New Member
well its like if you have never tried something then how are you going to judge it. I know you could make some smart ass comment like 'well how do you know you don't like sex with a dude till you try it' but think about all the people that think weed is stupid and have never tried it? Why are you listening to other peoples opinion to decide what to put in to your body or not? Thank for yourself
actually I have tried them bro, back when I was a teenager... and I regret ever doing any type of garbage like that.... unless your prescribed the chemical for a good reason...why even fuck with it??
its man made shit... I have no respect for loser pill poppin low lifes...
1 the shits addicting as hell as is most man made garbage....
2 it will turn you into a thieving peice of human waste...
3 it causes all kinds of health problems...and the list goes on and on...
so are there any pros to using this crap for recreational use??? if so please list.... ive had many friends lose their lives from man made chemical shit.... and the ones who are still alive are thiefs and bums who would steal from their own mothers....literally....I actually feel really sorry for adults( which is what are supposed to be here) who are not smart enough to stay away from this shit...or have no self respect and stoop to that level...