World Of Hempy

I personally like to let mine get low on water. When I water, my goal is to water them as much as I can without getting any run-off. Mine can easily go 2 days between watering. I have let them go for 3 days without them wilting, but they were very light/dry. I am too afraid of root rot to keep the reservoir constantly topped off. If I did not defoliate, I do not think I could go that long though.
Keep us posted on the MAPITO, I am curious about it as well :razz:

And I have also been struggling with the Let it Dry out or not dilemma,, My soil days tell me to let it dry, but my hydro runs, require the exact opposite.. None the less, even after a couple of days, they still had a little water in the res, but I watered anyway, and haven't had any over watering issues. Some forums tell you to let it dry out, and some actually water daily with almost no runnoff, so I guess its up to us to finally figure it out.

Your MOMZ look great!

Im defo leaning to the idea that roots may be able to handle drying out but for optimum growth a roots should have nutrient enriched water and aeration at all times. .... Its anecdotal I know. Maybe some of you have noticed as well but when I was letting the soil pots dry out then feed, the plants would have growth spurts then slow down. My experience is strongly telling me that its best to let it dry a bit but not completely then feed. Common sense tells me that in general most roots cells prefer moisture.

Yeah, I'll post my MAPITO experience here; +REP to Newworld for sharing knowledge.

As Moebius stated the "dry it out" dilema is all about oxygenated roots. In hydro and dwc setups the water is constantly being oxygenated by the bubblers and rez changes. I have only used fairly small hempy buckets and they usually dry out completely in 2-3 days so I haven't had much experience with keeping em wet.

If you check out Flowamaster's thread he runs a hempy like setup with an autofeeder that feeds every 2.5 hours or so I think. So I would imagine his substrate never fully dries out. Thats the fun part of growing though, is tweaking and figuring out what works best for you. No single technique works for everyone and every situation.

Your grow is looking most impressive Moebius! Do you plan on journaling here? If not let me know, I would like to follow along.

Thanks Stoneslacker, Flowamasta is the bomb. I'll have to find his hempy setup.

I'm going to build a hybrid 2L DWC/Hempy with its own aerated res. This idea was put to me earier in the thread. I won't let the substrate dry and we'll see waht happens.

I agree 100% when you say that 'No single technique works for everyone and every situation.' Even my technique for taking clones is different because Im flowering mine immediately as opposed to allowing them to veg. The clones will have to be more robust that I would usually take.

Please Sub to this thread, it will be cool to have you share your thoughts or ideas, maybe even a pic oneday? LOL. I don't think I'll do a journal, I prefer the interactivity of a thread plus the WOH thread has already expanded my knowledge with the MAPITO suggestion.

I personally like to let mine get low on water. When I water, my goal is to water them as much as I can without getting any run-off. Mine can easily go 2 days between watering. I have let them go for 3 days without them wilting, but they were very light/dry. I am too afraid of root rot to keep the reservoir constantly topped off. If I did not defoliate, I do not think I could go that long though.

With the Hempys, I would love to not get run-off and save solution. Its just easier for me to drench the buckets. tbh. Its not the money I care about, its just pennies, Im just a bit bored of collecting the run-off and pouring it down the drain. Usually I do it at night and end up spilling some on my socks uurgghh LOL
This is quite cool. Notice how fast roots grow once they start going. .... Earlier today I took a pic of this clone Post#58. Less than 20 hours later. Look Now.


I'll take post a pic of this clone every 24hours.
Glad to find this thread, there needs to be a good hempy thread. Thanks for starting Moebius.

Before any discussions, this thread needs some hempy porn. A few shots from the past couple of yrs.
NLxBigBudD38.jpgGrow 10-12-19 015 Hawaiian.jpg4_3gal_scrog_6wk.jpgMW 8wk 001rui.jpgRaised_buckets_drain system.jpgTrained_Flo_2gal_bucket.jpgwk_7_4 strains.jpgWW_Finished.jpgWW_cloneFinished.jpg

You may have noticed what looks like soil in the buckets, and it is. I run what I like to call soil-ponics lol. If anyone's interested I'll explain.
I can't wait for these new mothers to grow up. I guess they're a week away before I can collect some cuttings. These are really healthy. Ive made sure they get nice ventilation to ensure all parts of the leaves get fresh air. Its makes a big difference.

