pills........:roll: lol. everytime someone bumps this thread i will pray and meditate for the sinners lmao, and yes i am perfect so i can judge.:mrgreen:(anyone got any oxy's?).:neutral:
pills........:roll: lol. everytime someone bumps this thread i will pray and meditate for the sinners lmao, and yes i am perfect so i can judge.:mrgreen:(anyone got any oxy's?).:neutral:

LMAO i have about 300 20's;-) and around 223 xanax and 146 vikodon:bigjoint: and some tranquilizers, oh and some flexys:blsmoke: + rep to you too!
how come i can't get any oxycontin? lots of oxycodone, but no contin. the contins are the shit. :)

dude your rep is like god:twisted: i had 197 points then you repped me and i have 280:hump::hump::hump: thanks mang! bump cuz i ate another bar:bigjoint: i think im passing out lol c a n t s e e s t r a i g h t :lol: id ship you some buuuuuutttt.... well im to scared ;-)
well i dont really take too many pills anymore but when i did i know that xannyz were the devil... its cool to take em and smoke and chill but def. not party and drink on em.. get stupid, blackout, lose days, a week, whatever.. sure you get throwed, get laid, and whateva but its some serious shit.. easy to get addicted to the feeling that you get..

personally i liked valiums a lot better.. gives you the relaxed social feeling of xanax without the zombie zoned out feeling.. plus makes you like a super pimp lol take 2 or 3 vals, smoke a blunt, hit the club, and your good to go... plus you dont get sloppy, you can remember shit and tap that ass like superman on viagra lol..

anyways i think it all depends on the person, diff drugs effect peeps differently. personally i dont like pain killers but love sippin drink... especially that yellow tuss and fresca OOO WEEE... dont like bars but like vals... hate acid but looooove some exos.

just gotta be careful tho because this shit is made by companies because you cant make it yourself and makes you dependant on them like a crack fiend. take em long enough and you cant function without em because the chemicals in your brain are not produced in the right amounts and creates an imbalance. they prescribe all this shit to kids when their brains arent even fully developed and ends up making people crazy...
in my opinion all these pills n shit are just made to keep people dumbed down and dependent on their masters like sheep in a pen.. think about it when was the last time you were barred out wondering about political policies or the upcoming election? even if you were you sure as fuck werent making any sense and probably couldnt remember in the morning.. just another tool in the toolbox... whereas the all natural yet illegal substances like bud and shrooms make you think outside the box in a more conceptual manner... plus its not made with a bunch of chems like a damn withces brew...

the fact is these meds do more harm than good, they are the most addictive substances on the planet and change the way you think and act on a chemical level, not something you can control mind you, basically masking your emotions and make you numb to all internal thoughts and feelings. its all about the moment and the experience on the drug, not the experience of life .its just a big cycle to get everyone on something on a recurring payment program.. anxiety and depression and all that shit are just made up medical bullshit.. relationships with people and talking through problems, experiencing the human experience can get you through anything... but unfortunately these people learned a long time ago the money is in the treatment not the cure, and then theres more drugs and doctors to treat the addiction to the treatment that was supposed to help the problem in the first place, now youve got more problems, and more treatments lol

sorry for the long rambling post but i have been down this road, seen others go down this road and it aint pretty.. ive seen people fall off from addictions to coke, bars, oxys, codine, alcohol, etc.. and i have been in deep depression, had paranoia and anxiety due to my life choices, been addicted to drugs, and come from the bottom of the barrel out to the top. the thing is you will never believe what anyone says until you experience it yourself, and because drugs change the way you think, you cant out think the drug. and let me get one thing straight, i def. think drugs can be recreation and enjoyed in moderation but let me say one thing...

ALL addictions start from moderation of recreation. you dont wake up one morning addicted to it, and your not born into it, it is normally a slow process. you have to be very cautious because there is a fine line between dependancy and enjoying yourself.. just be careful and try to look at the man (or woman) in the mirror with a real perspective. you can lie on the net, lie to your friends and family, but dont lie to yourselves. enough of the seriousness

with that said enjoy your pills! (in moderation)

- So there are some people who like drugs but don't like Xanax? I must admit, that is strange... To each their own, I say. And who says that Xanax knocks you out? Maybe it does to some, but I find it is more stimulating than other benzos... although I have never passed out from benzos unless alcohol was involved, I definitely find Xanax to be more uplifting than Valium or any of the other old-school benzos. The newer generation of benzodiazepines are worthless for anything besides making you tired, Lorazepam is one of the ones with no use, lol. I also don't really find that Klonopin does too much for me aside from making me yawn a little. I'll stick with the Valium and Xanax when it comes to Benzos, or any other benzo that has been around for awhile. It seems like the ones that were formulated in recent years do not posess as many of the effects that I would use them for. Xanax calms my mind down at night, Valium helps deal with my shoulder and back issues when I wake up in the morning along with some more Xanax. The Xanax is finally an actual prescription, but it seems hard for a young guy to get a Valium scrip, especially when he already has a Xanax one, lol.

