Wub's Very First Grow.


Well-Known Member
Waiting for the Activated Carbon to come in (and still need to build the filter), but pretty much done. I will clean up the cords and get chains for the light.

Observations and suggestions? I have it running now to check temp and humidity with it going. If things check out over the next couple of days, I will germinate the seeds.
Nice growing is awesome :P, how hot does your grow box get with the lights running? And you should test your box get some really smelly bud or something smelly and put it in and see if you smell anything coming out of your filter.
Looking good so far though


Looks like I might need to get the ballast out of the box. Didnt realize how warm it would get and I think it might be affecting the temperature inside. I keep the thermostat in my house set at 77F, but it is currently 88 degrees in the box. What temp. should the inside of my box be for the best growing conditions? What should the humidity be?

I have most of the filter built now, but like I said before, I need the activated carbon to finish it.

Thanks for the feedback I have received so far. It is much appreciated.


I know I am going to LST for sure, but didnt give Scrogging much thought. I probably should. I have a lot of room inside the box. I even have a lot of room to grow upwards.

As for paint, I think I got a generic flat white indoor paint. Should I have gotten an outdoor paint?

I thought I had bought the feminized Northern Lights seeds (and got some Sensi Kush for free), but I think I got normal ones. They sent 2 bags, one with 10 seeds (NL) and one with 5 seeds (SK).

I have not bought soil yet. I honestly have no idea. I have received so many suggestions, it's hard to choose. I really do not want to mix up my own until I learn more. I kind of want auto-pilot right now or something easy to learn. As for nutes, I am going to use Miracle Grow Tomato Blend for Veg stage and the Bloom Boom for the Flowering stage. If there is anything better (and just as easy), I am open to suggestions.

I am starting off with the 4" square pots. Then moving to the 8" diameter after 2 weeks, then switching to 12" diameter [not sure when]. Should I just go from the 4" seedling pots to the 12" ones? Do i really need the 8" pots? Or should I go from the 4" seedling pots to a 5 gallon bucket?

Feel free to pick my brain. I might have missed a few things and I surely wouldnt mind this quizzes. Best way to learn.
Fox farm ocian forest is good soil and for nutes I use the Flora Nova series. Works great for me.


Well-Known Member
Looks like I might need to get the ballast out of the box. Didnt realize how warm it would get and I think it might be affecting the temperature inside. I keep the thermostat in my house set at 77F, but it is currently 88 degrees in the box. What temp. should the inside of my box be for the best growing conditions? What should the humidity be?

I have most of the filter built now, but like I said before, I need the activated carbon to finish it.

Thanks for the feedback I have received so far. It is much appreciated.
Well 88 isnt too bad your plants will probably just drink more. A little cooler would be better, i noticed that you have tubing on the intake side of your cooltube (page 2 picture) why? If you leave it open it hopefully will pull air better and cool your cab. Just a thought :P


Fox farm ocian forest is good soil and for nutes I use the Flora Nova series. Works great for me.
I originally bought some Miracle Grow, but I will probably take it back and get some of the Fox Farm. Just need to find a place in my area that sells it.

Well 88 isnt too bad your plants will probably just drink more. A little cooler would be better, i noticed that you have tubing on the intake side of your cooltube (page 2 picture) why? If you leave it open it hopefully will pull air better and cool your cab. Just a thought :P
My Carbon Filter will go on that end first, like how I have it in my silly MS Paint drawings on my first page. So, filter > tubing > light > tubing > exhaust fan. I am about to go to bed. I checked one more time and the temp was 90 degrees. What if I ran 2 exhaust fans? (The one I have now is a 250 CFM)

I will be pulling the tubing up with bungees and string to hold it out of the light, so that will not be there collecting heat. I think once I pull the tubing out of the way and move the ballast to the outside of the box, it will cool down inside. If I can keep the inside temp. around 85 degrees, I will be happy. I read it helps promote growth.


Active Member
Remember now, when there are plants in there, the temps will rise a bit and the humidity will rise also.
Looking like it is coming together nicely though. And look! New followers!
Can't wait to see the carbon filter!


Ok, I got the ballast out of the box. I have other things to do today, so I dont have time to get string and properly hang the tubing. I will hopefully get that completed tomorrow. Also, like I had said before, I got the filter partially built.

First pic shows the ballast gone and second is of the core of the filter.



Active Member
Filter is looking great man! I knew I should have done it right the first time, I can just tell that thing is gonna kick the odors ass. How much did it cost for the carbon and how much did you get to fill it?


