that's funny.
but i really don't think gun control will ever fly in our country. we are a bunch of puritans. well, some people are. all the guns in the world are fine, but don't dare showcase the fact that you are sexual in any way. gun good, homo bad. bible says so.
a wise man once said something about people clinging to their guns and their bibles.
i was about to hold a secret, silent grudge against CN tonight for his defense of gun laws (which i saw coming), but then i saw that he was reasonable enough to cede that we could do it like other nations (certain conditions would apply). that's the same way i see it. sure, it could happen, but our puritanical values and the lobbyists who exploit them preclude such. it's even more of a far fetched dream than full cannabis re-legalization by leagues and bounds (<---i invented a rickyism there. i'll email it to them).
there is also another factor further precluding a complete overhaul of gun control laws above and beyond the puritans and the lobbyists, it's called the second amendment. no way in hell you'll ever overhaul the second, pipe dream. even less realistic than the gold standard in my book. and fuck, it's an amendment, the second one no less. don't fuck with it too much.
if men could get pregnant, abortion would be the second amendment. sadly it wasn't so. just an aside.
TLDR: i favor a gun control policy in line with britain, but realize that gun control laws will never ever ever ever evarrrrrrrrrr change. and i have learned to accept that.
this long rambling post has been brought to you by cannabis that was more potent than my scissors detected.