wows' veg box


Active Member
Hows the blueberry doing? Did it perk up and resume fast growth now?

The Sativa I'm sure is on its way, did the Indica ever pick her leaves up and root?
answers to questions asked above forthcoming in following update, stay tuned tons of pics and lots of news.


Active Member
sorry its been a bit guys, things kinda crazy for me right now. the blueberry has been moved to flower, i have like 6 clones of it, a couple look like they arent going to make it. the tw clone is revegging nicley, in the next week it should be fully reverted back to veg and ill top it at that time. the ww clone still hasnot rooted but it is still putting out new growth on top, no idea whats going on there. the chem dawg clone is doing great aside from a little light burn here and there where it got too damn tall. she is taking alot of tying to keep small, just wants to bush out and stretch up. in a week or 2 ill be taking clones and putting it into flower in some grow or another, not sure where yet but im sure one of my friends is ready for another free plant. here are the pics, enjoy.



Active Member
So you take clones during flowering? I wasn't thinking that was possible for them. Does it work out better that way?


Active Member
So you take clones during flowering? I wasn't thinking that was possible for them. Does it work out better that way?
the only good thing about cloning while in flower is that as they reveg they end up with about 6-10 tops if you dont trim some of the stuff off. i trimmed alot of the stuff off the chem dawg and it still came out with 3 mains. im going to let the tw clone grow as many as it can. i only took these clones while the mothers were in flower because after seeing the about of bud on a scrawny ass plant like the mother chem dawg was nothing short of amazing, and i want to see what she will put out with a proper veg period. the tw was a different situation, as was the widdow. i had no room in the vex box for clones so i had to wait till i moved the widow into flower before taking them. doing it this way makes it take forever and i wouldnt recomend it unles you REALLY need to save the genetics.


Active Member
i had no room in the vex box for clones so i had to wait till i moved the widow into flower before taking them. doing it this way makes it take forever and i wouldnt recomend it unles you REALLY need to save the genetics.
I feel you, I just got 6 new sprouts from the ground. So my tiny 2x2x4 WxDxH veg box is full to the brim! I might end up starting early flowering.


Active Member
I feel you, I just got 6 new sprouts from the ground. So my tiny 2x2x4 WxDxH veg box is full to the brim! I might end up starting early flowering.
yeah my old flower box was the same size, i wouldnt recomend more than 3 weeks of veg. and i would start tying them down as soon as you start flower or you are going to run out of room.


Well-Known Member
WOW, i just HAD to say i love the ' in the title. (wows'...) made me think fer a sec, haha. but glad to hear ur clones rooted! only 1 out of ten of mine did. strain DOESnt like to be cloned thats fer sure.


Active Member
well the last 2 blueberry clones did not root yet, 3 of the 4 that rooted will be leaving for different homes within the next week. and ill also be taking new clones from the chemdawg and from the train wreak and sending the plants to new homes soon as well. didnt get a chance to take pics sorry. ill get them up soon though.


Active Member
been a while so i figured id get some pics and an update up for any one who has been waiting.

i have way too many plants cramed in here right now, trying to get people to take the ones they wanted but every one is dragging thier feet.
so right now i have 4 rooted blueberry clones. only keeping one, i have already topped that one just today, and it is doing great.
the train wreak clone has reveged and is throwing out the normal leaf pattern, im starting a bit of lst on it, it should be going into the flower box in about 2 weeks.
the white widow clone got topped today too, she is doing good, every thing nice and green on her.
the big chem dawg plant was supposed to be leaving this weekend but it hasnt yet so it is crammed in here too along with a clone i took from it, waiting on it to root.

