world of seeds - Space & barneys farm - Critical Kush


Well-Known Member
They are pushing 3' now :). And yes they are 23 days at 12 I think lol. Starting to bud nicely!!! I think I still have 2 pheno's so hopefully the lemon is in there somewhere, two of the plants are less stretchy and a bit behind in development but time will tell :).


Active Member
Oh btw, yes I am a leafs fan :) soon I'll have the flags up on the car and work truck! Go leafs go! :)
You a leafs fan as well?

There's two pheno that grow very similar but once t buds fill in you'll see the differences are fairly pronounced. The lemon pheno I believe is taller then the others and still has some side branching but they are not as big as some of the others. Every pheno has some solid, chunky buds though. Like golf balls some of them. One of the buds is literally like a golf ball but ill bet it weighs close to 10g wet lol


Well-Known Member
image001.jpg Tried to do this yesterday. GO LEAFS GO!!! lol Actually not really into hockey but with the leafs making the playoffs I will be watching because yes I would like to see them
win at least the first round. Fuck with all the shots against they had better kiss Reimer's Ass when this is over, he must be doing alot to help IMO. Again dont watch much but read the star. I just left the TV to do this and they were down 1-2 :( And Kadri had just given the puck away, it hit the cross bar and I had to leave lol. Lots of people are already showing up at the cottages next to me so its super stealth mode now lol. I probably should change the carbon filter huh?


Well-Known Member
Jeezus!!! Do they ever stop Buster? The girls are pushing the 3.5'? I have to still move the light every day and am quickley running out of head room lol. I also have had to fill the res twice in a week, another first! I'm thinking a trip to the swamp will not be neccesary after all, thank god lol. Yes the bags are hard work and so is the watering and fertilizing, also its dangerous as hell lol. I must be losing my nerve as I mature finally lol. I was going to do 15 which is not many. I used to do a lot more lol. So r the leafs going to pull it together? They kinda sucked on Wednseday from what little I saw!


Active Member
Im very disappointed with the leafs first game. The first 7 minutes, they looked like a team who could easily make it to the cup round. Once again though, they flattened out and forgot how to play hockey. They were doing it a fair bit in the last few weeks of the regular season but a number of times they still clung on for the win.. cant do that against a team like Boston :(

How long have you had this carbon filter running? It might be a good idea to update it cause i can still smell it like crazy if i turn the fan/filter on low for a few hours during lights out.
I cant believe how big theyve gotten! Mine are topped out around 3 feet now and i flipped them around 1 foot as well. They must be liking hydro! The good news is.. the lemon pheno is my tallest plant.. You could have a bunch of them!
I smoked a bud of it a little bit ago and honestly, this stuff tastes amazing! The bud was a sample from a lower branch i cut off around the 26th. I put it into a jar on the 28th and today is the 3rd so it had less then a week of curing and the plant was just starting to flush. I am going to try very hard to hold on to this smoke for a while.. im glad i got a clone off her! :D

I think the leafs definitely have the capability to beat the bruins. I know they can pull it together, i just hope they can do it before its to late :s
McClaren or Orr have to step up and take on Chara.. the momentum we would get from that would really turn things around in no time. Reimer has been playing solid! I like him and he deserves the number 1 position. Kadri has to find his game again, as does Lupul. He hasnt been the same since his concussion :(. Keseel will NOT get any real room in this series, so his linemates have to step it up and make use of the extra skating room theyll get. Grabovsky has been just snake bitten. He has incredible speed and great hands, he just cant catch a break and put the puck in the net.
Even if we lose game 2, i wont be worried. If they beat us at home, were fucked. I cant wait for tomorrows game though, I think theres gonna be some great fights!


