World of Warcraft: Legion, Best character name

best character name ever is mine from however many years ago wow was released... september 2004? i dunno.
Orc Rogue named Rend on the Blackhand server... when Ahn'Qiraj opened i was the first Scarab Lord on my server, most elite title of the time... some servers had more than 1 if turned in within a very limited amount of time (minutes)...Scarab Lords were limited to 1 per server. I was also the first level 60 on my server on release, 8th world wide...unfortunately impossible to prove any longer but 100% true. 8th in the world to level 60 of however many tens of millions came after. Asians and meth heads come at me.... in the battlegrounds I championed over everyone (most especially warsong gulch) when you had to literally play 16+ hours a day for weeks on end to get your Warlord/High Warlord titles.. This was all before custom mounts and titles were rampant and you had to work for a title.. my name was displayed as Rend-Blackhand in the chat window if i said anything.. .

now i grow dope.

Rend Blackhand is a character from the WoW lore and one of the first difficult dungeon encounters from the original vanilla content in Blackwing Lair.. i started in phase 3 beta with the devs.