Yellow died cripsy leaves (pics)


Active Member
Hey this are my lowryder #2 problems, i am in 42 day, 24 day flower
i am watering with tap water (i leave it outside a couple of days) and i use bio bizz organic fertilizers bio-grow 1ml per litr, top-max 2ml per litr, bio heaven 3ml per litr, bio bloom 2ml per litr i have started with very few dosages in the beggining of the 2 week of veg period and not all in the start.
my ph adjust in water is 6.5-7 and in soil is 7 i use organic fertilizer with every watering and i water them after 5-7 days
i use 250wat cfl 2700k (6400k 200wat on veg period) i also use spray leaf coat from biobizz once per week my soil is allmix
ofcourse i have ventilation
temperutare 20c(night)-25c
before 1 week i have fungus gnats infection(not big just a few flys) and i killed them leaving the water to dry out and with apple vinegar trap. no bugs or pests problems at the moment
i am not sure what it is and i need your help i also flush the water yesterday with only ph adjust but i didn't see any recover yet. please any advice :sad:



Well-Known Member
I had the same issue with my second grow of lowryder 2 after the first grow did GREAT.... the only thing I did different on my second grow was adding ferts in the third week. I now have a third lr2 grow going and so far they are looking very good....and I'm using NO ferts.... they're feeding only on the nutrients in the fox farm ocean forest.
My first grow, I knew nothing about growing....and I used miracle grow and seemed so easy adn they thrived....since I began using fertilizers, organic or otherwise, I've had die offs, yellowing, stunting, etc......
If you can get'em to grow, lr2 is some good smoke with a very different taste.....


Active Member
thanks dude for your reply i just can't get it i think is a nute burn but i can't be sure if i am not using organic fertlizer or some nuts the plants will give me so little yield... that was happened to me in my first grow with no nuts at all.
i am hoping someone would help me a little so i can fix it and wont make the same mistake again.
still no recover progress :( in the beggining they were looking so healthy and green please some advice!!


Well-Known Member
it looks to me like you've either over fertilized which results in nute burn as you said, or you have a nitrogen deficiency. Since the plants are so young, I'd guess an over-fert problem. Try flushing them with straight water for a day or two and watch the new growth closely. If it looks the same, then try a little extra nitrogen next. I believe nitrogen deficiency will start from the bottom of the plants and work its way up, yellowing the leaves as it goes. That's a good indicator as well...
Good luck to you!



Active Member
thanks man! it can't be a nitrogen deficiency because i have used organic fertilizers with nitrogen in basic with every watering. if they wont recover tommorow i will flush them again thanks again for your help!


Well-Known Member
I agree, it must be nute-lock because that looks like a N deficiency, and you've been giving it plenty of N. Since you already flushed, you might as well wait a few days and keep an eye on the newest growth. It should be nice and green again. :)


Active Member
hello still no recover leaves are dying but more slow
i flushed it again with more care, lukewarm water and ph adjusted only x3 of the pot size hoping for a recover now!
i dont want to lose more leaves!
one question when i should start putting nutrients again? (flushed yesterday and today)


Well-Known Member
^I would've given it a 1/2 dose of veg fert at the end of the flushing, but it's not critical. Since they've already started drying, let them go til the need watered again, then give them some fert. As lonmg as you're familiar with the fert and know it won't burn the plant, give it a full strength feeding. If not, go 1/2 strength, then step it up with the next feeding.

And since it's still early in bloom, you could give it a foliar feed if you wanted. That'll help the plant rebound faster than it will through straight root absorbtion. Just make sure you give it a rinsing with straight water within a few days, and wash the residual fert off the plant.


Active Member
thanks jawbrodt sounds good to me i will let the soil to dry out a few days to let the plant breath and then i will start with some ferts and a foliar feed thanks for your idea :)
the plant looks to recover a little bit, at least i dont see any more yellow died leaves to go further to the up leaves only limited as before to the lower leaves. the worst thing is that i had to remove 17 yellow almost died leaves :( because i did this mistake


nitrogen def. fuckit dont up the N your kinda deep into flowering. it should be ok. doesnt look like overfert. plus your useing bio bizz.


Active Member
yes but i was using biobizz with every watering since 2 week of veg i have give them a lot of nitrogen and as i read an article about common mistakes says:

Don't Over fertilize.

Fertilize after first 2 spiked leaves appear follow the label. DON'T FERTILIZE EVERY TIME YOU WATER!!!
Start with 25% and work your way up!
Leach the plants with lots of pure water every 2-4 weeks. Organic growing is recommended. Its tastes better and burns much better.
If the leaves suddenly twist or fold under, Leach and Spray with pure water for several days!


Well-Known Member
yea..PH ...are you growing in soil>? you have already flushed did you check your run off PH? was it LOW?no matter. top dress the soil with dolamite lime POUR WATER OVER. and it will PH out the medium you are growing in . another good product( i hope i dont get bashed) is AN revive. it helps alot getting plants straightened out fast. hard to get anything straight after it has screwed up into bud though.healthy mothers. healthy clones, healthy plants =good production


Active Member
i have checked the ph always from the beggining water adjusted 6.7ph and in soil 7ph i left it to run off a few drops to check
no way that is a ph problem my tap water is alkaline about 8.5 so i have ph down to bring it to around 6.5-7 every time i check it i know how important is
i dont know the EC content of the water.... soil is allmix from biobizz ;)
still i believe it is an overfertilize issue because they are lowryders small plants and they dont need so much fert no matter if it is organic and i had give them much with every water of course i dont use the recommendation of the battle 5ml per litre is way to much but i believe i have give them a lot because i had mixed 4 organic ferts


Active Member
here are some pics seems to look better, i'm starting to use low stress training to take advantage the whole cfl bulb
but still is not recovered well
this is in 3week of flower

what you think?

