Hell yeah dude, you're rocking it. Sub'd up.
Thanks man glad to hear it! Can't wait for these buds to come up, I don't know if you've read yet but a friend dropped like $700 worth of nutes on me when he quit growing. Along with a full bottle of gravity he had & a un opened rock resonator, open sesamie, bestie blooms, cha ching, a $120 ph/ppm meter, big ass bottles of ph up & down and a lot more..
This harvest is gonna be bomb, I can almost smell it now.
Update Time...
day 5 or 6 of 12/12
Hope you all enjoyed your free slurpies today, these girls are
taking OFF! I didn't expect that much of a stretch with all these kushs' but I was wrong as fuck.
here's the girls as of today (some shitty ass pictures with the hps off but you can see the plants well enough)