world of seeds - Space & barneys farm - Critical Kush


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I actually have a bunch of left over seeds from grows this year so I'm going to start them next week and clone the hell out of them, the Critical looks like a good clone candidate, and play Johnny Appleseed in a month lol. I hope it rains a lot this summer :). Do u keep going all summer Buster? How long does it take to get the seeds from attitude? I have yet to order seeds online, have you had issues ever? I think I have atleast one real branchy one, it has like 5 main stems that are the same hieght, it really is amazing. I can't believe the shrink factor on the WR, I think the overdrive had a bit of an effect on making them less dense but could be wrong. so are both the space and Critical done at the same time?


Active Member
I run all year :). Luckily for me the temps will be even lower than in the winter cause the ac is running all day lol. Ive never ordered from attitude before, only from bcbuddepot and they were never later then 10 days. From reading on these forums, ive heard nothing bad about attitude though so im sure they wouldnt take long.
The pheno i have that was like that has a lot of really nice, dense nugs! Shes beauty for sure. I hope you get one of the lemon pheno girls which youll know in flowering lol.
Did the WR lose as much the last time you grew it?
The space was supposed to be a 6 week finisher but i think the t5 slowed them down since they were closest to it. Im thinking they will all be done about the same time though and thats nice cause i will be able to use the tent as the perfect dry area :) The space is really looking beautiful, ill post a pic in a little bit.
How many critical kush do you have btw?


Well-Known Member
I have 6 in the tray and 5 seeds left that are going outside I think. The first WR grow was totally different. the buds were huge and tight. This one, thier fluffy and not huge, 2 of the plants were real small, yielding no more than an ounce, it was kind of a disapointment to tell the truth. I will never not veg a plant again even if only 2 weeks. The girls are starting to strech out now but still nice close branching.


Active Member
Oh man i didnt realize you had 6 going! thats awesome! Youre going to get a very nice amount of primo smoke, especially since you like the buzz that this herb will give you! :)

Sorry to hear about the disappointment with the WR, hopefully it turns out to be really nice smoke. I cant help but veg the girls, i feel like im wasting most of their potential and not to mention, if it turns out to be really nice stuff i want as much of it as i can get out of this tent lol. I was actually not going to veg these girls this run, but that ended up turning into a few weeks of veg lol.
The critical kush will stretch a fair bit but it will be put to good use :). Next time you snap some pics, post em up in here :)
Ill have to post some pics soon also, getting close to week 7, just not liking the camera on the new bbZ10 lol. i Think ill have some test smoke ready to go by the time playoffs start!!! WOOHOO lol


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Yes they are stretchy little girls aren't they lol. They've more than doubled I would guess. Kinda been neglecting them a bit due to heavy work load at rental. And yes i will post some pics soon. I am looking forward to start watching hockey again, last time I watched much at all was 04 when they were in. Its been awhile lol. There are a few ex leafs and other NHL players on the lake I'm on. The WR doesn't get smoked much as its to wierd lol. It makes you think to much lol. I am smoking the Pato which is real nice, it puts me to sleep lol. It also is real helpful for the back. I should not have planted all 6 in the tray, they've takin over! They almost fill the room actually and I think I have 2 phenos, with one being shorter with thinner stalks, kinda hard to tell yet. I'll try to get some pics up tomorrow and looking forward to seeing yours as well.


Well-Known Member
image001.jpg38 days old from seed, amazing! I may have enough lol. The pic doesn't do them justice. That room is 4 feet wide and they have now filled it lol. I have not change the res in 10 days and just top it up. I wonder if that has had an effect, I also have never had this high of an ec before, they are running at about 1.5. Hows your girls doing? They must be getting close?


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There is a few leafs out that way! as well as in Muskoka and Georgian bay :)
I actually met a few leafs one night at a pizza pizza on yonge street lol. Ive met a lot more of the Blue Jays though, used to have dinner with them a couple times a year! I have a ton of sports memorabilia that ill be putting up when i update the basement to a bar but the center piece will of course be Patrick Roy, my favourite goalie of all time and arguably the best goalie of all time.