- I used to just use Oxycontin for all my aches and pains, as well as to help keep myself mentally balanced (lol). However, it was getting to the point where I would need several hundred milligrams daily, and as the drug got more popular prices started going up (I started doing it about a decade ago). Anyway, for anyone who thinks that a decade long addiction to Oxycontin is hard to get off of, think again! And forget about Methadone programs that take all your info and put you on the grid as being an addict. Anyone ever hear about Suboxone? I am not saying that I think all opiate users need to stop immediately, or at all for that matter. I was able to live quite a functional life while on Oxy, even getting the majority of my college education finished up, and I was even a daily user in high-school in the late 90s at a difficult private school, and still managed to do fine. It is all about self-control, ironically something I don't have much of, but luckily seem to have JUST enough, lol.

- However, about 9 months ago, financially things were not as good as they had once been, and so I decided to get off Oxy for the time being. I have found that I am a little happier this way, and was able to get back into growing with greater enthusiasm than ever before. I went to a regular doctor, and he gave me a monthly prescription for Suboxone, just like I would go to any other doctor (You do need to call first, to make sure your doctor does prescribe it, not all do) and get any other prescription. Since being on this medication I have only taken any Oxy once, during my first month of treatment which was more than 8 months ago. I have been able to gradually lower my dose, and in turn gradually lower the number of receptors that want opiates without having to go through any withdrawls at all, or enter into any embarassing drug treatment centers. Right now I am choosing not to use Oxy because it is still expensive as fuck and I am not in enough pain to really need it, like I once was. However, if I wanted to take some, I could. The Suboxone is supposed to "block" all other opiates, but I found that by just not taking any of them on the day I wanted to 'use' I was able to feel them perfectly, and even after just a couple weeks my tolerance had already gone down some with absolutely no withdrawl. Before I found Suboxone I had terrible withdrawls even just when I woke up after not having any during the course of the night. Suboxone works on all opiates, at least to my knowledge. If anyone does ever feel like stopping for any reason whatsoever, there is no reason to fear from the withdrawl symptoms because there are safe medecines out there now that can negate all symptoms of withdrawl while still reducing your tolerance or helping you quite if that is what you want to do. I am sure that I will do oxy again sometime in the relatively near future, but I am on a decent cocktail right now, one that I am happy enough with to stick with untill I have a little more spare change in my pocket, or start having bad back and/or shoulder issues again.

- This post was for everyone who is in here hating on the people who use these drugs whether they get them by prescription or on the streets. We all have drugs, even if your drug is just coffee, so lighten up on the people who get prescribed medication, and even the ones who self-medicate. I wanted all to know that there are much safer ways to detox now than there was available even 5 or 6 years ago.

- Also, everyone seems to say that coming down off benzos is difficult? Really? I used to take alot more than I do now, and those were always off-and-on because they were not as easy to get as oxy, although cheaper. Anyway, I would be practically taking handfulls a day, anywhere between 40-80 mgs of Valuim and up to 4 mgs of Xanax for time periods of 2-3 months sometimes, and I was always able to quit them very easily when I ran out. I mean, when they were gone, I couldn't take any more, lol. Usually it would be a little tough to get to sleep for a night or two, but none of the runny-nose, watery eyes, stomach cramps, and all other manner of unpleasantness that I used to associate with opiate withdrawls, and also not lasting for as long. Honestly, Coke withdrawls are the worst, but I don't think Cocaine is all that special anyway and don't take it often because I am obviously someone who prefers downers. So basically, anything I like to take all that often that is addictive is also either just easy for me to stop, or I have a medication that can help let me down slow. Basically, I now get the good effects of these drugs whenever I would/do need them, but I am not able to avoid the negative effects associated with long-term use. I guess maybe Benzos give others a worse withdrawl than me, but with opiates, Suboxone will work with anyone. There is no reason to go into withdrawls or a methadone clinic or opiate addiction treatment ever again even if you use a pretty good amount, unless you are not able to control yourself at all...
cotin is all over were i am.and alot cheaper now .. i just love the oxy heads that take puke breaks after sniffing a 80mg.. then try to put there dirty mouth back on my bong or blunt...
I love me some xanax. Eat like 1-2 on an empty stomach and smoke a little...oh yes. :blsmoke:

Although, the first time you lose a couple days due to your xanax'ing, it does kinda throw ya for a loop. Hell, I went to class and everything for ~5 days my freshman year in college...don't remember anything from those 5 days. Like, suddenly it was Friday, yet I somehow stayed on top of my shit like class while in my walking coma.