Another thing, I was always telling people to let their pots dry out. This is what I was always told and so I perpetuated this myth but for some reason It never smelt right. If roots need to dry out, why does DWC work so well? .... Ive concluded that they don't need to dry out as long as they have sufficient air. This realization which may have been obvious to others will change how I do everything.

Firstly, Ive started feeding my mothers before they get too dry. I don't think the 'lift the pot' method works so I just wait until the top centimeter is dry then I feed. So far my mothers are growing a lot faster than before and are MUCH healthier.

Secondly, I think I can add more vermiculite to the hempy mix to hold more liquid. Maybe even upto a 1:1 mix (as some others do). Perlite drys really quick, I don't understand how people use to all by itself.

Thirdly, I'm looking forward to using this MAPITO in a hempy bucket. It looks like it can hold a ton of liquid whilst retaining good aeration. In theory it should be amazing. ... I'm not one for marketing hyperbole but ive read several times since newworldicon mentioned it that its the NO1 growing medium in Holland. I respect the dutch growers, so Its gotta be worth a try.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE soak the mapito in a PH 5.8 EC 1.0 water solution for 24 hours before using, the rockwool needs to expand and take up water before you use it. Soaking it is far more important than the pH and EC but it is nice to get the medium ready for the sake of your clones, seedlings etc.

As for the whole letting the pots dry out, in mapito you can water as much as you want but it will never get choked out, I pour a 15ltr bucket of solution once a week and have never had any issues..
Glad to find this thread, there needs to be a good hempy thread. Thanks for starting Moebius.

Before any discussions, this thread needs some hempy porn. A few shots from the past couple of yrs.

You may have noticed what looks like soil in the buckets, and it is. I run what I like to call soil-ponics lol. If anyone's interested I'll explain.

Great dude .. Thanks for sharing! +REP

Soil-Ponics ? Don't leave us hangin'. LOL . Please educate us to your method. :clap:


Does you RUI name mean youre doing all this on fluorescent?
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE soak the mapito in a PH 5.8 EC 1.0 water solution for 24 hours before using, the rockwool needs to expand and take up water before you use it. Soaking it is far more important than the pH and EC but it is nice to get the medium ready for the sake of your clones, seedlings etc.

As for the whole letting the pots dry out, in mapito you can water as much as you want but it will never get choked out, I pour a 15ltr bucket of solution once a week and have never had any issues..

Im actually shakin' in anticipation of using a new (to me) substrate. hehe. .... Why do I feel like a kid waiting for christmas, I love this hobby. :leaf:

Thanks for the tip. I'll do as you suggest re the pH and EC soak.
Wow moebus, that clone is really shooting out the roots quickly!

Sure is Mae; .... I don't understand this clone thing at all. Certain clones i took 2 days previous to that one have no roots at all yet. And certain ones i took two days later have more roots.

Im not sure if Im failing to scrape the stem, or if im not cutting at 45degrees every time. I just can't see a pattern. Maybe i'll figure it out one day but I guess they'll root when ready.

I'll update the pic in an hour.
Great dude .. Thanks for sharing! +REP

Soil-Ponics ? Don't leave us hangin'. LOL . Please educate us to your method. :clap:


Does you RUI name mean youre doing all this on fluorescent?

When I picked a user name on another site some yrs ago, I was growing with LED, cfl, & T8's. WattSaver isn't as true as it used to be, even though I still only use 128w's in my veg box.

Soil-Ponics yes,,,, let me dig up some photos and I'll share my cheap, easy method.

My 2 cents on watering I'm on the let them dry out side of the fence.

There used to be a great Hempy thread at 420mag started 5yr ago by the person who came up with the idea and name. To bad its gone I'm sure everyone here would have enjoyed the read.
When I picked a user name on another site some yrs ago, I was growing with LED, cfl, & T8's. WattSaver isn't as true as it used to be, even though I still only use 128w's in my veg box.

Soil-Ponics yes,,,, let me dig up some photos and I'll share my cheap, easy method.

My 2 cents on watering I'm on the let them dry out side of the fence.

There used to be a great Hempy thread at 420mag started 5yr ago by the person who came up with the idea and name. To bad its gone I'm sure everyone here would have enjoyed the read.