Your girls are looking incredibly beautiful! Theyve gotten massive already!
My girls are getting very close to being done, i actually have to take a look at the lemon pheno critical kush cause i think she will be ready to come down this weekend :)
I think the rest will be pretty well good to go by next weekend which would be just after week 8.. i always like the girls to have a bit more amber anyways ;)
The camera on my phone absolutely sucks, im very disappointed in it. I used to be able to take a close up or any pic no problem on an iphone 4s, this new blackberry z10 camera is just to powerful for my shaky hands lol.

I dont know why i havent got my next ladies ready to go yet, but soon. If the lemon pheno comes down this weekend then the clones will go in there for a bit when the lights are on and when lights are off ill toss them under a couple cfls. I really cant think of what strain i want next.. it just seems like this run went so quickly.. im already close to cutting em down lol. couple weeks veg and they still filld out nicely so i think from now on 3 week veg will be the max unless i decide to do less plants and top + lst them a bit in which case id likely just do 2 and veg for a month.. i dont mind the small buds but they have to be ripe, otherwise its a waste of time, space and energy so topping and lst might even increase my yields with less plants.. i just dont like such a long veg time lol. Ill be getting a 600w mh bulb for veg though so i think that might boost growth speed a little


Well-Known Member
You might want to research the MH versus T5's for veg. Using T5's for a short veg period might almost be better but longer periods would benifit from the penetration of a MH. I'm not sure! and yes with the laws as they are, 5 and under is the better, unfortunatly my tray has 6 spaces lol. I didnt top these girls at all (first time ever lol) and they seem to be branching out nicely. I am thinking of trying an auto outside to have it finish end of july, any thoughts?? So your plants were 8 weeks from the switch?? Good lol, after the last grow that would be nice lol. I will try the overdrive and see if it makes them finish later, if yes I'll throw it away lol.


Well-Known Member
20 days today from switch to 12 and "fuck" they are stretching to beat the band lol. they are about 28" tall and just starting to bud. Nodes are getting tighter again as well. Its an amazing structure in that their intermediate branches are as tall as the main branch with nothing in between, if you look through the plant there are no leaves until the top. It looks like it will be a breeze to trim lol. Hows yours doing Buster have you started to pull them yet? How's the space comparing?


Active Member
Thats a very good idea. i think the MH would be better for the longer veg time and a few weeks the t5 would be quite enough.. though i may still add both an mh and the t5 lol.
Its funny you say that cause i was thinking of doing some autos outside as well so i could have multiple outdoor harvests this year. I would say thats the best bet and doing both would be a very nice advanatage.. would kind of be like having a few harvests indoor and woulsnt be as much time between, makes it easier to ensure you dont run out.
my girls are bout at week 8 so i guess theyre almost 11 weeks old now.
They are getting extremely close to being done, except for one pheno.. she looks like she wants another week and a bit for sure but i will be cutting down the lemon pheno this week as well as one of the space plants. The space looks amazing and i cant wait to try it out! My planned date for them right now is this wednesday evening which will be 8 weeks and 1 day.. then ill have another one or two come down and let the long phenos take their time and have all the room they want lol. i dont like harvesting everything at once because honestly, i do not like trimming for the entire night!

they do stretch quite a bit and it worried me at first but there wont be much room between the buds by the time they fill in lol. critical kush is much much easier to trim then alot of other plants ive worked with as its usually a couple of big fan leaves here and there and a few leaf tips sticking out. I cut down a sample from the lemon pheno and i am going to be putting the buds from that branch in a jar today. Even though it was wet weight, it was surprising that such a small bud could weight so much, especially as it was a lower branch that got blocked out for the first few weeks. ill try and snap a picture of the drying bud today before i put it into a jar :)

how tall were your girls before you flipped them? ive never really tried to see what they stretch but id figure its safe to say that if you flip at 1 foot, theyll end up around 3 feet.


