.5 mg xanax ... i might as well be taking a tic tac :sleep:.. i gotta try 1.25 next time... but they are .25mg and dont have too many of em

And please be careful. Xanax only comes in small doses for a reason. It is very strong. And it's not going to fuck you up like pain killers. Just know that.

I had a friend who kept taking more and more Xanax because he didn't "feel" anything. (His preference was Percocet) He woke up in the hospital 2 days later with no recollection of how he got there. If his wife didn't find him, passed out on the bathroom floor, he might've died. He took somewhere around 4 mg...that was his guess anyway.
I've done xanax once. Was just in a pissed off mood that whole day so I took a 2mg bar with no benzo tolerance and passed the fuck out for 7-8 hours after I already had a full days sleep. Valium with weed is a more relaxing happy thing to do every once in awhile. If I wanna get fucked up off GABA inhibitors, I'd just drink whiskey!
why is this bullshit on a MJ site all xanax does is destroy lives ,fuck a doctor and their scripts
some people need them, everyone walks in different shoes. i take two mg in the morning and im up and about gym etc. give a .5 to my friend and hes passes out in 30 min no matter what. the point is sometimes drugs are useful, use them dont let them use you, be cautious dont take stuff you dont "need" its not worth it to be a slave to pills or anything for that matter...my two cents
why is this bullshit on a MJ site all xanax does is destroy lives ,fuck a doctor and their scripts

Some people really do need them, I had a friend with very bad OCD when he was young and he was prescribed xanax it worked wonders for it then he found weed and stopped the xanax. Good thing in my opinion, alcohol/benzo withdrawal is no fun and can be fatal!
when my dad died and while I was on probation I would eat 6 or 7 bars and pass out wake up feeling.like shit and eat 6 or 7 more to pass back out. when I had to go piss I would stop taking them and get the shakes and eat some in the parking lot. one guy I sold to had a sieasure (sp) becuase I couldn't get more.
when my dad died and while I was on probation I would eat 6 or 7 bars and pass out wake up feeling.like shit and eat 6 or 7 more to pass back out. when I had to go piss I would stop taking them and get the shakes and eat some in the parking lot. one guy I sold to had a sieasure (sp) becuase I couldn't get more.
Was that me? Cuz that definitely happened to me over the summer... Not fun :\
Xanax hits someone fast but has a very short half-life. Klonopin has a much longer half-life, meaning that it stays in your system longer so the effects are longer lasting. It also takes longer for someone to build up a resistance or tolerance to Klonopin so they can take it longer with better results without the need to switch to a different medication as quickly as they would if they took Xanax.
Hey gents and gals,

Has anyone of you ever taken xanax, or xanax and weed together?

ANYWAYS I will be doing it AGAIN because I GOT SUMMMM..

.50 + .25 = .75 GREEEAAATTT

How do you guys feel about xannies? Experiences? Share that shit :bigjoint:

BELOW Is a pic of some high mids w/1 seed lol and a little slice of heaven I like to call mr football.

pretty soon i'll be:sleep: getting up and :cuss: because i dont know wtf happened this night.:fire:
pills are fucking wac..smoke weed, dont ingest this chemical bullshit all it does is make you retarded
pills are fucking wac..smoke weed, dont ingest this chemical bullshit all it does is make you retarded

Have you ever seen someone that has smoked weed everyday of their life for 20 years... their not the sharpest tool in the shed... Some people smoke weed everyday to relieve anxiety/OCD some people who are not in medically approved states an countries or do not wish to smoke or use marijuana take benzodiazepines. At the end of the day there all psychoactive drugs and they all bare consequences from over and excessive use.
Have you ever seen someone that has smoked weed everyday of their life for 20 years... their not the sharpest tool in the shed...

That, in most cases, is a poor example to use because most people who have smoked everyday of their life for 20 years were Beavis and Butthead types to begin with. Those that fit your example also tend to be indica lovers.

I started getting high in 1968 and while I have not smoked every day since I have smoked far more days since than I have not, and normally multiple times in a day. Not only have I not dulled my abilities, if anything I have honed them. A good sativa makes me highly inquisitive and I continually pick new topics to research and learn about.

My memory has not suffered, or at least not to a degree where I am able to notice it. An example is recently while friends and I were discussing 'guy flicks' "Road House" was mentioned. Someone asked what is the name of the blonde actress who played the female Doctor. I have not seen the movie in about a decade but I thought a moment and I saw the credits of the movie play in my head and there it was, Kelly Lynch.

That's not bad for having toked for roughly 42 years.

If I were a Beavis or Butthead type to begin with who had then toked mind numbing indicas for the same period of time my reply would likely have been something like, Huh, huh, huh, she's hot.
Have you ever seen someone that has smoked weed everyday of their life for 20 years... their not the sharpest tool in the shed... Some people smoke weed everyday to relieve anxiety/OCD some people who are not in medically approved states an countries or do not wish to smoke or use marijuana take benzodiazepines. At the end of the day there all psychoactive drugs and they all bare consequences from over and excessive use.

are you calling me "dull"? :neutral:
are you calling me "dull"? :neutral:
No sorry if I offended you man, some people who are on Benzo scripts describe it as being a "zombie" even at prescribed doses though I had friends who used to be on ritalin and xanax and described the effects as being "zombified" not having any energy or motivation and being emotionally "dull" it could have been them just not taking well to a different mind set from the substances. I've never been on a regular daily dosing of either though both are effective when prescribed to people that really NEED them and not taking them because they want to get "fucked up" or their doctor doesn't wanna take the time to address the psychological situation they have and would rather just throw pills in their patients face.
Have you ever seen someone that has smoked weed everyday of their life for 20 years... their not the sharpest tool in the shed... Some people smoke weed everyday to relieve anxiety/OCD some people who are not in medically approved states an countries or do not wish to smoke or use marijuana take benzodiazepines. At the end of the day there all psychoactive drugs and they all bare consequences from over and excessive use.
yeah i have...and compared to someone who gets pilled out everyday theyre a fuckin genious. every person i have met with a pill dependency is worthless..
Have you ever seen someone that has smoked weed everyday of their life for 20 years... their not the sharpest tool in the shed...

Irony is when you say someone else is dull-witted and you misspell "they're"
and I'm not trying to start a flame war, i just think it's funny that I, one of the 20 years of pot-smoking brain-dead retards, am the one who caught it!
;-) all in good fun!