would the white terrorist in austin have killed more people with an AR-15?

And really we should all be thanking people like you and buck and all your little socks. Because if it wasnt for how vocal you guys and people like you were running up to the election trump would have never won.
i think trump has dumbfuck racists who cry at being called racist by people like us to thank.

you guys cried for years when we called you racists, and finally someone said you were very fine people and talked about how he loved the uneducated. you guys finally felt that validation you looked for
And there’s is the point. If the people take responsibility.

Maybe not take your angry bi polar teenager shooting? Maybe report violent behavior right away to the authorities if you are a teacher/counselor/parent or other authority figure.

Maybe actually defend the people if you’re a cop.

Lotta people problems

America loves guns. Our government loves guns. They are not going anywhere and there’s will always be plenty around.

We need a different solution. Everyone keeps looking the other way. Even the proponents of ak banning.
Got any meff?
i think trump has dumbfuck racists who cry at being called racist by people like us to thank.

you guys cried for years when we called you racists, and finally someone said you were very fine people and talked about how he loved the uneducated. you guys finally felt that validation you looked for

When will you get the validation you are looking for?

Maybe at a million shitty hateful posts?

You lost dude. Get over it. And the whole site seems to be lining up to beat you up. Lol.
stick to adidas jumpsuits and cuck pornography, russian virgin boi. we don't need you spamming for an impotent racist old fart. we already have @ttystikk for that

We is pretty much down to just you. @ttystikk seems to have many more friends here than you.

Why don’t you find an anger management forum? You will meet your own kind there. This is a weed site. You really don’t belong here do you?