Im defo still on the fence but leaning towards the opposite side to you ..... as long as aeration is adequate. .... Also it would make sense that different strains may prefer differing moisture levels around their root-zone.

As soon as I get the MAPITO in im going to run a few different hempy hybrids. Soil, Straight perlite, HYDROTON etc etc ... should be fun but may give a bit of in-sight.
As soon as I get the MAPITO in im going to run a few different hempy hybrids. Soil, Straight perlite, HYDROTON etc etc ... should be fun but may give a bit of in-sight.

No better way to learn than to experiment. I'll be sticking around to see your results. I'm really interested in the differences using 2L. I did my 1st 2L experiment this run and lets just say it isn't stellar.
hi everyone, just a few questions. I didnt have time to find enough 2 liter bottles and I had 30 rooted clones looking for a home. I usually grow SOG in hydroton on a 4x4 E&F table with a 1000watts. So I had my 6x6 square pots, I put my clones in them with a mix of 3:1 peri/verm and a top dressing of hydroton just enough to cover and try to prevent algae. anyway after I did this I realized duh! I have no rez, so can I just hand water them as if it is a soil grow.Just water and feed as needed? or should I just water/feed everyday,or could I plug the holes in my table and let the run off sit there in the table like a huge catch basin? any ideas..anyone?
Let me see if I can understand how this works .. because ivebeen watching for a while… these hempy threads… so here’s my question… couldn’tI just grow in a pot that has no medium… but has everything else.. hold up theplant using foam, then submerge the rootsin about 2 inches of nute filled waterthat is changed out every 3 days or so. But use no medium ….. im thinking ofsomething like how you would do flowers in a vase , but change out the waterregularly… the medium used in hempy is to just hold up the plant right ..
Let me see if I can understand how this works .. because ivebeen watching for a while… these hempy threads… so here’s my question… couldn’tI just grow in a pot that has no medium… but has everything else.. hold up theplant using foam, then submerge the rootsin about 2 inches of nute filled waterthat is changed out every 3 days or so. But use no medium ….. im thinking ofsomething like how you would do flowers in a vase , but change out the waterregularly… the medium used in hempy is to just hold up the plant right ..

I'm new to this too, but that wont, unless you put some type of sprayer in the container to keep the roots from drying out,and thats not hempy, thats areoponics.
Let me see if I can understand how this works .. because ivebeen watching for a while… these hempy threads… so here’s my question… couldn’tI just grow in a pot that has no medium… but has everything else.. hold up theplant using foam, then submerge the rootsin about 2 inches of nute filled waterthat is changed out every 3 days or so. But use no medium ….. im thinking ofsomething like how you would do flowers in a vase , but change out the waterregularly… the medium used in hempy is to just hold up the plant right ..

What you describe is half way to a DWC bucket. .. They have airstones and are kept dark to prevent algae.
hi everyone, just a few questions. I didnt have time to find enough 2 liter bottles and I had 30 rooted clones looking for a home. I usually grow SOG in hydroton on a 4x4 E&F table with a 1000watts. So I had my 6x6 square pots, I put my clones in them with a mix of 3:1 peri/verm and a top dressing of hydroton just enough to cover and try to prevent algae. anyway after I did this I realized duh! I have no rez, so can I just hand water them as if it is a soil grow.Just water and feed as needed? or should I just water/feed everyday,or could I plug the holes in my table and let the run off sit there in the table like a huge catch basin? any ideas..anyone?

Yes, You can hand water then, although without any res they will dry quicker. More Vermiculite may help with better water retention.
I'm new to this too, but that wont, unless you put some type of sprayer in the container to keep the roots from drying out,and thats not hempy, thats areoponics.

much like DWC the roots will be mostly underwater, in a light proof pot... just with no air stone... the same as you would do flowers in a vase.. it works for them.. and flowers seem to be waaay more complex then pot...... .. and will thrive like this for weeks.. all the way till the end of the plants life ....... there are many simarlarties in this with hempy

What you describe is half way to a DWC bucket. .. They have airstones and are kept dark to prevent algae.

the only thing the picture above is missing is a medium mix of perlite and verm.... two things that gives the plant no nutes at all.. only used to stablize the plant, holding it upright.. and to aid in keeping the root area moist between watering