Well-Known Member
I originally bought some Miracle Grow, but I will probably take it back and get some of the Fox Farm. Just need to find a place in my area that sells it.

My Carbon Filter will go on that end first, like how I have it in my silly MS Paint drawings on my first page. So, filter > tubing > light > tubing > exhaust fan. I am about to go to bed. I checked one more time and the temp was 90 degrees. What if I ran 2 exhaust fans? (The one I have now is a 250 CFM)

I will be pulling the tubing up with bungees and string to hold it out of the light, so that will not be there collecting heat. I think once I pull the tubing out of the way and move the ballast to the outside of the box, it will cool down inside. If I can keep the inside temp. around 85 degrees, I will be happy. I read it helps promote growth.
Could you possibly shortent he tubing in between the filter and the bulb? Every inch of valley ridden tubing puts more work on your fan and reduces the amount of air pulled.

That or have two fans one for the light bulb that pulls clean air from outside and vents outside and one for the filter that pulls stinky air from inside out.
Also heard of people having two milk jugs full of water that they would alternate freezing them and then leaving them to cool the room.


The filter cost me probably about 60-80. Dont remember exactly, bought a lot of other things with it that day. The carbon cost me 18 bucks for 20oz, but I am thinking I might not have enough.

Yeah, I could shorten the tubing all the way around. I will do that here shortly. And the frozen gallon jug sounds like a superb idea. I will try that too.


Active Member
I was just about to post what BlazedMonkey said... Shorten those runs and have the slightest bends in them as possible. Also, an active intake is only good when you have really good exhaust. I went from a 4inch 175 cfm fan to a 6inch 425 cfm fan, my god the difference. Adding a 150cfm booster fan to my intake was key too. Now i have a the fan speed controller all the way down, and it stays at 81 (edit: before they were 95+) with plenty of air exchange. Best of all, its VERY quiet.

Good luck, ill be watching!


After my house cooled down, I turned the grow box on and let it run for about 10 hours now. The constant temp. in the box with a gallon of water in it is 88F. Not too bad, I dont think. I know it will get hotter as the temp. increases outside. I am going to try the frozen gallon of water today.


Started Germinating some bag seed today. Going to see how well my box does with some cheap stuff. Plus, I want practice. I am also going to try and keep a male and see if I can learn what I need to do to pollinate. I really do not want to ruin my good stuff with my lack of knowledge. Plus, I honestly dont mind if I kill this stuff with excessive heat. Hopefully it wont and it will grow just fine. I guess we will see.


Active Member
I like the idea of keeping the male. Chucking the pollen looks pretty easy, but from the info I found it is only good for a month or so. I was hoping to be able to store it until my next grow, but unless it could be stored for several months or more, I will be stuck with letting nature take its course if I want seeds. I am personally hoping for a male and a female next grow so I can simply let them do their thing and harvest the seed for future grows, plus I am sure I would still get some nice hash from them anyways. Good luck germing m8!


One last box redesign. I need to reduce the restriction on air flow, so I decided to connect the filter the the back fan directly and then install another fan to pull air straight across from the other side of the box, cooling the light in the process.

I also bought some of the starter plugs for the seedlings and some new pots that the seedlings will go directly into so I am not transplanting more than once.

2 of the 6 seeds I am germinating already have a tiny little root nub barely sticking out of the seed, so it has finally begun.



Active Member
Here is another suggestion on that design you might like (your design is sound, just showing you what i run.. i use outside air at 78+ for my intake, temps never rise over 85, normally they stay at 81.)

This design also saves you money, where you dont need a super powered inline fan for intake, just use a inline booster.. did the trick for me. I also run my 6inch 425cfm fan at the lowest speed possible with that fan speed controller that htg sells. Very quiet.

Also a inline booster wont give you the desired results pulling through that filter..

Again i am not saying your wrong, just thought you wouldnt mind a diff opinion. ;]

Edit: Sorry i just scrolled up and realized that ive already mentioned my setup..


Active Member
Personally, I like the separate intake and exhaust for the light. That I think will really help remove a lot of heat from the light, since that is an issue for you, and since it is contained, there is no need to filter that air.
Yay! Congrats on the little ones! ;)


Yeah, been super busy with work. Only 1 survivor from the 3. I decided to go ahead and germinate my Sensi Kush. So will have 1 bag-seed and 5 Sensi Kush, hopefully. Tried to get pics of the Sensi seeds, but it's an old camera and doesnt take good up close pics. I will get more once they start growing out of the limewool.