Well-Known Member
would you grow the critical kush again? im thinking of growing out a batch to find a good pheno for cloning.


Well-Known Member
The Girls were around 1' when I turned them and yes they will be pushing 3' when done, or more! lol. there is alot of open space below the canopy, but an amazing number of bud sights up top!! I would love to see a pic or two before you chop them :). I will try to get some pics up as well. It just got a bit harder to look in on the girls since the daughter has moved in down the way, I'm in stealth mode now lol. I really hope I can control the smell :(.


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Here's a shot of the critical kush lemon pheno just around week 7. Bottom bud so not as nice as some of t others that got more light


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Mrblu, I would definitely go with critical kush again! It's my second run now and I never been disappointed with the outcome or growth.

Brotherjericho you are correct, it is 75% indica and a very beautiful plant. Mine didn't finish in 6 weeks as they said but they look to be worth the wait


Active Member
EXTREMELY easy to clone! cut it off, put it in a cup of water and it will root. Ive always used the fem seeds and not a single problem with them. My last grow turned out amazing and i couldnt help but make her the majority plant in my garden this time around. It completely blew away Strawberry cough and Sweet God. It made those strains seem like normal street smoke.I dont know how well it does outdoors yet, but i will find out this summer ;)
Ill be cutting one of the critical kush girls down by the weekend so ill take some pics of her away from the hps and ill post some pics of the buds when they are trimmed. I am certain ill be cutting down one of the space girls this weekend, quite possibly both. I think im going to go cut a sample bud from one of them now and check it out under the scope.


Well-Known Member
And your verdict is???? Is she ready to be sacraficed in the name of happiness? As for outdoors I cann't see why it would not do well (critical), the structure would serve it well as it is a branchy thing! I have had to move the light daily while in stretch mode :( and am happy to report no males, six out of six :). Was a bit worried about the hermie thing I have to say lol. Have you decided what's next? I am getting ready to start the outdoor plants, oiled up the trim pro lol, and will get the grow bags into the swamp this weekend, OH goody, thats the fun part dragging 50lb bags into the mud lol. I may rethink this depending on the ctritical, its looking pretty damn good right now. That buds is very pretty buster :)!!! Can't wait to see the top buds. I over fed mine on sunday but am leaving them for a few days to see how they react. I am running 1600 ppm's but will lower that if tips start to turn.


Well-Known Member
fuck sorry not 1600 ppm, 800 tds so 1.6 ec . She'd be a hot mix lol. Stoned again!!! Hey so tomorrows the first game huh Buster! I assume you r a leafs fan right?


Active Member
Survey says.... not yet :(.. But the lemon critical kush is definitely coming down friday night! :)
I could cut it down and be happy(Space), but i know its not quite ready so Ill wait and check again on the weekend.
I just rolled up 0.39 of the lemon critical kush. I smoked less than 1/3 of it and i am extremely stoned! I cant believe how potent this pheno is. I really, really hope you get at least one of this pheno because i cant think there is a stronger one. I will be putting the space sample into jars tomorrow in the early afternoon so i will most likely be trying that on the weekend.

I have to imagine the critical kush will do well outside, it can handle almost anything it seems and it grows quickly. As you mentioned, it has great branching. I think she would put out a lot of beautiful buds outdoors :)
how many of those bags do you need to move? Hopefully not to many lol! Treckin through mud isnt fun and its definitely not easy. The first few steps are no problem, but then your boots get a few inches of mud stuck to em and each step becomes more and more difficult.

How tall are your girls now and how far along into flower are you? just over 3 weeks if i remember correctly?

This stuff has really impressed me, yet again. I wouldnt be apposed to doing them again in round 3 lol. I should definitely start looking right now though.. this time im only going to look once so i cant change my mind lol