Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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"The World Health Organization estimates that worldwide, annual influenza epidemics result in about 3-5 million cases of severe illness and about 250,000 to 500,000 deaths."
It is estimated that 0.001 percent to 0.007 percent of the world’s population died of respiratory complications associated with (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection during the first 12 months the virus circulated.

Let's be conservative 6,000,000,000 people * average of 0.004???? The answer for the poorly educated is 24 million.

God, I hope with all my being that you all that are vaccinated or not are not in complications. But if you are, why should you be denied potentially life saving medicine? You might need it! I love you guys.
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Well, it's for mammals after all. The issue seems to be people the in the USA with a poor education that cannot do math, so they take the whole tube. Even still, it seems very well tolerated since from the reports I read all of the calls to the hotline reported only mild symptoms. After all, the medicine is on the WHO's list of essential medicines (for humans). Anyways I digress. It is preferrable to get this medication from a doctor...
You should double up your dosage.

Getting neutered might be a good idea too.
It's not enough to threaten them with loss of livelihood, and non-essential activities, it's best to deny them care. LOL is this like some joke reality I am living in run by a bunch of evil clowns? People like you suck. The virus with a survival rate of 99% globally requires this? Get real.
since it's so survivable you antivax retards should stop going to the hospital when you get it. you'll be fine 99% of the time.
Will you be getting all the boosters? Some people I know can't wait to get booster after booster. They are salivating at the thought of boosters because it means they won't be afraid any more. ;)
i guess that's better than being forever afraid of a vaccine that your grandma wasnt scared of
Strawman. When did we talk about FDA? Get a clue bud.
It is clueless to ask for evidence that an objective fact is true. The FDA has not authorized the use of Ivermectin. This is simple, obvious and does not require proof.

Actually, the flu in its' worst season killed up to 600k in USA alone.

But whatever man, facts are what you want them to be.
Hospitals across the country have never been filled up like they are today. This too is an objective fact. Your analogy comparing Covid to the flu fails due to the scale and severity of the Coronavirus pandemic.
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tRUmptards will soon be dying en masse in Florida, do you think they are tired of all the winning? I look at this as a positive step toward ridding this country of tRUmpism.
