WW x Big Bud - DWC - Big ass DIY grow box


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, anyone think lowering my light below 18 inches would increase growth rate? It seems to high imo, i can put my hand almost right on the glass and not be burned. I've done 12 inches before with only minor leaf bleaching on new leafs which quickly got over it on my previous grow in 2009


Well-Known Member
Res change today, added full strength nutes 8ml/gal GH micro, 16ml/gal bloom, and also added a splash of diamond nectar. Came to 900ppm. I started to notice a little yellowing on the newest leaves so i knew it was time to start giving full strength. Will picture update in a few days :P


Well-Known Member
Hey wimb, is it possible for you to move my thread to the grow journal section? Not a lot of people in these parts anymore


Well-Known Member
Day 19 of veg

Temp: 78f - 65f off
Water Temp: 24c
Humidity: 57%

Still having minor curling issues, did everything i could to correct it. Any input on this? Don't say raise the light its at 18inches and its a 400w. There is no direct constant wind hitting the plants and nutes arent even strong.(was doing it at 300ppm aswel if anyone remembers) Some slight rusty spotting on older fan leaves, looks like MG.



Active Member
Could someone explain to me please what is fimming? and exactly what that does to your plant?


Fim topping is a low stress way of topping your plants. The reason people fim is to create a bushier plant that will produce more cola buds


Well-Known Member
thats the 2nd time a brand new account with 1 post has posted in my thread with a question that could be answered by the FAQ or on the newbie forum

Edit: any word on moving this to grow journal section?


New Member
thats the 2nd time a brand new account with 1 post has posted in my thread with a question that could be answered by the FAQ or on the newbie forum

Edit: any word on moving this to grow journal section?
i forgot mate to be honest been none stop at work just got home from a 13 n half hour shift fukkkeeeddd lol


Well-Known Member
Day 22 of veg, should i flip soon?

Temp: 73f on / 62f off
Water: 21c
Humidity: 55%
Hood height: 17''
PPM: 1000 (.5 conversion)

Did some super cropping to help slow down those big plants and let the little one catch up a bit. When should i flip to flowering? How big you think they would end up being if i flipped now? i could handle 4 foot plants max.



New Member
thanks for moving thread wiimb, how tall did you veg your girls anyway?
plants looking secy as man, keep it up :)
i flowered mine bang on 8 weeks dont know how big just 8 weeks mark :) and the second one was 7 weeks on the mark :)