Y a Fan


Well-Known Member
yep im having a go at a tent ,
But whats the big deal about a fan !!
It runs at 80 -90 F
& the doors are opened twice a day , for fresh air
PH is good , nutes are solid , water is good
Only in veg, where & Y a fan, plants are healthy, ...........genetics , are there

Im obviously , missing something.............whats the go, please



Well-Known Member
Fans create airflow. That airflow causes the plant to sway in the breeze. And become sturdier. The stronger the branches. The bigger the buds it can hold up while growing.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
first of all to keep the cool to avoid hot spots you will have some serious shit buds garbage no fan . second mold , you can bet you ass you will have power mold in veg and in flower bud rot . you need to run fans 24/7 in veg and in flower . there are a lot of reasons to have a fan bringing co2 to the plants can go on and on . no fan scrap the grow . my opinion . so you should repost this . ( I don't want to run a fan . I don't want to be successful do you feel sorry for me ? ) being harsh on you fan is just important as having a light on for them .

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Your too hot.
What the others said about the plant not getting "hardened".
What bryan said about Powdery Mildew is NOT an if, it's a when, and with those temps, your going to get it bad!
Your not replenishing the air in the tent enough.

LOL an old military saying comes to mind. "Yours is not question why. Yours is just to do or die!"

Getting rid of the PM has got to be one of the biggest pains in the ass in growing. Once you've got it, it's everywhere, as the spores are now on everything. Cleaning and sanitizing to get "everything" clean is soo much fun too....

Get the fan and and follow grow room/tent/area instructions as they are given for proper growing conditions. If you need to know why? Ask after you have it place and running.

Better yet, you should have learned how and why. BEFORE you started!


Well-Known Member
A Full Room Will get stagnant toward the back. I've had plants in the back row suffer and the only difference was air flow. it's not enough to just extract hot air you need to mix it around too. and like others said strengthen stems, hot spots, humidity, etc. you need a fan it doesn't need to be much bub you need one. best if you could blow air under the canopy and above accross the tops. little 6" clip fans work great in small spaces. I've clipped one to the end of my hood before blowing down over my plants, worked great.


Well-Known Member
Like my old man said " do something right, or don't do it at all"

OP what's the big deal about buying little clip fan and an inline fan. Pros outnumber the con. Don't be cheap