorrow. Not gonna have anything to do with the water, but we could sure sell it that way and a certain type is going to freak out.
I think on average it would actually be about 23 people would have died the next day.

(7708 people die everyday in America /330 million people in America)*1 million people who drank that water = 23 people would die on average the next day.
First shot of Pfizer next Saturday (24th) and the second one in August, I might not be invincible, but my odds of ending up in the hospital or ICU are greatly diminished. By the time I get the booster 105 days later my immune response to covid should be broader through the natural adaptation of B cell response mutation. Apparently the longer you are vaccinated the better you will be able to handle variants.

I'm not concerned about short term side effects, I have opioid pain medication that I seldom use on hand if it becomes an issue of pain. As for feeling like shit, been there done that, I'll bet you've had worse hangovers! :lol:

Is that a normal interval?