wind and rain


Well-Known Member
figured that well now the rain seems to be gone for the next week or so and the sun is out and the plants are looking good and happy again


Well-Known Member
I had rain for 2 days straight and it kind of worried me a bit. its now day 2 on a sunny day and no sign of anything except the wind/weight bringing them down. I heard Sativas can take more abuse than indica in those climate changes. Plus where I am, the weather doesnt get humid at this time of year. I think its the perfect enviroment for it. I am hoping this weather continues til the end of the month.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Thats just what you dont want mate, rain over a few days with no sun to dry it off. Then mold sets in.


Well-Known Member
i am using an easy up structure with tarps around the sides (for privacy from neighbors), while leaving the top open during dry days and a clear plastic over the top when it rains works great.

we were suposto get rain all this weekend but ended up just being a sprinkle and clouds. sun is shinning again...hopefully for another week or two.