Well-Known Member
I'm watching the Montreal Ottawa game as we speak and its 3 to 1, I would really like Ottawa to take it, only because it's Montreal lol. Yes tomorrow's going to be good one! I think if they lose tomorrow their done IMO. They need to get the shit together and get control of the puck instead of treating like a bomb and giving it away but again I know shit lol. I just watch the wives of the players here lol. Doug Gilmours wife works out on a trampoline in the summer and I can watch her while Im sitting on the deck lol. I have three tall ones BTW that have the real stretchy branching but they have started to close the gap with tops starting to form so real nice so far. No smell yet and the filter was changed at the end of the fall so yes time to change, things worth $60 for the canistor but I guess thats a small price to pay. I have been comparing nutes and am surprised to find that the stuff I buy locally for $20 for a two gallon set of A and B is still the best one. I have tried three different name brand ones and the cheap stuff still produces better plants. Its called Highgrow if your ever down this way! They have a small manufacturing plant here, it was a meth lab also but they got busted and now just make nutes lol. It was actually one of the biggest labs in Canada lol. Good guys lol. I send a helper in to buy shit for me lol.


Active Member
that is an amazing series so far! i cant pick a team to lose, i dislike both teams but there are times when i like MTL and there is never a time when i like the sens lol. Either way, im unhappy they are playing each other cause no matter what, one team will advance :p
Toronto should step it up in this game tonight, but i think they will still have a shot if they go down 2-0 in Boston.. Once they lose a game at home, theyre done. We need to go back to boston with the series at least 2-2 cause the hype theyll be on will be enough to steal one more before coming back to toronto.
I actually have been using some nutes not many people know of as well. It works great and they say it really helps to bring out the flavours of the smoke. I dont have anything to compare to though so i cant say for sure, but i can say the smoke is always very tasty and strong lol.

Ill definitely keep that in mind, im hoping to get out that way this summer at least a few times for the weekend.
that is really cool that you can see them from your own backyard! Its pretty surprising that these guys with almost no real teeth can land such gorgeous women.. guess money will do that :p
Curtis Joseph has a very beautiful, rich girlfriend! She owns some nice horses that run at woodbine. Cujo is a bit of a dick, but his wife is incredibly nice. I got him to sign a few things for me the other year and he just didnt seem like the type who wanted to do it.. Of all the famous athletes ive met, he seemed to be the worst of em. Id say the nicest was Alomar! I met him at the hall of fame induction and had been given one of the 300 hall of fame photos of him. the jays send me things all the time since my family has had season tickets since season tickets were available.. i guess it also helps that we donate over a million a year to them so that less fortunate children can go to the games.

the lemon critical kush is down now and drying out! They were extremely easy to trim, but there was a lot lol! I chopped down the main cola and she weighed in at just under 40grams wet! There were tons of little, solid nugs that weighed in around 10grams wet.. guess it is nice to set your goals low and get more then you hoped for :p. Id have been happy with 28grams per plant which between all 6 would bring in 6 zips.. this one alone will be about 2.25 ounces.. not bad for a plant in the back of the tent that wasnt topped or anything ;)
I might have to start trimming down one of the space plants this afternoon. I have to hit the gym before though, run out and pick a few things up and then see what time i have left before the game.. I dont mind doing it through the intermissions though :)


