Yellow Spots need some info


So this is a picture of about day 5 and the leaves are developing these yellow spots... Could it be Mag deficient? To much light? etc? Let me know what you all think... Thanks alot!



i have one 6500k cfl (75wats)... and u prob gonna laugh but this is my first grow and its just a trial period but i grabbed some miracle grow potting mix... i had the light about 4-6 inches above the plant and once i saw those spots i raised them... let me know what other info u need.... thanks


Active Member
Take a look at my journal. One miracle grow has been an iffy subjectbamoungest many. Sometimes more of the lower watts is better then one. Your light should be 3 inches way. It could be lack of light. Where r you growing it. Sometimess you need it to be surronded by reflective material such as mylar. This is my first grow as well


Well-Known Member
nute burn, mg has release feed in it which comes out when u water.

ive used the potting mix and got the same, when ur ready to transplant get some quality soil, until then go easy on the watering and good luck


this is what im workin with... during the day temp stays about 82 degress and about 43% humidity inside, however at night it drops to about mid 60's and the light schedule is a 18/6... i have an exhaust fan up top and one blowing on the bottom... i only moved the light up once i saw the yellow spots... the light was about 4 inches from the plant it self... thanks again!



thats what i figured i wasnt too sure... i appreciate it... any suggestions on soil? foxfarm? black gold?


as for lumens shit man u got me there i threw the box away... but its a 6500k 75 wat cfl, wither 63-69 lumens per wat i think.. sorry


Active Member
ok it tht a 75 watt equivalent or 75 watt actual cause tht would be a hug bulb if it was a 75 actualy. if its equivalent for your space it is not enough lumens at all


Active Member
if its a 75 equiv. for your space tht is not enough, get 2-3 100 equiv. (23 actl) it will put you at 3200 lumens to 4800 roughly. figure you should also have a 24/0 lighting induce the most photosynthesis, you can do tht for most of you sapling and veg state. you can have an exhaust fan at the top with passive holes of intake in the bottom, the exchange of air will keep the cfl cool. so you need to put your plant about 3 inches under, for 10$ you can get the bulbs and a socket to plug adapter (.95$) and set them up on the side, you get more lumens with the cfls on the side instead of directly down, miracle grow is also way to enriched. your better off with some scotts potting soil, what i did. mix with some extra perlite ( better drainage) tht should do you good. remember the more lumens the more dense your buds will be. good luck from one grower to another