Well-Known Member
I am glad to see the unions can still buy votes, got the judge elected. There goes the union members money, way to go you stupid bastards.
that graph is just showing the effects of the Bailout, the big return upwards starting in 2009 ( Coincidentally so did the stock market). the next uptick starting right before 2011 is the effect of QE1, you won't see the effects of the 4-5 billion dollar a day monetization of debt we are doing right now (QE2) until next year at the earliest. If 800 billion can move it up 3%, how much will $4 trillion? If they attempt to stop QE you will see a massive freefall in the markets and quickly appreciating treasury yields, all of which spell disaster for the US.
What is your point? I said we had negative inflation, you said "no we don't" and posted a chart that still shows disinflation...along with statements that are making it more and more clear that you don't know what you are talking about.
Some inflation is normal, wanted even. In fact, inflation could go a long way in helping our economy by closing our trade deficit. And we were battling defation(or disinflation according to you) for 2 years, deflation is much worse than inflation if left unchecked, it is nearly impossible to stop once it gets going. I would much rather have few years of raised inflation(especially when we are running a trade deficit) than enter a deflationary cycle.
Would you share where you got this information?Taxes are at historically low levels, not high. Lower than they have been in 70 years.
In who's world, other than the Fed and their banker cohorts?Some inflation is normal, wanted even.
Wisconsin Supreme Court race canvass continues
By: CNN's Rebecca Stewart
(CNN) - Waukesha County vote totals may have caused a stir in the Wisconsin Supreme Court election Thursday, but as vote results from additional counties become official, Justice David Prosser continues to lead JoAnne Kloppenburg.
The results from Waukesha County became official Friday, and were added to the Wisconsin state Government Accountability Board's website of officially reporting counties. Ballots from the city of Brookfield that had been left out of unofficial vote totals were discovered, changing the final vote tally and swinging results in the favor of Prosser in that county.
The Wisconsin state Government Accountability Board has added canvass results from 53 counties and 19 still remain. Vote totals tabulated from each county of the 53 reflect that Prosser leads Kloppenburg by roughly 100,000 votes. Of the nineteen counties remaining, canvass vote totals from populous Milwaukee and Kenosha are still outstanding.
Kloppenburg, who received support from unions during her campaign, declared victory on Wednesday, the day after the election. But the canvassing of Waukesha County, a large county which experienced higher-than-usual voter turnout, revealed votes that through "human error" were left out of unofficial tallies given to the media.
Though the Wisconsin Supreme Court election is nonpartisan, independent partisan groups have spent more than $2.5 million on television commercials to influence the outcome. The court is divided 4-3 between conservative and liberal-leaning justices. If opposition to Gov. Scott Walker's anti-union legislation that limits collective bargaining rights advances to the Supreme Court, a partisan split on the bench could affect a ruling decision. Prosser is thought to be sympathetic to Walker's actions, taken in an effort to rein in Wisconsin's budget. Unions have thrown their support behind Kloppenburg, hoping that a victory in the election will give them an advocate on the bench.
The Wisconsin state Government Accountability Board has not certified the results for the April 5 election and will not do so until all of the results are received.
The election for the Wisconsin Supreme court had the Democrat contender winning until three days after the election votes are found on a private computer and are claimed to have been "forgotten."
The Woman who had them on her private computer is a Republican government employee and the number of votes is exactly the number needed to over take the democrat in the race.
She worked as a data analyst and computer specialist for the state’s Republican caucus for 13 years, a time window that included Prosser’s brief tenure as Assembly speaker in 1995 and 1996.
It's a fact so lets see how the Federal investigation goes..
I add news as I find it.
They might not even investigate it. It isn't a federal matter and they aren't made up votes, they are were just not counted at the time. Canvassing is to make sure all the votes are counted. Either way, everything will come out in the wash,.
I read the Feds are in charge of voter fraud. I think they have grounds to invalidate those votes.
I'm guessing those votes were in the hands of people who could have manipulated them.
Remember trillions of dollars in public wealth are at stake.
By limiting what people earn they are making Capping private wealth for the middle and lower classes a law.
This is no little matter.
All you conservative types who don't like capping private wealth how come you are against a living wage?