Would you spray-paint smart pots white it's hot out there.

I think it would be a lot of work, but if you took empty pots and spray painted the outside I don’t see a issue.
If you planned on doing it to plants with soil in them I would definitely not paint the soil or roots…

Might want to just lean a couple pieces of plywood against the pot to for shade1465ED3F-D014-44A6-8ABE-186CD3D28364.jpeg
dont spray paint them if the plants are still in them, the overspray will damage your plants...unless you can protect the plants while you spraypaint the pots. better to just brush the paint on if the plants are still in the pots. but yes painting your black pots white will significantly reduce root zone temps in the summer sun.
I wouldn't paint them either. Better to wrap them in something reflective imo. I have some black ones . It certainly doesnt get as hot here as Arizona but on exceptionally hot days ive wet diwn the exterior of pot,seems to help....