Would this idea work ? If not what is up with it or what do i need to add/change


Well-Known Member
if the fan is just oscilating then you will need to bring fresh air.

simply rig a decent PC fan up as an exhaust and have some air vents at the opposite end to the PC fan .



Well-Known Member
You need a least two fans total one for input and one for output. Or two for output and a passive intake. Get yourself some flat white spray paint to paint the inside of your box.
Thanks for your advice, Ive still not got round to starting it. But Would you say I would be able to have a sucsessful grow with this? If so what are average box meausurements? Also if there is anything else I can add it now rather than later.?? Thankssetup.jpg
Cheers, so your saying like this??
Also... As you could guess Im new at this obviously I will have to look into it ALOT more but like. When growing do you just water so often and let them grow until they need cropping? or is there somthing you need to do in the meantime?
I might sound daft lol, But I need to start somwhere I suppose. Thanks.setup.jpg