Wyeast Farms Genetics

as of right now not much is going on with GA pie. hopefully she’ll start throwing out more terps in the upcoming weeks

Right on, yeah I trust that she will start to lay it on thick for you. I get a lil too antsy for terps early on when I see frost lol. I'm just being super selective with my keepers now.
Buddha’s hemp reserve is doing bogo and have Wyeast.
Just picked up 2 packs of Crema Cubes (ZR3 x Horchata). I saw that Crane City had a whole lineup/drop with the ZR3 as the pollen donor, so I’m gonna guess that their ZR3 is something special. Shout out to Buddha too cause he’s one of the nicest guys I’ve ever bought beans from. Anyone have experience with the ZR3 in crosses or clones? I was also looking at Milk Tea, Amazake, Kings Chalice, Half Pint and Cinnamon Sour too so if anyone has info on those that’d be cool
Crema Cubes just touched down. Got both from Buddha’s Hemp Reserve, one of the best guys I’ve bought from. Can’t wait to hunt these, but won’t be for another 2-3 grows cause I’m gonna be hunting Guava Pie from Bloom Seed Co and Nila Wafer from Cannarado before these. I also got Sour Secret and Ice Milk from wyeast, but these just sound so good I gotta run them asap. I have such a small amount of space that I wish I can just run them all at once! I got so many seeds that will probably last me a couple lifetimes, but I do expect to pop every single one that I spent money on. Planning on moving sometime next year so hopefully I’ll get a lot more space to run everything I want, including breeding and preservation projects.
Dungeon family week 6

Looks fire! Can we get an update & terp description? Going to flip my clones soon. One of them smells soo good on the stem rubs, hard to describe it but it's sweet smelling, makes me see why the Mother plant is called Georgia Pie. 3 pheno's 1 having a good smell but all look nearly identical.
Any word on new drops from Wyeast? Wasn't there supposed to be another Horchata drop vol 4? I was on IG for a short awhile but once I started seeing that Meta bs I deleted it lol!
I would of liked to seen the release menus for Volumn 2 & 3. I know what some of the crosses were, but...

Look on page 9 for vol 3. I'm not sure vol 2 has to do with the Horchata line at all bc I can't find the menu. I was just under the impression that there was going to be another Horchata drop, coulda sworn I saw a post of him saying that somewhere. Than again Wyeast isn't dropping every 2-6 months like most breeders lol