Well-Known Member
That is as beautiful as it is impressive. Please update if/when possible.
Also, I would like to try and run something from the Menthol line outdoors but its super hot and dry where I live. Do you think your tree there could bear regular regular temps of say 95+ through August/September with some 105+ peppered here and there? Maybe if it were partially shaded?
That's basically a description the weather here this year. Lows in the mid 70s. Now normally, we are 10 degrees below that in the hottest part of the season and have much lower night temps... So much for mountain weather lol.
Shade cloth or remay is necessary when transplanting out when it's already roasting outside, and often when plants are in a relatively low volume of soil & once again the roots aren't quite able to keep the plant hydrated. If you get them in early during general spring planting, April or may for me depending on late snow, it might not be needed at all.