Active Member
Oh, i thought you might like this.. I got a few nice, large bottle tokes of scissor hash from the lemon critical kush.. It makes the sweetest damn smoke ever! it truly was like candy! Probably shouldnt have smoked it before i go to the gym though but i couldnt resist lol.
Ive got about a month before i need to hit my goal weight of 210lbs. Im at 190 now :s. I lost a good 40lbs from the off time i had to take from surgery and the broken hand. I went from 205 to 165 at the lowest, got back to 170 within a week and stayed stagnate there for a month. I was close to giving up and just trying to be happy with that weight, i just wasnt comfortable though. I got back to 190 within 11 days of eating non stop, using a weight gainer and going to the gym three times a week. Now its time to get serious, more food, more time in the gym and once i hit 210 i can worry about toning it down to get the abs back fully.
I gotta say, us men are not the only "shallow" ones on the earth lol. At my highest weight(205) i was never more then 11% body fat, im only 5'10 so that weight and body fat combo was beauty, i was massive and ripped.. lots and lots of attention at the bars, my fiance hated it lol. When i dropped down to 160, i was ripped as hell but not to big anymore and it was noticeable at the bar.. going from at least 4-5 girls asking to buy me a drink and take their number to 1-2 makes it pretty obvious. Back to 190 and already girls are trying to give me their numbers again. Not all of them are great looking, but its a nice feeling to have women throw themselves at you :p
One girl was alright looking and very bad at the subtle hints for flirting.. As soon as she saw me look at her she bent right over, had her 3 girlfriends checking me out and smiling etc. As she approached her looks got worse lol. She had that damn emo style haircut thats in style now where they shave one side of their head.. WTF lol.. Honestly, you know those women are not the type to take home for a night. Although they might be outgoing and could be great in bed, they are clearly a commitment type of girl. I mean, who makes that type of commitment to a hair cut?! you know its gonna take years before everything is evened out and back to normal.. forget that! lol
The off nights with the fiance(been engaged over a year now) can turn into off weeks. i told her that her crazy ass attitude has to calm down a bit, that latina blood really gets fired up quick lol. So we(i) have decided that its time to step things down a bit and just go at things as if were dating and no label as a couple. Since she has seen that im serious and can move on if things dont get betterm shes been stepping up her game again and doing the little things that she first did to get me to fall for her. her thinking i want that bachelor life and talking to other girls has worked lol. evil, i know, but something had to be done and besides.. im pretty nervous to get married. My best friend has his wedding in about 45 days and i feel like telling him "dont fucking do it man". Its also a bit more nuts for him cause his soon to be wife is on the other side of the world till she can come here in 2014.

anyways, enough of the stoned ass ramble lol, time to hit the gym before i get to tired and lazy ;p


Active Member
The first night of trimming from the lemon critical kush are in jars now :)
They look amazing and smell just as goo as they look. I got a closer look under the scope when they were cut down and they had about 20% amber, 5% clear and the rest very very cloudy. Should be the exact high I like
I'm going to cut down one of the space plant tonight when the rest of the critical kush lemon is in jars.


Well-Known Member
Nice pic Buster! I know I have two pheno's and one does have a slight lemon odour to it. I just cannot get over the stretch of these things. They can't go any higher or they'll be in the light and I will have to do drastic things! I have no room left as they've taken over the whole room, a what to do lol. The bud structure is totally different between the two with one being totally white hairs (like a thistle) and the other with more leaf structure, pretty cool!! Hey man sorry about the leafs last night. They gotta stop treating the puck like the plague and shooting it to really no one in particular (well atleast not to Boston).


Well-Known Member
Do you believe it "they did it"!!! The Leafs may win this!!! I cannot believe the last 2 games and to think I wrote them off after last week. You must be one happy dude Buster lol. Oh and BTW they've stopped stretching at 5 feet :). I can't get to the plants in the back as they have taken over the whole room but I do have I believe two of the lemon ones :), it's more like an industrial cleaner smwll with lemons in it lol really strong huh. Are yours down? Some of mine are like pompoms with ball shaped buds that are quite spaced, and athers are more normal, pretty cool. Thanks again for the recommendation, me thinks I'll be very happy. They are exactly (I think, I just looked but forgot lol) 35 days at 12. I am hoping 60 days as its getting real busy here, 4 young guys just moved in next door and just may know what pot smells like lol. Filter seems to be working good though. Have you started your next grow or made a decision of strain type?


