yellow leaves completely yellow, help!

sounds like root aphids i had some the other day in coco im pretty sure once they get established ur fucked i used some insecticed that worked but since they lay there eggs in the root system and feed there as larva the dead bugs and eggs caused the roots to start rotting. i would cut your loss and start over because even if you do get the past the rotting process ur yeild will be diminished, also i think the bugs are the reason for yellowing i remember my plant was completly healthy except for some yellowing and micro nute deffeciency and i know my ph was good and pletly of nutes were avalable in the water in conclusion either the bugs actually absorb nutes before it can get to the plant or they damage the root system so certain nutes cannot be taken up by the plant so fuck bugs and good luck


no I dont think so, it was just like 3 little knats. I mean it could be, but I took the plant outa the room and rotated the soil ALOT so would that help?


Well-Known Member
seriously u cant expect us to anwser your problem about your leaves, there is so many causes to yellow leaves .need pics


Well-Known Member
sounds like fungus gnats to me. im fighting them too and its hard to get rid of them all. there are some predatory mites that eat the larvae, and one bacteria i saw that killed them when i was doing research. i decided to just go with yellow sticky traps and sand to keep them off the top of the soil. also i let my soil dry out completely before watering, to the point of the plants starting to wilt just a bit sometimes. im finishing up all my current plants and starting over to be sure and get rid of them all