would u rename a strain? if so what would u call it?

Iv never seen Girl Scout cookies called anything else other than cookies or Girl Scout cookies and skywalker plus Jedi are anchored in the industry. Permanent staple. Bruce banner. All those. Cindi 99. Staples. Can’t be changed because us. People. Won’t allow it. Weather or not they “label” it anything else.
nah i feel u i wouldnt rename any of those strains would be no reason to i think theyre cool but others i would like freakshow for sure.
nah the gloves have been off for me n u got ur azz kicked pssy like literally put ur money where ur big mouth is lil man u reap what u sew. give bad n get it back. as ive stated everything, its whats true n logical. u r the idiot and its evident and all documented on here. nice pic u look like ur whole house smells like bo n pet odors. ur toxic n trash af. as u can see, be kind and civilly disagree or be disrespectful, rude, and toxic and get ur azz kicked as documented on here for the world to see lmfao. dbag
also when did i say ur "INITIAL" response was rude at all? u were rude after so. and i gave u what u gave me u rude azzwipe. fkn idiot. get ur azz handed to u n u got made my btch brah. ur scum of the earth treating good ppl like me that bad. jesus let alone at all. there would never be any "GLOVES" w me brah get made to look like the idiot u r yet again immoral scum simple minded close minded dumbazz. shame on u
Just having fun with @xtsho
feel that. appreciate ur kind reply n input much love fam
I think you can call it what you want privately, that's your business, it's your weed.

It would be very dishonest to offer something for sale like that though, regardless of your feelings about the name. At least take it out a few generations before making it your own, I would assume that should make it at least mildly different from what it started as, that way you aren't just rebranding.
also when did i say ur "INITIAL" response was rude at all? u were rude after so. and i gave u what u gave me u rude azzwipe. fkn idiot. get ur azz handed to u n u got made my btch brah. ur scum of the earth treating good ppl like me that bad. jesus let alone at all. there would never be any "GLOVES" w me brah get made to look like the idiot u r yet again immoral scum simple minded close minded dumbazz. theres ur gloves off shame on u

Good Lord you are a passive aggressive little snowflake . Go cry in a safe space .
Good Lord you are a passive aggressive little snowflake . Go cry in a safe space .
take a look in the mirror and keep projecting urself the logic speaks for itself. crying lil btch to respond to my post to begin w. ur not cool yet u wanna be its easily seen. go cry in a safe place cuz ur not. ur like one of the ppl who trys to look like hot sht n gain respect from ppl on forums who will never be ur friends lol go cry in a safe place cuz of it. i didnt know that reap what u sew get what u give means passive aggressive way to look retarded yet again lil keyboard warrior. u safe? also was overlooked, "snowflake" what that means u weirdo? u smell
take a look in the mirror and keep projecting urself the logic speaks for itself. crying lil btch to respond to my post to begin w. ur not cool yet u wanna be its easily seen. go cry in a safe place cuz ur not. ur like one of the ppl who trys to look like hot sht n gain respect from ppl on forums who will never be ur friends lol go cry in a safe place cuz of it. i didnt know that reap what u sew get what u give means passive aggressive way to look retarded yet again lil keyboard warrior. u safe? also was overlooked, "snowflake" what that means u weirdo? u smell

You don't know how wrong you are . I've wasted enough time on you . Carry on.....
You don't know how wrong you are . I've wasted enough time on you . Carry on.....
im not worried ab how wrong u r yet its all documented on here and u look ridiculous its evidently stated. ur not fooling anyone. yes dismiss and carry on being an idiot. u can cry how u took off the gloves n got ur azz beat. yeah carry on reading my reply. ur not cool. ur some old weirdo that smells sry for ur pet. u should be alone. ur pet needs a good home. if only there were social workers for pets. someone call peta. carry on being a scumbag n reap what u sew karma is a real thing. whos wrong is clear. evident. lmfao. UPDATE: carry on? Im done” Yet this guys done yet thumbsing up other ppls comments on “MY MORALLY SANE LOGICAL THREAD” lmfao what a poser scumbag. U have no friends n it’s exactly how i said can EASILY see thru ur evil scum azz lmfao ur a disgrace. Evil lil moron
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If i could do anything with "cannabis nomenclature", I'd fill in all the "unknown/probably" gaps in cultivar lineage.
Well I appreciate names that are appropriate and innocent to help recognize the unique and specific effects of a strain while being creatively diverse. If u just call it weed then ppl who are medical users wont know if theyre smoking smthng sleep or energetic especially to be productive or medicinally specific like insomnia. I like the names for ganja
I think you can call it what you want privately, that's your business, it's your weed.

It would be very dishonest to offer something for sale like that though, regardless of your feelings about the name. At least take it out a few generations before making it your own, I would assume that should make it at least mildly different from what it started as, that way you aren't just rebranding.
If its for a popular vote meaning a lot of demographics like the grandma/elderly reference its gonna be more concerning and relevant than privately generation regardless like the green crack/ freakshoe references but yes ty for that still made me interested to see strains i havrnt thought of like jew gold that could have a better name. It’s insane to me how ppl treated me so bad for this jesus h hahaha
Well I appreciate names that are appropriate and innocent to help recognize the unique and specific effects of a strain while being creatively diverse. If u just call it weed then ppl who are medical users wont know if theyre smoking smthng sleep or energetic especially to be productive or medicinally specific like insomnia. I like the names for ganja
Nvm i get u. Didnt know the nomenclature def. I would too