World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
I'm a little late to the party on this one, so excuse the basic questions - veg time on this beast of a plant? How far up on the 5 gallon HD bucket is your drain hole? looks great man, good job!


Active Member
Hey all, been busy this week so I thought I'd update everyone where I'm at with my new hempy grow. I have eight plants going in Solo cup hempy buckets, and they all seem to be doing good. I upped their nutes to 100% this week, and just fimmed them yesterday. I don't think the roots are quite at the reservoir yet, but they are getting close. Once they hit the reservoir, they really take off. They are at about 4-6 inches now, so I figure another week or so I'll take clones, then set them to flower maybe a week later.

So far so good with everything else. I seem to have the heat issue under control. I am noticing a stronger smell than usual, it may be time to change the carbon in the filter. Right now it exhausts into a dryer lint trap that is filled with activated carbon, but maybe that isn't enough anymore. I may add an inline filter just past the exhaust fan in the future.

I'll update everyone next weekend and let you know how they took to the fimming. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Are you going to try a branch in a gglass of water too watt? I really like the idea of letting the buds mature and leech. It'll be at least 3 months before I can do a more scientific trial of it. My little seedlings are on 4 th set of leaves and close to ready for some LST ...reveg girls are stuck in stasis going to bump light from 20/4 to,24 hours a day. Cheer WOH
Watts, I too was under the impression you were gonna put the cola in water...maybe that's the next leg of your experiment?
The glass of water was tried with the 2nd broken branch. It stayed alive but didn't seem to mature any faster than staying on the plant. Pulled it out of the glass and hung it, and it matured overnight. I've got both the broken branch preemie buds in a jar.

Today was day 4 of the cola chop, and I had to trim it. I didn't check d3, but today there was a lot of amber.
13-08-17_d60_b11_cola_d04 004.jpg13-08-17_d60_b11_cola_d04 009.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thanks again for all the love guys i really appreciate it bongsmilie.

Praetorian, I vegged her for about a month and a half give or take and the drain hole is the standard 2" from the bottom. Instead of drilling one big hole i drill small holes to act like a screen so the perlite doesnt fall out.


Active Member
Smoking on some Killawatt from Seedism the last few days. Its fast becoming a favorite. Really smooth smoke, tastes kind like sweet menthol but theres so much more to it too. Shes got a great stone. Glad I have more beans, this was grown 12/12 from seed so theres not much. The Gods Gift cuts I got from my buddy are fully rooted and in their new hempy solo homes. She's another favorite. Definitely the best tasting bud I've had. I'll post pictures once they go to flower.


Well-Known Member
Chopped the runt of the Bay 11 run. Finished in 60 days which is less than advertized. The cut cola is in 2 pieces on the far left.
I'm going to monitor the trichs on the new cut to see how much they mature, after trim hanging in a cool dark place. I don't expect to see the same thing as maintaining light cycle.
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Shivaskunk do you think I can re-veg her???????
13-08-17_d60_b11_hang pheno C 4riu.jpg


Active Member
This is about 12 or 13 days from seed...

First one is Mazar x White Rhino, the other 3 are Critical Kush :weed:

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..Journal for more info ..:peace:
I grew a Critical Kush in my first grow. Excellent yielder and good stone with her but I wasnt a big fan of the taste. But I didnt flush good before chop (once again first grow) and I'm sure it coulda been better. Her top bud was around 25 grams if I remember correctly. Theres pics here of her but they're waaaaay back. I have 3 more beans I plan on popping in the future.


Well-Known Member
I grew a Critical Kush in my first grow. Excellent yielder and good stone with her but I wasnt a big fan of the taste. But I didnt flush good before chop (once again first grow) and I'm sure it coulda been better. Her top bud was around 25 grams if I remember correctly. Theres pics here of her but they're waaaaay back. I have 3 more beans I plan on popping in the future.
Thats positive reinforcement that makes me feel good! Yes i wanted a strong indica, that had rumors of being a good yielder... im very excited for this strain!


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Sky. I also believe that environmental problems have been leading to my problems, mostly heat/humidity and too much ambient light around my clones (I have my two Stinkbuddy cloners in my small tent, thinking that I could shield my veg lighting from them). The last house we were at I had the cloner nearly by itself in the basement, keeping the rez temps low and avoiding excess light. Yeah, I learned long ago that clones almost need no light to root, I only suspend 1 X 13w CFL above 45 clones, on 18/6. I also bought some H202, although its not the 50% stuff that most seem to recommend, my grow shop only had the 29%. I plan on trying to run that in the rez if I still get problems. A loss of 120 clones is terrible man, sorry to hear about that... when you say that your PE were 'unhealthy' at 5', was that because your cuttings were coming from a plant that was too mature to take clones off of (e.g. the stems were woody and too developed?) or was their a systemic health problem with them?

Thanks, Nizza. I bought the 40mm (1.5") grodan cubes, with a tray, drain tray and humidity dome yesterday. I already had the heat tray, although it has no settings other than 'on' so I think I will run a towel between the tray and the mat to be safe. The mat states that its suppose to raise the rooting area temps by '10-20*' above ambient temp.

I also bought new neoprene collars yesterday so I can run two sets of clones side-by-side - one set of 23 aero clones and however many RW clones I can pull with my moms beyond the first 23.
Okay WOH, (in reference to my post above from last month) I have been able to get my cloning back in order, I think I only lost maybe 2 clones out of the close-to-30 I took 3 weeks ago. I tried RW cubes, I got them all to root but not through the cubes, kinda weird. I ended up pulling them out of the RW and putting them into my cloner after about 12-14 days, they all rooted in there and with a thicker mat of roots than the clones put directly into the aero cloner. I have another 30+ in RW cubes right now, getting ready to transfer those over to the cloner soon. Glad to get my rotation back in order, my cloning problems have limited my ability to get my bloom room into complete order.

OH, and for those of you who don't live in the Seattle area - HEMPFEST IS THIS WEEKEND, the wife and I are getting ready to go out there for most of the day this afternoon. If you haven't gone its truly a cool experience, should feel a little different this year since its legal in the state now, everyone should try to go once.


Well-Known Member
Watch that Gods Gift like a hawk..the GG that I had Hermied every time I tried it. Even happy healthy GG Hermied on me.

Smoking on some Killawatt from Seedism the last few days. Its fast becoming a favorite. Really smooth smoke, tastes kind like sweet menthol but theres so much more to it too. Shes got a great stone. Glad I have more beans, this was grown 12/12 from seed so theres not much. The Gods Gift cuts I got from my buddy are fully rooted and in their new hempy solo homes. She's another favorite. Definitely the best tasting bud I've had. I'll post pictures once they go to flower.


Well-Known Member
Chopped the runt of the Bay 11 run. Finished in 60 days which is less than advertized. The cut cola is in 2 pieces on the far left.
I'm going to monitor the trichs on the new cut to see how much they mature, after trim hanging in a cool dark place. I don't expect to see the same thing as maintaining light cycle.
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Shivaskunk do you think I can re-veg her???????
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Its possible WATT you are a skilled grower. However it's much better to leave some bud on the plant as that's where it grows new shoots...there are some branch nodes there though so worth a sHot if it's something you really want to keep. If you don't replant and take some roots off when you water it will stagnate and you could get some rot as the plant doesn't really drink while it's shocked. A good N dose after replant helps out..after that I wouldn't fertilize until I saw growth going.

Very nice colas you have there my dude! I'd reP ya if it let me....what kinda rifle you got there?