World Of Hempy

I saw someone cut the 2L like I did on another site. They kept the lid on and drilled a lot of small holes and covered it in panty hose. Then they waited and waited for the roots to come through. I said heck with that, Start them out of the hole to begin with and forget the panties...

The netpot will give me more room for roots and will not get restricted in the bottle neck.

Are you talking about something like this ? ...


just made it. LOL

2" net pot feels tricky to cut. I would try a 4" or 3".
I used a hook blade knife and it worked ok, but I think a dremel will work better.

Do you have 2 bottles put together there ?
I used a hook blade knife and it worked ok, but I think a dremel will work better.

Do you have 2 bottles put together there ?

HAHA .. Just tried to link 2 bottles together via a single bottle top. It didn't work well. I'm going to try your idea. I have the 2"net pot, I'll put in some rockwool and a clone. It will fit nicely into my cloner. Then transplant to the 2L bottle and flower with the rest of my Hempys.

I am thinking that when they get bigger that the netpot may get squirly in the 2L . If that happens, a person could drill a couple small holes for twist ties like in my original.
I am thinking that when they get bigger that the netpot may get squirly in the 2L . If that happens, a person could drill a couple small holes for twist ties like in my original.

I think it should be OK .. It will be interesting to see a side by side comparison. It will be a ... Hempy Vs 2L Closed res

ahh .. I see what you mean by "squirly". Under the pressure of the roots it may twist up the pot. .. only one way to tell I guess, your idea of cable ties would work. .. and I always have a packet of cable ties on standby.
Yeah, these babies will be shorter than my last run. Its all good, V.Kush stays short anyhow. .. and all is going great.


Very nice setup you have there moebius. Seeing people take hempy to a new level is cool to see. The best thing about hempy is it can be as elaborate or simple as you want.

I have a small grow cab with a 250w hps and love using hempy. My first attempt at growing was strawberry double dutch and blackjack grown in folgers coffee can hempys. Total height plant and buckets was about 16 inches. Other than a P lockout which was my fault, the hempys gave me no problems.

My current grow Trainwreck and Blueberry. Both suffered due to the heat and never really stretched during flower. Temps in my cab avg. 93+ and to complicate matters, when I was reworking my ventilation I dropped a fan on my trainwreck top and sheared it off. But both were hardy and though overall yield suffered the quality of the buds looks very good.

Love the hempy method!
I saw your hempy journal earlier today and nearly referred you to this thread stone, but I didn't do it and you found it anyways. Your buds look real fat man. I want that black jack.
Hi guys

I have been growing hempy style for some time although just reverted back to aeroponics and I can highly recommend using mapito for hempy. I always used 15 ltr construction work buckets and put a 13mm hole about 2 inches up. My mothers are in this style as we speak and usually get a watering every week of PH 5.8 and EC 1.6. I hardly ever flush them out and they thrive awesomely.

The mapito acts as a wick for smaller plants requiring less watering when smaller and usually the bucket is empty at the end of the week.

I understand the mericans don't have it but it is the professionals choice in Europe and most UK hydro shops will stock it or have access to it via their stockists.

Any questions I'll be happy to answer, happy growing!
Great thread, moebus.
I want to try a hempy grow with the 2 liter bottles.
What's the best way to cut the tops off?
draw a line to help keep your cut straight, and then use a sharp pair of scissors. for the hempy hole a 1/4" drill bit works nicely, or a heated up screw driver,
I made a wooden jig to mark the tops of the bottles. For the holes I used an old soldering iron to burn them out.
Hi guys

I have been growing hempy style for some time although just reverted back to aeroponics and I can highly recommend using mapito for hempy. I always used 15 ltr construction work buckets and put a 13mm hole about 2 inches up. My mothers are in this style as we speak and usually get a watering every week of PH 5.8 and EC 1.6. I hardly ever flush them out and they thrive awesomely.

The mapito acts as a wick for smaller plants requiring less watering when smaller and usually the bucket is empty at the end of the week.

I understand the mericans don't have it but it is the professionals choice in Europe and most UK hydro shops will stock it or have access to it via their stockists.

Any questions I'll be happy to answer, happy growing!

Thanks for the heads up newworldicon,

Ive got some Mapito on order, should arrive next week just in time for my new batch of clones. I'll try it against a regular hempy mix. Looks good though.

Great thread, moebus.
I want to try a hempy grow with the 2 liter bottles.
What's the best way to cut the tops off?

I use a stanley knife to make the initial pierce. Then I use a regular set of scissors to cut the top off. I use the bottom blade of the scissors to keep a straight line as I cut - rotate -cut - rotate. Takes a bit of practice, now I'm a jedi master (of cutting 2L bottles).
I can't wait for these new mothers to grow up. I guess they're a week away before I can collect some cuttings. These are really healthy. Ive made sure they get nice ventilation to ensure all parts of the leaves get fresh air. Its makes a big difference.

Another thing, I was always telling people to let their pots dry out. This is what I was always told and so I perpetuated this myth but for some reason It never smelt right. If roots need to dry out, why does DWC work so well? .... Ive concluded that they don't need to dry out as long as they have sufficient air. This realization which may have been obvious to others will change how I do everything.

Firstly, Ive started feeding my mothers before they get too dry. I don't think the 'lift the pot' method works so I just wait until the top centimeter is dry then I feed. So far my mothers are growing a lot faster than before and are MUCH healthier.

Secondly, I think I can add more vermiculite to the hempy mix to hold more liquid. Maybe even upto a 1:1 mix (as some others do). Perlite drys really quick, I don't understand how people use to all by itself.

Thirdly, I'm looking forward to using this MAPITO in a hempy bucket. It looks like it can hold a ton of liquid whilst retaining good aeration. In theory it should be amazing. ... I'm not one for marketing hyperbole but ive read several times since newworldicon mentioned it that its the NO1 growing medium in Holland. I respect the dutch growers, so Its gotta be worth a try.
Roots on clones (Exodus Cheese) .... I say another week or 10 days before they're long enough to reach the bottom of a Hempy bucket.

Keep us posted on the MAPITO, I am curious about it as well :-P

And I have also been struggling with the Let it Dry out or not dilemma,, My soil days tell me to let it dry, but my hydro runs, require the exact opposite.. None the less, even after a couple of days, they still had a little water in the res, but I watered anyway, and haven't had any over watering issues. Some forums tell you to let it dry out, and some actually water daily with almost no runnoff, so I guess its up to us to finally figure it out.

Your MOMZ look great!
As Moebius stated the "dry it out" dilema is all about oxygenated roots. In hydro and dwc setups the water is constantly being oxygenated by the bubblers and rez changes. I have only used fairly small hempy buckets and they usually dry out completely in 2-3 days so I haven't had much experience with keeping em wet.

If you check out Flowamaster's thread he runs a hempy like setup with an autofeeder that feeds every 2.5 hours or so I think. So I would imagine his substrate never fully dries out. Thats the fun part of growing though, is tweaking and figuring out what works best for you. No single technique works for everyone and every situation.

Your grow is looking most impressive Moebius! Do you plan on journaling here? If not let me know, I would like to follow along.