World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
Yep Neem works well. Just remember to use a regular dish soap and try not to use an antibacterial. Regular green palmolive works well. Make sure to spray every inch of the plant, especially the undersides of leaves. Neem doesn't kill the mites but interferes with there normal metabolism and makes them unable to breed, so make sure to continue treatments for at least a couple weeks.


Active Member
Wow Moe, sorry to read about your situation mate, i got spooked a long time ago regarding posting detailed info on forums (pictures namely) and i don't really want to post any pictures anymore, even though they are plastic and graphics ;-), but i still like to read through the info when i need to !

I've been voyeuristic for a while now, i just came on coz i read your latest posts, good luck bro!



Well-Known Member
I got my fan turned around. WC I did bench test it prior to mounting, but still found a way to put it in wrong.

1st off if you are looking for a good cheap easy intake air filter, well I've got something for you. The standard shop vac filter fits perfectly & very snugly around a 6" pipe. Here's a shot connected to a 6" to 4" reducer, which I'll bury in the wall when mounted.
13-05-26_Hood vent 007.jpg

Here's some before and after photos.
13-05-26_Hood vent 009.jpg13-05-26_Hood vent 011.jpg13-05-26_Hood vent 012.jpg13-05-26_Hood vent 005.jpg13-05-26_Hood vent 006.jpg13-05-26_Hood vent 015.jpg13-05-26_Hood vent 016.jpg13-05-26_Hood vent 018.jpg13-05-26_Hood vent 010.jpg13-05-26_Hood vent 013.jpg

I haven't installed the glass yet, I changed the bulbs yesterday and want to burn them a couple cycles to make sure they're good to go. The new 4" Can HO is plugged into my light timer so it will only run while the lights are on.

While I worked in the rm the kids spent the day in the back yard, they seem to have really liked it. I sprayed them when I put em' back in the rm, just want to make sure they didn't bring any friends home with them. Here's a couple of shots before and after topping.
13-05-26_Hood vent 027.jpg13-05-26_Hood vent 033.jpg


Active Member
Watt that's an awesome filter, I have one of those desktop vacs, and now maybe I have an idea...

Yeah same thing happens to me, I get anal about mistakes and end up making more, sometimes I just have to walk away and try again later.


Well-Known Member
whocares, i hope you applied the neem with lights and fans OFF, this will ensure you get the best application of the product. I also recommend re-washing those leaves a few days later with plain water and maybe some gloves and rub


Active Member
Ineverveg, I have not seen Moe post for awhile, I hope h does soon...But I took your advice and deleted my pics, thanks
moe will be keeping an eye out im sure :wink:

im not saying every1 delete everything tho bro, i ain't deleted anything ! what may be of interest to you all is Geotagging which should arouse the curiousity of those whom use mobiles especially. a lot of mobiles are already set to tag locations which you need to disable in the settings on the phone.
how detailed and precise the info stored behind the image is i'm not sure, but growing MJ like i have done in the past requires a careful approach .Recently i have been looking on the DMT forums where 99% of members refer to there friend SWIM (someone whom isn't me) to be the one braking the law ,this sounds really silly until you take into account when/if the law does get your computer or track you via any technology, they would find no self incrimination whatsoever to provide the courts with.

I may adopt this term myself as i have stopped my endeavours in mj but my friend SWIM is up and running now so i may post some of his pictures :smile: hes been having lots of fun dialing in his hempys, atm he is very exited with yields as hes cramming 49 2l hempys under 600w hps lights and he thinks he can go 64 per light no problem with a little pruning! the downside of this would be getting caught with such numbers of bonsai trees rather than fewer huge time consuming big yielders , and swim would assume that when weighed in, the plant matter would be lighter with many little plants.

:peace:[h=3] [/h]


Active Member
bad storms coming noiw, they say damage to roofs and houses, softball size hail, I'm here alone but not scared, it's rumbeling the house..


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i was just looking for some some clarification on using GH's 3 part flora series feeding schedule with hempy, if anyone has any experience with it i would appreciate any advice, for the past few months i have been using my gh flora series labels to guide me threw my nutrient schedule but today Ive started to do some research and Ive found some discrepancy's between the bottles and the charts on their web site the bottles have 5 dosages on them,

cuttings and seedlings g 1/4 tsp m 1/4 tsp b 1/4 tsp
mild vegetative g 1 tsp m 1 tsp b 1tsp
aggressive vegetative g 3 tsp m 2 tsp b 1tsp
transition to bloom g 2 tsp m 2 tsp b 2tsp
blooming and ripening g 1 tsp m 2tsp b 3tsp

The charts i am seeing though seem to have very different formulas on them, for instance i found a chart for drain to waste that came from ghs web site that has drastically reduced nutrients, so i am wondering which of these feeding schedules i should be using with hempy?



Well-Known Member
Hey guys i was just looking for some some clarification on using GH's 3 part feeding schedule with hempy, if anyone has any experience with it i would appreciate some advice, for the past few months i have been using my gh flora series labels to guide me threw my nutrient schedule but today ive started to do some research and Ive found some discrepancy's between the bottles and the charts, the bottles i have, have 5 different regimens on them,

cuttings and seelings g 1/4 tsp m 1/4 tsp b 1/4 tsp
mild vegetative g 1 tsp m 1 tsp b 1tsp
agressive vegetative g 3 tsp m 2 tsp b 1tsp
transition to bloom g 2 tsp m 2 tsp b 2tsp
blooming and ripening g 1 tsp m 2tsp b 3tsp

The charts i am seeing though seem to have very different formulas on them, for instance i found a chart for drain to waste that came from ghs web site that has drastically reduced nutrients.
I use GH nutes and amendments, I also use the Lucas Formula with these nutes. You can pretty much cut out the grow and just run Micro and Bloom with some Cal/Mag. As with any nute regime always start at 1/4 strength and increase by a quarter each week following. So far I have had great results using this method. The lucas formula is pretty simple, the base is 8 mL of Micro and 16 mL of Bloom per gallon, follow mfg's recommend dosage when adding amendments like CalMag+.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info man, Ive read a bit about lucas formula but i had already ordered all 3 bottles so i figured i would use them up before switching, I have been starting with 1/4 the recommended dose and working my way up to the recommended dosage, but i was just wondering do you keep going after you hit the recommended dosage and back off when you see nute burn or do you just stop at the recommended dosage?


Well-Known Member
I am sure that you will be fine...but I hope that the blow does
not cause damage. There has been too much of that already.