Active Member
Sorry man, haven't been around here in a bit. Really hurt my leg so I've had to stay off it cause I can't walk! Some idiot hit me with his car. Oww?!
I'm very impressed with the leafs! Don't want to jinx it but they look like they've got a good shot at this tonight.
I can't believe your girls are so massive!
Mine are almost all down, been hard to do any trimming lately. A lot is in jars now and I can't wait!! Gonna try some out tonight and see how these pheno are lol. I gotta say, the really fat pheno has been nicest looking buds, lots of sugar and the smell is fruity. I'll be on tonight to give an update and check things out better on here.


Well-Known Member
Fuck Buster you have some bad luck dude :(. Kinda wonderin where you had gone lol. Yes I'm looking forward to this game! I really hope they kick Boston's ass. My girls are massively tall lol. Hopefully the buds will fatten up and get just a bit tighter. It reminds me of my first WR grow and the reason I stopped vegging lol. I cant even get a good pic of the grow because its too big for the frame and the door hides most of it anyways. The crystal formation on the lemon one is rather sparce still, but I have 2 plants that are just covered in them incl. most of the sun leaves. I believe I have 3 different phenos but like I say I cant get to 3 of them, there trapped. I hung my T5 in front last night and am running 2-6500 and 2-2700 bulbs. Also started them on the overdrive. Hope your leg gets better quick man!!


Well-Known Member
Ok so now thier drinking more water than any previous grow, about 30L in 3 days, stopped stretch though lol. The buds are really fattening up on a daily basis, again an amazing grow!!! Hey bud sorry about the leafs :(. They put up a good fight and even in the end they were just overwhelmed by Boston, amazing energy in the last 2 minutes! It was a nonstop onslaught!


Active Member
Yeah ive got some pretty bad luck but im also in such abusy area and its filled with morons! lol.
I cant believe your girls grew so crazy like that! i guess hydro really does give plants a boost lol. I got some massive buds already but have not been able to cut everything down yet cause of the leg.. oddly, they dont seem to have gone much more amber then they were.. i did cut lights out for the better part of the last 5 days though. i can tell you, they are crazy sticky. Your girls are going nuts lol, i think some overdrive is gonna be aazing for your grow. Ive got a few buds over 60g wet lol, still more of them to come down too! The lemon pheno cures into some beautiful, dark and colourful buds. The pheno that but out the most fat and solid buds is light green and smells like candy! im really excited for that stuff! The space alost has a mint smell to it.
Im gonna post a few pics now of a few of the large buds.. one is from critical kush and another from space.


So that first one is as thick as a 2L pop bottle.. The second pic is from space, its as long as a 2l pop bottle. That bud of space was up passed the light so it wasnt as thick as it could have been but still a beauty bud and some solid weight to it.
the space is definitely more smooth then the critical kush but both are ass kickers! in fact, every pheno is amazing smoke. Im very happy with the results and have found the points in which i can improve on next run so i cant wait. im likely jus gonna run the two clones i have and top + lst them to see what kind of yield i can get with focusing on a much more even canopy.

Im glad those ladies are doing well for you, i hope the final product impresses you as much as the grow has :)
i did a test smoke of some of the stuff in jars last night and one of the critical kush joints had me baked for 3 hours. im pretty sure it was the fat bud pheno. as you can see in the pics i have a few jars with a little over a half o in one, a quarter in another and an ounce in one other. all of them were cut down at a good time and they are great smoke but im actually quite happy i left them this extra bit longer as they seem to hae used the time well.

im heartbroken. i know its become a saying for leaf fans... but next year will truly be different. they are so young(youngest in the league) and got to learn so much in a short period of time. It hurts to say now, but them blowing the lead like that might be a blessing in disguise. They wont let off the throttle with a multi goal lead anymore, thats for sure! Theyve all learned the pressure and dedication the playoffs require, and they learned that they are as tough a team as Randy tells them they are! I am certain their confidence in themselves as well as every member of the coaching staff has grown a great deal. Grabovsky learned that even though hes struggling to put the puck in the net, hes still a leader for this team and he is a warrior. Not many players can handle a beat down like that and come out even harder for the next shift!
I can tell you that my hate for boston has gone through the goddamn roof.. My girl wanted a boston terrier. i dont want any boston anything in my fuckin house!


