yeah i have...and compared to someone who gets pilled out everyday theyre a fuckin genious. every person i have met with a pill dependency is worthless..

Really? Because I know of a newly elected senator who has a "pill dependency" of legally prescribed xanax. She doesn't get "pilled out everyday" and is able to hold a seat in office the same way someone who doesn't smoke weed all day erryday is able to maintain a healthy life style as well. The point of my post was to quit all this drug favoritism bullshit. I said before at the end of the day they're all psychoactive drugs and they all bare consequences from over and excessive use while also gaining positive uses when used intelligently.
I had a pretty funny experience on xanex one time...

It was one of the first few times I'd taken it.. I think before that I'd taken a few and they just made me feel sloshed, like I'd been drinking or something, and I'd always fell asleep within like 30 minutes... I just figured they affected me differently. My friend who gave them to me told me she always wanted to party after taking them..

Anyway, I got a hold of a couple and was pretty excited because it had been a while since I'd done anything but smoked weed, and I kind of forgot they put me to sleep... But I had to go to work.. I thought "eh, what the hell.." and swallowed one 15 minutes before I went in, thinking in the back of my mind "I don't mess with peoples lives, and I can always just come up with some excuse if things get too crazy and I need to leave or something". So I get to work and am already kind of starting to feel it but not really.. ten or fifteen minutes go by and I'm feeling the same, and I remember I have the other one still with me.. So I decide to take it too. I'm standing there making a hot chocolate and my coworkers are watching me (two of them knew as I let them in on it, they were just laughing) and I remember filling up the cup half way then adding waaaay too much whipped cream on top and when I went to top it with the lid the whole drink just spilled out onto the counter!

I couldn't really control my motor functions, and my vision was reeeeally blurry and wavy, it's a little hard to describe. Next thing I knew I woke up on my couch at 4:30am not having any idea how I got there! My friends told me I went in the back and fell asleep for 2 hours before they decided to take me home. One of them walked me to my door. Probably the most irresponsible thing I've ever done too, gotta say, not proud of that..

Ever since then xanex has been known to me as "the de-neurolizer" lmao
This came from a long battle with Xanax.It cures anxiety but if ya take it for a while its withdrawal symptoms are worse than ever and it can take a long time to become your self again.Just dont say I didnt warn him.
im sorry but unless you need them perscribed to you imo taking xanax is lame they make people act retarded and forget everything. i see no recreational value in xanax the only pills id ever take are beans and i only do that about once a year
i gotta say xanax or any other benzo with alchohol (despite the danger of mixing alchohol and pills) always does seem to make a fun night of regrettable descisions
I had a buddy OD on Xanax. He turned all blue and shit stopped breathing. IF my friends dad didn't know CPR and didn't call the ambulance when he did, he would have died.

Personally I've seen to many people die from pills, I've never touched them. Never will.
Ahhhh..... Benzodiazepines. Dangerous stuff. My wife is prescribed Klonopin for panic attacks, which is also a benzo, and I've heard from somewhere (maybe the internet or radio?) that they've been used as date-rape drugs in Mexico. Just don't mix them with painkillers or alcohol and you should be ok. FYI: A lot of times when you hear about a celebrity overdosing on prescription drugs, Xanax and/or other benzos are usually involved. Stick with smoking those sweet, sticky buds. No harm there.