World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
I fear that a kid like Smoothness may do or have done something dumb. Like selling huge amounts of cuttings to strangers or something.
I really hope not. I like smooth, he reminded me of myself in a few ways.

His 'go big or go home' catchphrase and attitude was infectious to me. although some of his decision making did make me raise a brow.

I'd be really gutted to hear its not going good for him. .. but I fear if that monster crop had succeeded he would have been back to tell us. :-(


Active Member
I was wondering about him a few days ago, hope he's just to busy to post. So I got a pleasant suprise from my wife, she knew I was wanting the Snowcap LA seeds from DNA. I went to order some awhile back and they were sold out. Its a limited quantity product, they're only making 2000 packs. She somehow logged into my acct (I was probably high and forgot to log out lol) and found them in stock and ordered me a pack for fathers day! I love this woman! Hope y'all are doin good.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, long time no hear. Been really busy setting up a new space but I was wondering for those of you who use OC+ have noticed that they have discontinued the product? I am wondering if you guys know of another controlled release product thats similar or better.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, long time no hear. Been really busy setting up a new space but I was wondering for those of you who use OC+ have noticed that they have discontinued the product? I am wondering if you guys know of another controlled release product thats similar or better.
As far as I know OC+ is still available. Its for sale HERE

A good substitute for OC+ is Dynamite Purple


Well-Known Member
Its not available on amazon. It says Currently unavailable.
We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock.

Have you used dynamite purple personally?

I just went to the Scott's web site and they are still pushing the stuff, maybe with spring and the flooding in the Mid-West the warehouses are empty, I'd hate it if they quit making it.

I haven't used the purple but I have used the Red which has a 13-13-13 NPK w/micros, it worked just fine, & I had no complaints. I just mentioned the Purple because it's NPK makeup is almost identical OC+. If they do stop making OC+ the Dynamite would be my next choice.


Well-Known Member
You know I was just doing a mental roll call and we have some other MIA's that were really great contributors here on WOH....DRDank...Supchaka...Bozo....Praetorian...Nizza. I hope the aliens aren't doing abductions again.


Well-Known Member
I just went to the Scott's web site and they are still pushing the stuff, maybe with spring and the flooding in the Mid-West the warehouses are empty, I'd hate it if they quit making it.

I haven't used the purple but I have used the Red which has a 13-13-13 NPK w/micros, it worked just fine, & I had no complaints. I just mentioned the Purple because it's NPK makeup is almost identical OC+. If they do stop making OC+ the Dynamite would be my next choice.
Scotts site doesnt actually sell it, they just give you the stores you can purchase this stuff from and I've called a couple places and they have said its been discontinued. The guy I was getting it from off ebay also was a vendor of the product and he said the same thing yesterday. Im hoping that maybe somewhere they are available locally half off if this is true so I can stock up because I'm so familar with the product that I would hate to try something else.

Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
New to the World of Hempy, well 2nd grow anyway. Growing two plants in 50 litre pots, 100% perlite and recirculating water under a Gravita Pro 1000. Had some nice results so far!!!
The start of another harvest. Just pulled the tops off, and letting the rest fatten for a week.


Well-Known Member
Things are going pretty boring in my room at the moment. Just vegging away. I think its taking quite a bit longer for roots to hit the res with my rockwool/hydroton medium compared to perlite. Ive been watering daily to promote roots even though i doubt i would have had to water at all yet as far as water consumption/medium drying out. Wondering if maybe i should let them dry out significantly to encourage root growth? Im getting growth on my girls but not the rapid growth that says hey my feet are soaking in the res. Maybe be more like a 3-4 week veg on these fillies. Thats fine after giving some good folks a jar or two each I still have 20 jars curing. I ended up getting slightly over 2 lbs from my two 600 watt lights, im shooting for more this time with half the plants but we will see how the rockwool does...

Decided that im going to flower my BD momma and grow up a little cutting to replace her. Flowering an afghan x blueberry too in order to have room for the Berry Bomb seeds i made a while back. I wasnt blown away by the one berry bomb girl i flowered to get seeds but damn were the 10 pack i popped homogenous so im hoping my S2? (f2?) seeds are similarly uniform and that a few of them blow me away when not pollinated. Next run will be 100% berry bomb from seed...

Im roasted and overly verbose right now haha. Where ARE our missing WOH folks?securedownload-924.jpg


Well-Known Member
New to the World of Hempy, well 2nd grow anyway. Growing two plants in 50 litre pots, 100% perlite and recirculating water under a Gravita Pro 1000. Had some nice results so far!!!
View attachment 2637060View attachment 2637062
The start of another harvest. Just pulled the tops off, and letting the rest fatten for a week.
Very Nice Chipper. Your Growroom is really sweet man.

My local Hydro-shop has one of those Gravita's on permanent display. I was suprised at how much output and spread they had for such a small unit. Not cheap though but quality equipment.

What strain do you have there dude?


Well-Known Member
Hi again and man does this thread move fast..

Dummy/newbie guidance needed coming up..(sorry)

So have the container sorted, clone in 100% perlite.... Do I just follow instructions on my 2-part veg nutes, added to room temp rain water...

Surely that cant be it..???

Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
Very Nice Chipper. Your Growroom is really sweet man.

My local Hydro-shop has one of those Gravita's on permanent display. I was suprised at how much output and spread they had for such a small unit. Not cheap though but quality equipment.

What strain do you have there dude?
G'day Moebius, I am happy i found these hempy threads. And thanks for the rep+, cheers!

I am very happy with the performance gravita, my room is 1800mm long x 1100mm wide x 2300mm high and it covers it just perfectly. The output adjustment also great. I also ran it fixed on the ceiling this time round, which i will continue to do. I brought the gavita online for only $575 delivered. It was cheaper to get that than a good digital ballast, globe etc. But i also went to one shop and seen a display unit, and they wanted $950 for it.

As for the plants, I have two different strains in there. Plant at the rear is a unknown strain which my mate has had for years. And the one at the front is a Moby Dick From GreenHouse Seeds. Both grown for 29 days and Flowered for 56 before I got in there. I also have a Exodus Cheese in a 1200mm x 1200mm grow tent, 30 litre pot, 100% perlite and 600 watt almost ready to chop:bigjoint:

Things are pretty good over here!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi again and man does this thread move fast..

Dummy/newbie guidance needed coming up..(sorry)

So have the container sorted, clone in 100% perlite.... Do I just follow instructions on my 2-part veg nutes, added to room temp rain water...

Surely that cant be it..???
I tend to treat a young clone with kid gloves and give them something like a half strength feed. for a week or so. but yes, its as simple as that.

In 100% perl, watch for it drying out quickly if you're used to using a different medium.

and it's always good to have a bottle of cal/mag or magnecal or magical. on standby.