Well-Known Member
I was really impressed by Grabovsky's grit, fucking got the beat down and just kept going in for more. If they had a few more of him they'd be still going. I think they just ran out of gas and couldn't stop Boston. And yes hopefully next year they'll be that much better for all they went through this year, which was pretty cool. I'll try to get some pics of the girls in the next few days but now that I have hung the t5 in front I can't get very close lol. I have 2 that are just covered in trichomes and the other 4 are just starting to show crystals. I think my secong grow next season will be a scrog with a long veg time, I've seen some amazing grows but they have like a 30 -60 day veg and a 6x6 canopy, its pretty cool. The buds look great BTW. And hey man don't hate the dog, hate the team lol. FYI I dont like boston terriers either lol. I've got an insane german pointer, 90lbs of pure physco tornado!!! I take him for runs with my ATV and he leads at 30mph for the first mile then he cruises at 15-20 lol. Ok gotta go check the girls :). Hows the leg?


Active Member
I would say boston was a lot more physically tired then toronto, but toronto gets some serious amnesia when they get a lead. Im sure that will be addressed in the off season and a lot of thee real young players will be able to put on the extra weight and be more solid on the puck. Kadri has been a good example of what can be done in the off season, and though he struggled in the end of the season he was also being covered a lot more closely then ever before so he will be able to learn and adapt to that this off season as well. Kessel seems to have forgotten all about the boston curse so next year i dont think there will be as many issues against boston as there was prior to mid point this year.

I was thinking about doing a long veg time as well, lots of training etc. I was actually thinking of doing that with this set of clones i have. Id love to pull a nice bit of weight from a few plants so i can get into the tent easier as well. it does get to be a pain and it isnt nice to see a few bottom buds that got blocked out and didnt produce as they should have. To be honest, ive really started to buy into the fact that with a bbit longer veg time and good light to all the buds on the plant, 2 will produce more then 4 or 5 easily. I dont think id do 60 day veg though, thats a bit much for me lol.
I do love all dogs, but my personal rivalry with boston is to much for that now, cute dogs though.
I dont think my dog could walk a mile, let alone run it lol! Hes a fatty now and continuously getting wider and stronger! At 15 months he is about 1.5 feet off the ground, chest is as big as some solid men and hes about 100lbs, maybe more. He will get to 120 i bet, and solid with a nice layer of fat over the top lol. Olde English Bulldogge.. stubborn as hell and if given the chance, he would eat himself to death. I give him about 50lbs of food each month lol! 40lbs of dog food and at least 10lbs of a very healthy add in + fish oils. At this age he is still so much like a puppy and just now has started trying to chew my furniture. I came home one day and he chewed a 300 dollar bar stool.. couple sprays of anti chew stuff and that stopped right quick; thankfully too cause i accidentally got a drop in my mouth and i could taste it for a good 8 hours lol.

Looking forward to seeing the girls :)
Leg is pretty sore, definitely bruised right to the bone and recently the swelling has moved down to the knee but im thinking another day or two and itll be good to go. thanks for asking :)


Active Member
Man you are not gonna believe how good the critical is! The branchy pheno is the og dominant pheno, absolute ass kicker! The pheno with the very fat buds i dont know what it is, but i was beyond done in for 3 hours. The lemon pheno was just great smoke, very smooth and very clean. Was strong smoke, but not my favourite pheno for buzz. Ive yet to try any of the space, but i cant wait!


Well-Known Member
I'm having a fucked up time posting pics but if this works here they are at 42 days image001.jpg As I sad im running out of room lol. cieling is 7' and light is maxed out. Thank god its stayed cool cause hydro ans heat dont mix :(. How much do u figure you got from the critical? I'm hoping for about 400g, more would be nice but if it gets hot I'm screwed. Gotta build a chiller for next season lol.