XxNinjaxX's ScrOB (Cheese That Is)


Well-Known Member
deffo the way forward how did you gals make yours? im going to use my old tent plastic corners and poles to build a frame i think, get some netting and cable ties
I think Lacey made hers from an old table (removed the top) and some cooking string.
I have an aluminium frame here that i may end up using if i could be arsed to dig it out.. Then i'll just run some cord or cooking string over it aswell :)


Well-Known Member
Very interested to see how this pans out,Got some BC germinating as I type.(fingers crossed).Thinking of SOG for ease rather than SCROG,although could stil change my mind lol.Anyone know what a good grow of this stuff smokes like?.I love Blueberry,and nearly had my head blown off from a killer cheese before(unsure of the exact strain)So my expectations are high.
anyhow,,GL with the grow,subd


Well-Known Member
Very interested to see how this pans out,Got some BC germinating as I type.(fingers crossed).Thinking of SOG for ease rather than SCROG,although could stil change my mind lol.Anyone know what a good grow of this stuff smokes like?.I love Blueberry,and nearly had my head blown off from a killer cheese before(unsure of the exact strain)So my expectations are high.
anyhow,,GL with the grow,subd
Welcome, pull up a chair & post as u so desire bongsmilie

I watered the ladies last night with approx 500mls of water each, and tonight they had started to look a lil limpy as they were already so thirsty.. This tells me they are building a wicked root base and are going to start shooting up soon :D
I gave them only 250mls each tonight as the lights were due to go off. I normally dont water before the dark period, but i would have done damage if i'd waited til morning..
Tomorrow i will make them up a nice healthy mixture @ E.C of 0.6-0.8 containing Molasses & water, Ph'd @ 6.0. I will soak the whole pots through. It should give them the carbohydrate and beneficial bacteria boost they need to start their growth spurt.

I will most likely go through in a few days and try to top every brach.. Get them real bushy for my screen :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Ok, well 4 days is long enough for an update, so here are some more pictures of the girls.
You can see that although they are still a little bit pyramid shape they have really picked back up since the FIM i gave them.
Each plant is easily drinking through 750mls over 2 days (500mls one day, 250mls the next).. (Except Runty who is still on 250mls a day, but catching up :))

It's good 2c that my efforts of stringent waterings and root additives have embodied themselves so nicely :hump:
Today is exactly 14 days since they were rooted clones, so i'm expecting big things from them :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Lol I was just wondering if you're ahead of me or not :P
Na Man, i cant get ahead of you.. If i do i will be lost all together & have to go searching for a new journal to copy :shock:

looking really good man. i am so jealous. i have my SEA OF BLUE setup with me now. YAY.
Thats good man :bigjoint: Yours will be catching up in no-time!
Damn, 14 days after rooting. Clearly, you have the touch.
Thanks for the kind words, i think it's a combination of the leg-work i put into the roots & the lovely gentle light of the 400W HPS.. I can only take a lil bit of credit 4 it ;)


Well-Known Member
thanks for sticking up for all women kind today Ninja... :-) Empty your PM box dude :-)
PM box is empty! Thats cool.. I think those guys thought i was having a shot at them, i was just trying to show them that people are judged by skills not sex.. Unless they are the prostitutes to which u reffered.. Then they are judged on their skills of sex, lol.


Well-Known Member
Hey Ninja :bigjoint: FINALLY another Blue cheese grower, this strain deserves a following :weed: i'm busy doing the Barneys version of your plants if you want to have a look mine are a few days behind yours but its proved to be a good comparison for me

Scroungers Guide to the Stealth Cabinet

Welcome SS, I Had a look @ ur grow mate, ur plants have nice close internodes on them :)
lol it seems everyone is growing Blue Cheese lately.. that says alot!! this strain is bliss!!


Well-Known Member
Subd X, thinking of an auto scrog next run.

Come and post your jars, I am mad pinning!:lol::lol::lol:

In my sig...


Well-Known Member
Black Roses I've personally never headed this strain, but I've had a smoke of an outdoor 1 & had 2 say 'that's enough 4 now' lol. But it was delicious! At least u've had the pleasure of it. Feel free to post up some Bud Porn from ur heads, or any trich shots..
Chompi Welcome Mate, Done & Done!